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Golang Bindings for Hack The Box v4 API

Getting Started


To install htbgo you can use the standard method of installing packages with go get

go get


To start using the package in your program you first need to import it

import ""

You will need to create a session with an application token that you can generate in your Hack The Box profile settings

session, err := htbgo.New("HTB_APP_TOKEN")

After creating a session you will be able to use methods to interact with the API


Contributions are welcome, we just ask that you please follow these guidelines:

  • First open an issue for the bug or feature enhancement and be as descriptive as possible.
  • Try to match current naming conventions as closely as possible.
  • Create a Pull Request with your changes against the main branch.


  • This package was created with community documentation as no official documentation of the API was ever provided to the public so endpoints may be missing.
  • As the API has been seen to change frequently keep in mind field types may change. We are sorry for this but we are at the hands of Hack The Box.
  • Interfaces are being used to interpret dynamic types, for example Rank may be 0 or "unranked"


  • Angelo Geant Gaviola - Helping create and maintain the package
  • LunatiX - Helping create and maintain the package
  • Kris Stanley - Creating the HTB v4 API community documentation that was a major resource for this package