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small bughouse rating and tracking software

quick setup:

  1. create a bugtrack.db file (run ./ seeddb)
  2. run ./ to start a webserver
  3. browse to http://localhost:2048


following the BPGN convention:

  • the letters 'A' and 'B' refer to boards

  • we arrange players and teams like this:

           BlackA 'a'                WhiteB 'B'
      +---------------+         +---------------+
      |               |         |               |
      |    Board A    |         |    Board B    |
      |               |         |               |
      +---------------+         +---------------+
           WhiteA 'A'                BlackB 'b'
  • due to case insensitivity, the column names in the database for game history use the names "WhiteA", "BlackB", "WhiteB", "BlackA" (in this column order)

  • for brevity, we use 'A', 'b', 'B', 'a' else (javascript, html)

  • we call the teams "top" and "bottom"

  • the winning team is positioned "bottom" into 'A','b' and losers into 'a','B'