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Implementing Custom Spring Events β˜ƒοΈ

Lyes Sefiane edited this page Jan 18, 2023 · 1 revision

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Customer Registration Use Case

Imagine a customer has initiated registration, such a use case would persist a customer in the database and trigger an email service, may be invoke external CRM registration system and many other things.


Imperative Style

In a typical imperative style, the CustomerService class would call CustomerRepository to store a customer in the database and trigger an EmailService as shown in the following code.

import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class CustomerService {

    private final CustomerRepository customerRepository;

    private final EmailService emailService;

    public void register(Customer customer) {;

    public void remove(Customer customer){

Q1 : Why should the customer registration process know about email registration and/or any other functionalities ?

  • This could create a cyclic dependencies and Single Responsibility Principle violation. Testing becomes much more harder as we might need to mock different dependencies.

Event System


Let's create an Event : CustomerRegisteredEvent (we can extends an 'ApplicationEvent' base class, however since Spring 4.2 this is no longer required).

import lombok.Data;

public class CustomerRegisteredEvent {

    private final Customer customer;


In CustomerSerice class, to publish an event, we need to inject 'ApplicationEventPublisher' bean and call 'publishEvent' method and provide 'CustomerRegisteredEvent' as argument.

import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class CustomerService {

    private final CustomerRepository customerRepository;

    private final ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;

    public void register(Customer customer) {;
        publisher.publishEvent(new CustomerRegisteredEvent(customer));

    public void remove(Customer customer) {


Let's implement an event listener

  • ApplicationListener Interface Usage Limitations
    • Only used for objects extending 'ApplicationEvent'
    • Listener can only have one method for event type
    • Supports void return type

Starting Spring 4.2, it's possible to annotate a method over Spring bean with @EventListener. Each method will be automatically registered as a new application listener to listen for one or many events depending on the signature of the method.


Annotated methods may have a non-void return type (unlike ApplicationListener interface). When they do, the result of the method is sent as new event. If the return type is either an array or a collection, each element is sent as a new individual event.


It is also possible to define the order in which listeners for the same event are to be invoked (add @Order(i) where i is an integer, on the method signature along with @EventListener annotation).

  • Let's create EmailListener class
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.context.event.EventListener;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class EmailListeners
    private final EmailService emailService;

    public void onRegisterEvent(CustomerRegisteredEvent event) {
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