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    yasql - Yet Another SQL*Plus replacement

    yasql [options] [logon] [@<file>[.ext] [<param1> <param2>]

        <*username*>[/<*password*>][@<*connect_string*>] | /


        -d *debuglevel*, --debug=*debuglevel*
            Turn debuggin on to *debuglevel* level. Valid levels: 1,2,3,4

        -H *hostaddress*, --host=*hostaddress*
            Host to connect to

        -p *hostport*, --port=*hostport*
            Host port to connect to

        -s *SID*, --sid=*SID*
            Oracle SID to connect to

        -h, -?, --help
            Output usage information and quit.

        -A, --nocomp
            Turn off the generation of the auto-completion list at startup.
            Use This if it takes too long to generate the list with a large

        -b, --bench, --benchmark
            Turn on extended benchmark info, which includes times and CPU
            usages for both queries and formatting.

        -v, --version
            Print version and exit


        Connect to local database

            yasql user
            yasql user/password
            yasql user@LOCAL
            yasql user/password@LOCAL
            yasql -h localhost
            yasql -h localhost -p 1521
            yasql -h localhost -p 1521 -s ORCL

        Connect to remote host

            yasql user@REMOTE
            yasql user/password@REMOTE
            yasql -h
            yasql -h -p 1512
            yasql -h -p 1512 -s ORCL

    If no connect_string or a hostaddress is given, then will attempt to
    connect to the local default database.

    YASQL is an open source Oracle command line interface. YASQL features a
    much kinder alternative to SQL*Plus's user interface. This is meant to
    be a complete replacement for SQL*Plus when dealing with ad hoc queries
    and general database interfacing. It's main features are:

    Full ReadLine support
        Allows the same command line style editing as other ReadLine enabled
        programs such as BASH and the Perl Debugger. You can edit the
        command line as well as browse your command history. The command
        history is saved in your home directory in a file called
        .yasql_history. You can also use tab completion on all table and
        column names.

    Alternate output methods
        A different style of output suited to each type of need. There are
        currently table, list and CSV output styles. Table style outputs in
        the same manner as SQL*Plus, except the column widths are set based
        on the width of the data in the column, and not the column length
        defined in the table schema. List outputs each row on it's own line,
        column after column for easier viewing of wide return results. CSV
        outputs the data in Comma Seperated Values format, for easy import
        into many other database/spreadsheet programs.

    Output of query results
        You can easily redirect the output of any query to an external file

    Data Input and Binding
        YASQL allows you to bind data in an external CSV file to any query,
        using standard DBI placeholders. This is the ultimate flexibility
        when inserting or updating data in the database.

    Command pipes
        You can easily pipe the output of any query to an external program.

    Tab completion
        All tables, columns, and other misc objects can be completed using
        tab, much like you can with bash.

    Easy top rownum listings
        You can easily put a number after a terminator, which will only
        output those number of lines. No more typing "where rownum < 10"
        after every query. Now you can type 'select * from table;10'

    Enhanced Data Dictionary commands
        Special commands like 'show tables', 'desc <table>', 'show indexes
        on <table>', 'desc <sequence>', and many many more so that you can
        easily see your schema.

    Query editing
        You can open and edit queries in your favorite text editor.

    Query chaining
        You can put an abitrary number of queries on the same line, and each
        will be executed in turn.

    Basic scripting
        You can put basic SQL queries in a script and execute them from

    Config file
        You can create a config file of options so that you don't have to
        set them everytime you run it.

    Future extensibility
        We, the community, can modify and add to this whatever we want, we
        can't do that with SQL*Plus.

    Perl 5
        This was developed with Perl 5.6, but is known to work on 5.005_03
        and above. Any earlier version of Perl 5 may or may not work. Perl 4
        will definately not work.

    Unix environment
        YASQL was developed under GNU/Linux, and aimed at as many Unix
        installations as possible. Known to be compatible with GNU/Linux,
        AIX and Sun Solaris. Please send me an email
        ( if it works for other platforms. I'd be
        especially interested if it worked on Win32.

    Oracle Server
        It has been tested and developed for Oracle8 and Oracle8i. There is
        atleast one issue with Oracle7 that I know of (see ISSUES below) and
        I have not tested it with Oracle9i yet.

