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How does it work?

Lucas edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

Every round your weight increases by a random small amount. As your weight grows your chances of becoming traitor grows, though even with a high amount of weight you are not guaranteed to become traitor. To get a better idea of how this works a walkthrough of a round is available below. This process is using the default settings, if certain convars are set you may get bonus weight, for example if you increase the weight for good karma they will get a small amount of extra weight added to the standard amount they get every round.

Notes for understanding certain terms:

  1. A standard amount of weight is random between 6 and 10.
  2. A default weight after being selected as traitor is random between 1 and 5.

Round 4

  • Players

    • Patrick - Was not in the previous map and has been playing for 3 rounds. weight:14
    • Plankton - This is his first round playing and gets his first weight. weight: 4
    • Spongebob - He has been playing since the previous map and hasn't been traitor yet. His weight has carried over plus an additional 4 rounds. weight 86
    • Sandy - Has been playing a good amount of rounds and been lucky with the random weight given each round. weight: 42
  • The first thing we do is use the players current weight to determine who the traitor will be for this round.

    • Add all weight of all players - 146
    • Choose a random weight to beat between 1 and 146, lets say it is 51
    • Shuffle a list of all players ensuring randomness of order.
    • Loop through the shuffled player list one by one subtracting the players weight from the random amount to beat (51). Lets say the order is Sandy, Patrick, Plankton, Spongebob
      • Subtract Sandys weight of 42 from 51 leaving 9 left, Sandy is not chosen as traitor and it moves to the next person.
      • Subtract Patricks weight of 14 from the 9 which ends results in -9. Patrick is selected as traitor since his weight caused the amount to go under 0.
      • If only 1 traitor is required Plankton and Spongebob are not checked.
      • If more than 1 traitor is being selected it repeats this process with out Patrick being in the list.
  • After the selection process occurs

    • Patrick is reset back to a default amount of weight since he was selected as traitor. weight: 3
    • Plankton gains a standard amount of weight for playing. +10 weight: 14
    • Spongebob gains a standard amount of weight for playing. +7 weight: 93
    • Sandy gains a standard amount of weight for playing. +6 weight: 48

This example shows how someone who has a low weight still has the chance of being traitor, however if the shuffle had ordered things differently and put Spongebob first he would of instantly been traitor since 51 minus 86 would cause it to fall under 0. He also would of been traitor if the order had been Patrick, Plankton, Spongebob as Patrick and Plankton would not cause the number to beat (51) to go under 0.

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