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In this project, We use TypeScript to implement a small subset of Rust.


To build,

$ git clone https://<url>/x-slang.git
$ cd x-slang
$ yarn
$ yarn build

To add "x-slang" to your PATH, build it as per the above instructions, then run

$ cd dist
$ npm link

If you do not wish to add "js-slang" to your PATH, replace "js-slang" with "node dist/repl/repl.js" in the following examples.

To try out Rust in a REPL, run

$ js-slang 'fn main(){
>>     println!(\"Hello world!\")
>> }'

Note: Add \ in front of " since it is inside a string.

If you want to run a project in a file, run

$ js-slang '$path/to/file_name'

Parser of Rust

We use the online source of grammar-v4/Rust.

The grammar for the calculator language is defined in src/Rust/RustParser.g4 as an ANTLR Grammar, and the other files in ./src/Rust/ are generated from this file using the antlr4ts rule (i.e yarn run antlr4ts) defined in ./package.json:

// file: package.json
  // ...
  "scripts": {
    // ...
    "antlr4ts": "antlr4ts -visitor ./src/lang/Rust.g4"
  // ...

The src/parser/parser.ts module then imports and invokes the ANTLR4 generated parser.

We then map the ANTLR parse tree into a simplified AST for further processing using the auto-generated ANTLR visitor classes.

Type Checker of Rust

Interpreter of Rust

We use TypeScript to interpret the Rust program.

The structure of the interpreter is not well-designed. Some of the errors that should be checked by the type checker are included in the interpreter.

PS: Remember to run your program in the main of function.

println! Function

You can use the println! function of Rust to print in the terminal.

fn main(){
     println!("Hello world!")

(As we describe above, remember to add a \ in front of each " in order to run it in terminal)

To print out the value of a variable,

fn main(){
    let mut a:bool = true;

The value of variable a will replace the place of {} in the string.

For more detail, see line 1250 in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts, which is a part of builtin_evaluators.

Boolean, Integer, Float

These types shares the same logic basically.

An example of Boolean type:

fn main(){
    let mut a:bool = true;

Array, Tuple

An array object owns a set of items with the same type.


fn main(){
    let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

An array object owns a set of items that might have different types.


fn main(){
    let x: (i32, f64 = (500, 6.4;



fn main(){
    struct Point {x: i32, y: i32}
    let p = Point {x: 10, y: 11};

We store the property of struct declaration as an array in the environment. When we create a struct object, we regard it as a function call. To store the values of properties, we store them in the array in the order of the property array of the struct declaration.



fn main(){
    let x;
    let number=6;
    if number < 5 {
    } else if number >7 {
    } else {

For more details, see function evaluateIfStatement in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts


We implement three kinds of loops: loop, while and for

Example of loop

fn main(){
    let mut counter = 0;
    loop {
        counter = counter + 1;
        if counter == 10 {
            println!("Finish at {}",counter);

Example of while

fn main(){
    let mut number = 3;
    while number != 0 {
        number = number - 1;

In our implementation, loop will be regarded as a while loop where the expression of the condition always return true. For more details, see function evaluateWhileStatement in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts.

Example of for

fn main(){
    for number in 1..5 {
        println!("number is {}", number);

For more details, see function evaluateForInStatement in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts.


fn f(x: i32,y: i32) -> i32 {
    let a = 5; 
fn main(){
    let a = f(1,2);

When we declare a function, we store the body of the function in the environment and prebuild a closure with all the parameters without their values. For more details, see function declareFunction in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts.

When we call a function, we use the prebuilt closure and assign each parameter with its value. For more details, see function evaluateCallExpression in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts.



fn main(){
    let a = 3;
    let b = &a;

The variable will store the variable it points to in the environment.

There are two types of references: mutable reference and immutable reference. You can change the value of the variable it points to through mutable reference.


fn main(){
    let mut s = 5;
    let a = &mut s;

You can do pass-by-reference by using the reference type.


fn change(reference: &mut i32) {
    *reference = 6;
fn main(){
    let mut s = 5;
    println!("s is {}",s);
    change(&mut s);
    println!("s is {}",s);

Rules for Reference

The first rule is that one variable can only have one type of reference. In other words, we cannot have a mutable reference and an immutable reference pointing to the same variable.


fn main(){
    let mut s = 5;
    let r1 = &s; 
    let r2 = &mut s; // error
    println!("{}, {}", r1, r2);

The second rule is that we cannot have two mutable reference pointing to the same variable.


