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Omniauth without external window #654

killerham opened this issue Jun 3, 2016 · 24 comments

Omniauth without external window #654

killerham opened this issue Jun 3, 2016 · 24 comments


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My users want to login with facebook and I have it setup where they can log into facebook using Facbook SDK on iOS. I want to pass the oauth access_token from SDK to omniauth, skipping the external window that devise_token_auth handles.

My question is how can I send an API request to /auth/:provider to go through the omniauth process when I already have an omniauth token?

I also am using the facebook-access-token gem which will handle the oauth token.

Related issues:

Any advice is appreciated!

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Anyone have any tips on this?

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Any solutions are appreciated!

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I couldn't find a solution to this using devise_token_auth, and eventually gave up and used devise along with the tiddle gem.

I've uploaded an example rails app, along with an android app currently using Google oAuth2 for authentication. I wonder if that might help you?

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@glapworth I didn't want to re-implement a bunch of my tests and different API setups. However I did find a solution!

Send a GET request to omniauth/:provider/callback with "access_token": token, "resource_class": "User"} as params.

Override devise's OmniAuthCallbacksController not token_auth's.

def self.provides_callback_for(provider)
class_eval %Q{
      def #{provider}

        if request.format == 'json'
          # derive target redirect route from 'resource_class' param, which was set
          # before authentication.
          redirect_route = "/api/v2/auth/#{provider}/callback?\#{params.to_param}"

          # preserve omniauth info for success route. ignore 'extra' in twitter
          # auth response to avoid CookieOverflow.
          session['dta.omniauth.auth'] = request.env['omniauth.auth'].except('extra')
          session['dta.omniauth.params'] = request.env['omniauth.params']

          redirect_to redirect_route

        # else do standard devise stuff

[:twitter, :facebook, :facebook_access_token, :linked_in].each do |provider|
    provides_callback_for provider

As you can see... this method is super hacky... I hardcoded the redirect route. If anyone has a better suggestion for this that would be great! Most of the code was taken from DeviseTokenAuth::OmniauthCallbacksController #redirect_callbacks

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+1, waiting for any more answers.

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tobeee commented Nov 17, 2016

Did anyone find a better solution for this?

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I just created 2 pull request for this purpose, FYI!

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+1 on this.

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I'm confused. It seems as though one of the main attractions for using token authentication is being able to authenticate a user on a phone using something like facebook-sdk on the client. Is there some standard way to authenticate a mobile user on my rails server that I'm not seeing? I was under the impression that devise is more or less a standard for this, but it feels like I'm jumping through a lot of hoops here( overriding devise controller methods ) just to make this gem not use a redirect for omniauth, and ultimately being able to play nice with the iOS/Android facebook-sdk. If this isn't the standard what is? Or do most people just roll their own authentication entirely?

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geoandri commented Apr 6, 2017

Any news on this?

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vexsnare commented Sep 13, 2017

Any update on this? Or is there any other alternative for those who are using rails as their backend API and using FACEBOOK login in their mobile APP.

I am stuck at this, I am working on something similar to Tinder facebook login where I need to create account in backend once I get fb_token.

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hugohow commented Sep 15, 2017


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geoandri commented Sep 26, 2017

I have implemented a basic working solution on this using the Koala Gem. I created a route for this purpose eg 'customer_facebook_auth'. Then in the relevant controller using the facebook token that the mobile app acquired I create the new user (customer in my case) with the facebook user attributes. The facebook user attributes can be fetched using the Koala library gem.

class Api::V1::CustomerFacebookAuthController < ApplicationController
  def login_customer
    @graph =['access_token'])
    @f_profile = @graph.get_object('me', fields: ['email', 'id', 'name'])

    create_and_sign_in_user @f_profile


  def create_and_sign_in_user facebook_profile
    if Customer.where(provider: 'email', email: facebook_profile['email']).count > 0
      render json: 'This email has already been taken'
      @resource = Customer.where(
        uid: facebook_profile['id'],
        provider: 'facebook'

      p = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false)
      @resource.password = p
      @resource.password_confirmation = p = facebook_profile['name'] = facebook_profile['email']

      @token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false)

      @client_id = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false)
      @token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false)

      @resource.tokens[@client_id] = {
        token: BCrypt::Password.create(@token),
        expiry: ( + DeviseTokenAuth.token_lifespan).to_i
    render json: {
      data: resource_data(resource_json: @resource.customer_token_validation_response)

  def resource_data(opts={})
    opts[:resource_json] || @resource.as_json

Hope it helps.

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gibo commented Nov 17, 2017

is there an official solution for this?

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@gibo there is not, but we do take pull requests! We'd love to see yours.

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gibo commented Nov 17, 2017

@zachfeldman seems like there is already a PR for this :) #793

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Ah, I didn't realize this was the same thing! Sorry about that @gibo .

Have you tested the code in the open PR? If you've tested it along with the code that's currently in beta:
#972 (comment)

then we may merge that PR sooner rather than later.

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gibo commented Nov 17, 2017

@zachfeldman I’ll give it a test

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gibo commented Nov 18, 2017

I made a small change to @geoandri code, as it was not returning the correct headers

def create_and_or_sign_in_profile facebook_profile
  @resource = Profile.find_by email: facebook_profile['email']

  @client_id = request.headers['client']    

  if @resource.nil?
    @resource = Profile.create(provider: 'email', uid: facebook_profile['id'], email: facebook_profile['email'])
    p = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false)
    @resource.password = @resource.password_confirmation = p = facebook_profile['name'] = facebook_profile['email']

  @token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false)

  @resource.tokens[@client_id] = {
    token: BCrypt::Password.create(@token),
    expiry: ( + DeviseTokenAuth.token_lifespan).to_i

  auth_header = @resource.create_new_auth_token @client_id

  render json: {
    data: resource_data(resource_json: @resource.token_validation_response)

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Nice @gibo. Want to maybe submit a clean PR if you're done testing?

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gibo commented Nov 19, 2017

I don't think it can really be tidied up into a PR, it really seems that Omniauth cannot be used with rails-api projects and therefore devise token auth.

I think there needs to be a new gem created to handle this scenario which integrates into devise token auth.

but for the time being perhaps the code above could be put into the read me?

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