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4. Device Management Commands

simen edited this page Oct 10, 2016 · 3 revisions

Command Examples

  1. Read
  2. Write
  3. Discover
  4. Write Attributes
  5. Execute
  6. Create (not supported)
  7. Delete (not supported)
  8. Observe
  9. Ping

In the messasge of these requests:

  • Given keys (oid, iid, rid) to alloacte a Resource
  • Given keys (oid, iid) to alloacte an Object Instance
  • Given a key (oid) to allocate an Object


  • REQ: request
  • RSP: response
  • s2c: Direction is from Server to Client
  • c2s: Direction is from Client to Server


  • Command Id: 0 or 'read'
  • REQ (s2c): { transId, cmdId, oid[, iid[, rid]] }
  • RSP (c2s): { transId, cmdId, status, data }
    • Possible status: 205 (Content), 400 (BadRequest), 404 (NotFound), 405 (MethodNotAllowed)
  • Note: none
  • Examples
    • Read an Object
      // REQ
          transId: 10, cmdId: 0, oid: 3303
      // RSP
          transId: 10, cmdId: 0, status: 205,
          data: {
              '0': { sensorValue: 21, units: 'Cel', minMeaValue: 18, maxMeaValue: 23 },
              '1': { sensorValue: 22.6 },
              '2': { sensorValue: 24.1 }
    • Read an Object Instance
      // REQ
          transId: 11, cmdId: 0, oid: 3303, iid: 0
      // RSP
          transId: 11, cmdId: 0, status: 205,
          data: { sensorValue: 21, units: 'Cel', minMeaValue: 19, maxMeaValue: 32 }
    • Read a Resource
      // REQ
          transId: 12, cmdId: 0, oid: 3303, iid: 0, rid: 5700
      // RSP
          transId: 12, cmdId: 0, status: 205, data: 18


  • Command Id: 1 or 'write'
  • REQ (s2c): { transId, cmdId, oid, iid, rid, data }
  • RSP (c2s): { transId, cmdId, status, data }
    • Possible status: 204 (Changed), 400 (BadRequest), 404 (NotFound), 405 (MethodNotAllowed)
  • Note: Writing an Object or Object Instance is in vain, will return status 405 back
  • Examples
    • Write an Object
      // REQ
          transId: 13, cmdId: 1, oid: 3303,
          data: {
              '0': { units: 'F' }
      // RSP
          transId: 13, cmdId: 1, status: 405, data: null
    • Write an Object Instance
      // REQ
          transId: 14, cmdId: 1, oid: 3303, iid: 0,
          data: {
              units: 'F'
      // RSP
          transId: 14, cmdId: 1, status: 405, data: null
    • Write a Resource
      // REQ
          transId: 15, cmdId: 1, oid: 3303, iid: 0, rid: 5700, data: 22
      // RSP
          transId: 15, cmdId: 1, status: 405, data: '_unwritable_'


  • Command Id: 2 or 'discover'
  • REQ (s2c): { transId, cmdId, oid[, iid[, rid]] }
  • RSP (c2s): { transId, cmdId, status, data }
    • Possible status: 205 (Content), 400 (BadRequest), and 404 (NotFound)
  • Note: Discovering an Object will return you a list of Resource Ids within data.resrcList
  • Examples
    • Discover an Object
      // REQ
          transId: 16, cmdId: 2, oid: 3303
      // RSP
          transId: 16, cmdId: 2, status: 205,
          data: {
              pmin: 1, pmax: 60, cancel: true,
              resrcList: {
                  '0': [ 5700, 5701, 5601, 5602, 5603, 5604 ],
                  '1': [ 5700 ],
                  '2': [ 5700 ]
    • Discover an Object Instance
      // REQ
          transId: 17, cmdId: 2, oid: 3303, iid: 0
      // RSP
          transId: 17, cmdId: 2, status: 205,
          data: { pmin: 1, pmax: 60, cancel: true }
    • Discover a Resource
      // REQ
          transId: 18, cmdId: 2, oid: 3303, iid: 0, rid: 5700
      // RSP
          transId: 18, cmdId: 2, status: 205,
          data: { pmin: 5, pmax: 10, stp: 3, cancel: true }