    Oracle client libraries
        The Oracle client libraries must be installed for DBD::Oracle. Of
        course you can't install DBD::Oracle without them...

        DBD::Oracle must be installed since this uses DBI for database

        The ORACLE_HOME environment variable must be set if you use a
        connection descriptor to connect so that YASQL can translate the
        descriptor into usefull connection information to make the actual

        The ORACLE_SID environment variable must be set unless you specify
        one with the -s option (see options above).

        Term::Readline must be installed (it is with most Perl
        installations), but more importantly, installing Term::ReadLine::Gnu
        from CPAN will greatly enhance the usability.

        This is used for high resolution benchmarking. It is optional.

        This perl module is required if you want to output CSV or input from
        CSV files. If you don't plan on using this features, then you don't
        need to install this module.

        This module is used for better input and output control. Right now
        it isn't required, but some parts of YASQL will look and function
        better with this installed.

    YASQL will look for a config file first in ~/.yasqlrc then
    /etc/yasql.conf. The following options are available:

    connection_timeout = <seconds>
        Timeout for connection attempts

        Default: 20

    max_connection_attempts = <num>
        The amount of times to attempt the connection if the
        username/password are wrong

        Default: 3

    history_file = <file>
        Where to save the history file. Shell metachars will be globbed

        Default: ~/.yasql_history

    pager = <file>
        Your favorite pager for extended output. (right now only the help

        Default: /bin/more

    auto_commit = [0/1]
        Autocommit any updates/inserts etc

        Default: 0

    commit_on_exit = [0/1]
        Commit any pending transactions on exit. Errors or crashes will
        still cause the current transaction to rollback. But with this on a
        commit will occur when you explicitly exit.

        Default: 0

    long_trunc_ok = [0/1]
        Long truncation OK. If set to 1 then when a row contains a field
        that is set to a LONG time, such as BLOB, CLOB, etc will be
        truncated to long_read_len length. If 0, then the row will be
        skipped and not outputted.

        Default: 1

    long_read_len = <num_chars>
        Long Read Length. This is the length of characters to truncate to if
        long_trunc_ok is on

        Default: 80

    edit_history = [0/1]
        Whether or not to put the query edited from the 'edit' command into
        the command history.

        Default: 1

    auto_complete = [0/1]
        Whether or not to generate the autocompletion list on connection. If
        connecting to a large database (in number of tables/columns sense),
        the generation process could take a bit. For most databases it
        shouldn't take long at all though.

        Default: 1

    extended_complete_list = [0/1]
        extended complete list will cause the possible matches list to be
        filled by basicly any and all objects. With it off the tab list will
        be restricted to only tables, columns, and objects owned by the
        current user.

        Default: 0

    complete_tables = [0/1]
        This controls whether or not to add tables to the completion list.
        This does nothing if auto_complete is set to 0.

        Default: 1

    complete_columns = [0/1]
        This controls whether or not to add columns to the completion list.
        This does nothing if auto_complete is set to 0.

        Default: 1

    complete_objects = [0/1]
        This controls whether or not to add all other objects to the
        completion list. This does nothing if auto_complete is set to 0.
        (Hint... depending on your schema this will include tables and
        columns also, so you could turn the other two off)

        Default: 1

    extended_benchmarks = [0/1]
        Whether or not to include extended benchmarking info after queries.
        Will include both execution times and CPU loads for both the query
        and formatting parts of the process.

        Default: 0

        A string to include in the prompt. The prompt will always be
        suffixed by a '>' string. Interpolated variables: %H = connected
        host. will be prefixed with a '@' %U = current user

        Default: %U%H

    column_wildcards = [0/1]
        Column wildcards is an extremely experimental feature that is still
        being hashed out due to the complex nature of it. This should affect
        only select statements and expands any wildcards (*) in the column
        list. such as 'select col* from table;'.

        Default: 0

    sql_query_in_error = [0/1]
        This this on to output the query in the error message.

        Default: 0

    nls_date_format = <string>
        Set the preferred NLS_DATE_FORMAT. This effects both date input and
        output formats. The default is ISO standard (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS',
        not oracle default (YYYY-MM-DD).

