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File metadata and controls

84 lines (61 loc) · 4.43 KB

Laravel TDD Api's Todo List App

This is API's of Todo List App that allows users to create and manage todo lists and tasks using Laravel and Test Driven Development (TDD).


  • Users can register and login with their email and password.
  • Users can create, edit, delete and mark as completed their own todo lists.
  • Users can add, edit, delete and mark as done their own tasks within a todo list.
  • Users can view all their todo lists and tasks.


To install this application, you need to have PHP, Composer and MySQL installed on your system. Then follow these steps:

  • Clone this repository to your local machine: git clone
  • Navigate to the project directory: cd laravel_tdd_1
  • Install the dependencies: composer install
  • configure the .env
  • Generate an application key: php artisan key:generate
  • Run the database migrations and seeders: php artisan migrate --seed
  • Start the local development server: php artisan serve
  • Running route list, to see all endpoints API : php artisan route:list


Testing Using PHP Unit

This application uses PHPUnit for testing. To run the tests, use this command: php artisan test or vendor/bin/phpunit


Testing on VsCode


The tests cover the following features:

  • User registration and login
  • Todo list creation, editing, deletion and completion
  • Task creation, editing, deletion and completion

Test Coverage

Exceptions\Handler  .......................................................... 100.0 %  
Http/Controllers/Auth\LoginController  ....................................... 100.0 %  
Http/Controllers/Auth\RegisterController  .................................... 100.0 %  
Http/Controllers\Controller  ................................................. 100.0 %  
Http/Controllers\TaskController  ............................................. 100.0 %  
Http/Controllers\TodoListController  ......................................... 100.0 %  
Http\Kernel  ................................................................. 100.0 %  
Http/Requests\LoginRequest ..................................................... 0.0 %  
Http/Requests\RegisterRequest  ............................................... 100.0 %  
Http/Requests\TaskRequest  ................................................... 100.0 %  
Http/Requests\TodoListRequest  ............................................... 100.0 %  
Models\Task  ................................................................. 100.0 %  
Models\TodoList  ............................................................. 100.0 %  
Models\User  ................................................................. 100.0 %  
Providers\AppServiceProvider  ................................................ 100.0 %  
Providers\AuthServiceProvider  ............................................... 100.0 %  
Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider ............................................. 0.0 %  
Providers\EventServiceProvider  .............................................. 100.0 %  
Providers\RouteServiceProvider  .............................................. 100.0 %  

Total Coverage ................................................................ 80.6 %  

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This application is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.