Write Attributes

  • Command Id: 3 or 'writeAttrs'
  • REQ (s2c): { transId, cmdId, oid[, iid[, rid]], data }
  • RSP (c2s): { transId, cmdId, status, data }
    • Possible status: 204 (Changed), 400 (BadRequest), 404 (NotFound), and 405 (MethodNotAllowed)
  • Note: data is the attributes to be written. LWMQN doesn't support the observation of an Object, thus writting attributes to an Object is in vain, the Client will still return you the current settings.
  • Examples
    • Write attributes to an Object
      // REQ
          transId: 19, cmdId: 3, oid: 3303,
          data: { pmin: 50, pmax: 600 }
      // RSP
          transId: 19, cmdId: 3, status: 204,
          data: { pmin: 1, pmax: 60, cancel: true }   // not changed
    • Write attributes to an Object Instance
      // REQ
          transId: 20, cmdId: 3, oid: 3303, iid: 0,
          data: { pmin: 50, pmax: 600 }
      // RSP
          transId: 20, cmdId: 3, status: 204,
          data: { pmin: 50, pmax: 600, cancel: true }
    • Write attributes to a Resource
      // REQ
          transId: 21, cmdId: 3, oid: 3303, iid: 0, rid: 5700
          data: { pmin: 50, pmax: 600, stp: 10 }
      // RSP
          transId: 21, cmdId: 3, status: 204,
          data: { pmin: 50, pmax: 600, stp: 10, cancel: true }


  • Command Id: 4 or 'execute'
  • REQ (s2c): { transId, cmdId, oid[, iid[, rid]], data }
  • RSP (c2s): { transId, cmdId, status, data }
    • Possible status: 204 (Changed), 400 (BadRequest), 404 (NotFound), 405 (MethodNotAllowed), 500 (InternalServerError)
  • Note: data, which should be an array, is the arguments apply to the executable Resource. This command only valid for Resources.
  • Examples
    • Execute upon an Object
      // REQ
          transId: 22, cmdId: 4, oid: 3303,
          data: [ 'simen' ]
      // RSP
          transId: 22, cmdId: 4, status: 405, data: null
    • Execute upon an Object Instance
      // REQ
          transId: 23, cmdId: 4, oid: 3303, iid: 0,
          data: [ 'simen' ]
      // RSP
          transId: 23, cmdId: 4, status: 405, data: null
    • Execute upon an executable Resource
      // REQ
          transId: 24, cmdId: 4, oid: 3303, iid: 0, rid: 'foo'
          data: [ 'simen' ]
      // RSP
          transId: 24, cmdId: 4, status: 204,
          data: 'hello simen: you are executed. XD'


  • Not supported


  • Not supported


  • Command Id: 5 or 'observe'
  • REQ (s2c): { transId, cmdId, oid, iid, rid, data }
  • RSP (c2s): { transId, cmdId, status, data }
    • Possible status: 205 (Content), 400 (BadRequest), 404 (NotFound), and 405 (MethodNotAllowed)
  • Note: data, aceepts an { option: 1 | 0 } to control the observation. Set data.option to 1 will cancel the reporting. Observation upon an Object is not supported
  • Examples
    • Observe an Object
      // REQ
          transId: 25, cmdId: 5, oid: 3303,
          data: { option: 0 }
      // RSP
          transId: 25, cmdId: 5, status: 405
    • Observe an Object Instance
      // REQ
          transId: 26, cmdId: 5, oid: 3303, iid: 0,
          data: { option: 0 }
      // RSP
          transId: 26, cmdId: 5, status: 205
    • Observe a Resource
      // REQ
          transId: 24, cmdId: 4, oid: 3303, iid: 0, rid: 5700
          data: { option: 0 }
      // RSP
          transId: 26, cmdId: 5, status: 205


  • Command Id: 7 or 'ping'
  • REQ (s2c): { transId, cmdId }
  • RSP (c2s): { transId, cmdId, status }
    • Possible status: 200 (Changed), 408 (Timeout)
  • Note: none
  • Examples
    • Ping the Client
      // REQ
          transId: 27, cmdId: 7
      // RSP
          transId: 27, cmdId: 7, status: 200