fn main(){
    let mut s = 5;
    let r1 = &mut s;
    let r2 = &mut s;// error
    println!("{}, {}", *r1, *r2);

This is an example that is allowed:

fn main(){
    let mut s = 5;
        let r1 = &s; // allowed
        let r2 = &s;
        println!("{} {}",*r1, *r2);
    let r3 = &mut s; // allowed

To achieve these two rules, when there is a variable a pointing to b, we store the reference type(& or &mut) and the variable name(i.e. a) as the properties of variable b. And each time the program goes out of the current scope, it will update the reference information if there is some variable declared in the environment pointing to some variable not in the local scope. For more details, see functions updateVariableReferenceByName and setVariableReferenceByName in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts.

Return a Reference

For functions returning a reference type, they cannot return a reference pointing to a local variable.

fn reference()->&i32{
    let a=1; 

fn main(){
    let r = reference(); // error

If we return some reference, the interpreter will check whether it returns a reference to a local variable. For more details, see function evaluateCallExpression in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts.

Box Pointer

We implement Box pointer, one of smart pointer type. It will allocate the value it points to on the heap, instead of some place in the environment.


fn main(){
    let a = Box::new(3);
fn main(){
    let a = Box::new([1,2]);
fn main(){
    struct Point {x: i32, y: i32}
    let p = Point {x: 10, y: 11};
    let bp = Box::new(p);

In our implementation, we use some 'fake' representation of the call expression of Box. We just regard Box::new as a built-in function of Rust(see builtin_evaluators in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts). If you want to add some feature related to new, you could change a more meaningful way to represent the call expression of Box.

We can return the Box pointer by a function

fn f()->Box<i32>{
    let a = Box::new(1); 
fn main(){
    let b = f(); // allowed

We can use Box pointer to define some recursive data type.

Invalid example:

enum List {
    Cons(i32, List),//error

fn main(){
    let list = List::Cons(1,Nil); 

Valid example:

enum List {
    Cons(i32, Box<List>), //allowed
fn main(){
    let list = List::Cons(1, Box::new(List::Cons(2, List::Nil)));

This is the example provided by the official Rust learning reference book called The Rust Programming Language. The reason why we need it is illustrated by the figure below.


​ Figure 1: the structure of the invalid example


​ Figure 2: the structure of the valid example

Rust avoid pushing some object with infinite size into the stack to protect the memory. So we need this alternative definition of the recursive object.

We just implement the enum part which is used in this example. However, we did not exactly implement the enum type or the way to access the value of the link list.

Environment and Heap

To store the variables and represent the rust environment, we use a interface struct of the TypeScript (see Frame in src/type/type.ts).

We use a tuple to represent the heap of Rust. The properties of the heap are included in Context structure (see Context in src/type/type.ts). Each 'bit' of the heap(i.e. each item of the tuple) is an integer. The meaning of the bit at each position of the node is defined at the beginning of src/interpreter/interpreter.ts. Each node has at least 6 items. The first five of them are the node type, the node size, the flag for garbage collection, and the offset of the first and last children of the node.

For the node of a single value object(i32, f32, mutable/immutable reference), the sixth item is the value of the object. The offset of the first child is 0 and the offset of the last is -1, which means it does not have any child. For example, the i32 node on the heap is represented as


For the node of multiple-value object(array, tuple, struct etc.), the offset of the first child is 0 and the offset of the last is the number of the objects it has. The items at the end of the node are the address of its children node on the heap. For example, the array node on the heap is represented as

[NODETYPE_ARRAY, size, flag, first_child, last_child, address of 1st child, address of 2nd child, ... ,address of the last child]

When we declare a struct or enum, we will define a new type of node in the global value OBJECT_TYPES in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts.

For the node of Box object, the offset of the first child is 0 and the offset of the last is 1, which means it has one item. And the sixth item is the address of the object it points to on the heap.

For more details, see functions pushToHeap, read_heap_value in src/interpreter/interpreter.ts.

Garbage Collection

We use the Cheney's Algorithm for our garbage collection.

Example to show it works:

fn main(){
    let mut b; // allowed
    for i in 1..100{
        b = Box::new(1);

Example which causes heap overflow (since we initialize the heap size as a small value).

fn main(){
    let mut a =Box::new(1);
    let mut b =Box::new(1);
    let mut c =Box::new(1);
    let mut d =Box::new(1);
    let mut e =Box::new(1);
    let mut f =Box::new(1);
    // it will report an error of exceeding the heap


The Rust Programming Language

Rust by Example


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