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lvemil edited this page Dec 27, 2010 · 35 revisions

What is this?

The goal of this project is to create multiple structured repositories of little chunks of information about any topic. That repository could be used for tracking information that a work team could record in meetings or individual work sessions. The chunks of information could refer to projects, agreements, ideas, tasks, problems, risks, etc, or any other concepts that the team consider relevant.

The repository must be capable of:

  • be updated by multiple persons using pure text chunks (or note) with a simple syntax
  • response to queries indicating date periods, topics, authors, valued tags, etc.
  • being organized in hierarchical topics and valued tags
  • freely and securely evolve in term of topics and valued tags according to team needs
  • avoid semantic duplication by:
    • proposing topics or valued tags similar to those contained in a new chunk
    • refactoring and merging existing topics and valued tags
    • defining a semantic network to relate topics and tags

Wiki index

Ideas Parking Lot


Note: is a short chunk of structured text written by some person in an specific time, it could be marked with valued tags
Topic: is a group of ideas recorded in different moments
Tagged Idea: is the smallest bit of information, it could be marked with valued tags
Valued tag: is a mark that adds relevant information to an idea or note
Repository: is a logical space where notes are stored, it rules the privacy level of information

The name

Must be changed as soon as possible. "snot" (standing for structured note) was the very first idea but after googling a bit for meanings I found that "snot" is a kind of nasal mucus which is not a too much attractive name.


There are some rules that should guide the presentation of the data stored in the repository:

  • the note itself is the less important concept when presenting information
  • the information must be organized by: topics, valued tags
  • author and time of records will always be present when presenting information
  • topics and subtopics are a way to contextualize information so the complete hierarchy of topics must be shown, in some way, when presenting any tagged idea

Sharing information

When a user start using the service the information generated by him (including ideas, topics and valued tags) will be stored in a personal repository. Users will be able to create as many repositories as they needs. At the beginning every new repository will be private but users will be able to invite other users to use repositories created by him. When creating new notes the user will indicate the repository (created by him or those that he was invited to use) where the note will be stored.


The privacy of information will be dependent of the privacy of the repository where it is stored.

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