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DepthAI Factory Calibration


This package contains two ROS workspace one is for depthai capture and calibration node and another is for Interbotix ViperX 300 Robot Arm 6DOF (KIT-VIPX300-6DOF) arm bot control using moveit.

This repository contains the charuco board used in this calibration setup.

The reason for two workspace is because we need python3 for depthai and python2 for interbotix moveit interface provided by interbotix here.

DepthAI Automated Calibration Example

DepthAI Automated Calibration Example DepthAI Automated Calibration Example

Python3 on ROS Melodic

Follow the video here till 30 min. and then pip install depthai.

Workspace setup procedure on Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Install ROS melodic from here
  2. install dependencies → sudo apt install git cmake python-pip python3-pip
  3. install python virual env using sudo pip install virtualenv
  4. Go to home directory cd ~
  5. Clone the repo git clone
  6. Init the submodules git submodule update --init --recursive

Calibration Node setup

  1. Go to python_ws directory cd ~/Factory-calibration-DepthAI/python3_ws
  2. Create a virtual environment using virtualenv py3venv --python=python3
  3. Activate the virutalenv using source py3venv/bin/activate
  4. Go to the repository main directory cd ~/Factory-calibration-DepthAI
  5. Install the libraries in virtual env using python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Go back to python3_ws workspace cd ~/Factory-calibration-DepthAI/python3_ws
  7. Build the calibration package using catkin_make
  8. Add the ros package sourcing to .bashrc echo "source ~/Factory-calibration-DepthAI/python3_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
  9. USB rules for Movidius echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03e7", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/80-movidius.rules
  10. Reload the usb rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger
  11. Install the image viewer sudo apt install ros-melodic-rqt-image-view

Interbotix viperx 300s arm Node setup

  1. Open a new terminal
  2. Install rosdep sudo apt install python-rosdep2
  3. Open interbotix_ws workspace cd ~/Factory-calibration-DepthAI/interbotix_ws
  4. Initialize rosdep using sudo rosdep init
  5. Build the project using catkin_make (will throw errors thats fine)
  6. rosdep update updates the required dependencies
  7. Install the missing dependencies using rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  8. Build the package again. catkin_make
  9. Installing python dependency not declared in package.xml python -m pip install rospkg pygame
  10. Add pacakage paths to echo "source ~/Factory-calibration-DepthAI/interbotix_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
  11. Load usb rules sudo cp src/interbotix_sdk/10-interbotix-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
  12. Reload the usb rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Running calibration using Interbotix ViperX 300 Robot Arm

  1. Open two terminals say #1 and #2
  2. In #1 start virtual env using source ~/Factory-calibration-DepthAI/python3_ws/py3venv/bin/activate
  3. In #1 start calibration node using roslaunch calibration depthai_calib.launch brd:=bw1098obc (change the board name and add the config file if it is not available)
  4. In #2 use the following command to launch the arm roslaunch interbotix_moveit_interface moveit_interface.launch robot_name:=vx300s use_actual:=true dof:=6
  5. Alternative to step 4. An Applications icon called arm node has been created during build which can also be used to launch the arm. use catkin_make install in interbotix_ws to enable this.

Running calibration without arm Robot(Not Recommended. Please use the python script here).

  1. Open three terminals say #1, #2 and #3
  2. In #1 start virtual env using source ~/Factory-calibration-DepthAI/python3_ws/py3venv/bin/activate
  3. In #1 start calibration node using roslaunch calibration depthai_calib.launch brd:=bw1098obc
  4. Select the CCM in the window. (This is a local logging selection window and doesn't affect the calibration in any way as of now but needed to proceed.)
  5. Run all the following commands in #3 terminal
  6. Run rosservice call /device_status "name: ''" first to check connection and make window available.
  7. In #2 (if using rgb_calibration branc) start rqt visualization rqt_image_view (at the top right corner of the window select color)
  8. Run rosservice call /capture_checkerboard "name: 'right_1'" execute this command to capture image when in position. (need to run this for different positon and while doing so change the name in the command.) And while doing so check the window created by #2 terminal to see if the image is sharp and not out of focus.
  9. After capturing 6+ sharp images in different position execute the following command to calibrate and write to eeprom. rosservice call /calibrate_stereo "name: 'charuco'"
  10. Alternative to step 4. An Applications icon called arm node has been created during build which can also be used to launch the arm.

Example Pass and Fail Results in the Calibration GUI

Image from iOS Image from iOS (1)

Example Calibration Result

Successful Automated Calibration Calibrated Object Localization

Hardware Components and Costs

TOTAL: $5,476