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Very resourcefriendly and feature-rich replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust


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Very resourcefriendly and feature-rich replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust

For available blocks and detailed documentation visit the Wiki

About this project

This is a replacement for i3status, aiming to provide the most feature-complete and resource friendly implementation of the i3bar protocol available. We are currently looking for help in implementing more Blocks and Themes! It supports:

  • flexibility through theming
  • icons (optional)
  • individual update intervals per block to reduce system calls
  • click actions
  • blocks can trigger updates asynchronously, which allows for things like dbus signaling, to avoid periodic refreshing of data that rarely changes (example: music block)


i3, rustc, libdbus-dev and cargo. Only tested on Arch Linux.


  • alsa-utils For the volume block
  • lm_sensors For the temperature block
  • speedtest-cli For the speedtest block
  • ttf-font-awesome For the awesome icons. If you want to use the font icons on Arch, install ttf-font-awesome from the AUR.
  • gperftools For dev builds, needed to profile block performance and bottlenecks.
  • powerline-fonts For all themes using the powerline arrow char. Recommended. See powerline on GitHub

How to use it

  1. If you are using Arch Linux, you can install from the AUR: i3status-rust-git and proceed to step 3. Otherwise, clone the repository: git clone
  2. run cd i3status-rust && cargo build --release
  3. Edit example_config.toml to your liking and put it to a sensible place (e.g. ~/.config/i3/status.toml)
  4. Edit your i3 config
    1. In your i3 config, put the path to the output binary as argument for status_command

    2. Add the path to your config file as first and only argument to i3status-rs. See i3status-rs --help for more. NOTE: You need to specify font in the bar section manually to use iconic fonts!

      Example of the bar section in the i3 config from my personal i3 config (Requires awesome-ttf-fonts). The colors block is optional, just my taste:

      bar {
            font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, Icons 12
            position top
            status_command <PATH_TO_i3STATUS>/i3status-rs <PATH_TO_CONFIG>/config.toml
            colors {
                  separator #666666
                  background #222222
                  statusline #dddddd
                  focused_workspace #0088CC #0088CC #ffffff
                  active_workspace #333333 #333333 #ffffff
                  inactive_workspace #333333 #333333 #888888
                  urgent_workspace #2f343a #900000 #ffffff
  5. Reload i3: i3 reload

Breaking changes

i3status-rs is very much still in development, so breaking changes before a 1.0.0 release will occur. Following are guides on how to update your configurations to match breaking changes.

Configuration changed

Recently, the configuration has been changed:

  • Switched from JSON to TOML
  • Inlined the themes and icons configurations into the new main configuration
  • Removed the command-line arguments --theme and --icons

Update your configuration to match the structure of the current example_config.toml:

theme = "solarized-dark"
icons = "awesome"

block = "disk_space"
path = "/"
alias = "/"
info_type = "available"
unit = "GB"
interval = 20

block = "memory"
display_type = "memory"
format_mem = "{Mup}%"
format_swap = "{SUp}%"

block = "cpu"
interval = 1

block = "load"
interval = 1
format = "{1m}"

block = "sound"

block = "time"
interval = 60
format = "%a %d/%m %R"

Things to note:


Very resourcefriendly and feature-rich replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust







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  • Rust 100.0%