        Default: YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS

        Turn on fast describes. These are much faster than the old style of
        desc <table>, however non-built in datatypes may not be returned
        properly. i.e. a FLOAT will be returned as a NUMBER type. Internally
        FLOATs really are just NUMBERs, but this might present problems for
        you. If so, set this to 0

        Default: 1

        DBD::Oracle for Oracle8 may have issues connecting to an Oracle7
        database. The one problem I have seen is that the use of
        placeholders in a query will cause oracle to issue an error
        "ORA-01008: not all variables bound". This will affect all of the
        hard-coded queries that I use such as the ones for the 'desc' and
        'show' commands. The queries that you type in on the command line
        may still work. The DBD::Oracle README mentions the use of the '-8'
        option to the 'perl Makefile.PL' command to use the older Oracle7
        OCI. This has not been tested.

    Originaly written by Nathan Shafer ( with support
    from Ephibian, Inc. Now it is mostly developed
    and maintained by Balint Kozman (

    Thanks to everyone at Ephibian that helped with testing, and a special
    thanks to Tom Renfro at Ephibian who did a lot of testing and found
    quite a few doozies. Also a lot of thanks goes to the mates at
    who keep suffering from testing new features on them.

    The following people have also contributed to help make YASQL what it
    is: Allan Peda, Lance Klein, Scott Kister, Mark Dalphin, Matthew Walsh

    And always a big thanks to all those who report bugs and problems,
    especially on other platforms.

    Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Ephibian, Inc., 2005

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

    desc a synomym doesn't keep the right schema... I think. Saw in desc
    parking.customer when logged in as cccrsmgr in 3c db
    allow history to be saved based on host (as an option)
    make stifle_history a configurable option
    a row is printed after "Attempting to cancel query"
    reading from a script will not change prompt properly (for a script with
    no terminator)
    NULL stops printing after table goes into overflow or something
    extra space in \G... maybe others
    bug: tag completion doesn't work with caps anymore
    Add support for /NOLOG
    allow dblinks in show blah on blah commands
    show query doesn't work with schemas and db links
    add save and get buffer commands
    add R[UN] command (/ equivilent)
    add support for just 'connect' and prompt for username and password
    add PASSW[ORD] command for changing password
    add -s[ilent] command line to suppress all startup output and command
    add 'start' command for scripting
    add 'run' synonum for '/'
    add 'show parameters <filter>' support
    fix segfaults when cancelling large outputs
    Add a 'SPOOL' command
    fix 'set...' commands
    Add variable bindings, prompting, control structures, etc.
    be able to describe any kind of object
    Add 'startup queries' in config file or support glogin.sql and login.sql
    fix case sensitive object names
    make win32 compliant
    add better error messages when the user can't access a data dictionary
    add better error output, with line/col numbers and maybe a pointer.
    add chained ops, exactly like bash
    add plugins and hooks for all aspects.
    Add smarter tables and wrapping in columns. Also add configurable max
    column widths and max table width.
    Add a curses interface option for easy viewing and scrolling, etc. This
    will require some research to determine if it's even worth it.
    Add HTML output option

    $Log: yasql,v $ Revision 1.83 2005/05/09 16:57:13 qzy Fixed the
    'DECIMAL' problem with describe command. Added sql mode with \i (patch
    by Ed Avis). Added redirectors (>, >>, |) to describe. Added 'show user'
    command. Added 'show uid' command. Added new makefile targets: clean,
    check. (patch by Ed Avis) Added "and owner = ?" to some show targets
    (patch by anonymous). Added command_complete_list feature and config
    option. Added disconnect command Added command completion: select,
    update, insert, delete, execute, etc. Added table.column name
    completion. Added feature to run tty-less (patch by Michael Kroell).
    Added a workaround for SunOS's alarm() bug (patch by Ed Avis). Fixed
    some minor issues in parser code.

    Revision 1.82 2005/02/18 16:57:13 qzy Added batch mode (ewl patch).
    Allow connections AS SYSDBA, AS SYSOPER and internal (sysdba patch by
    Derek Whayman). Added server_output to config options. Changed script
    execution to only add script lines to the query buffer (and not to

    Revision 1.81 2002/03/06 21:55:13 nshafer Fixed bug with password
    prompt. Added 'show plan' for outputting last explain plan results.
    Added 'show query' for viewing queries for views and materialized views.
    Optimized describes to be as fast as describes in SQL*Plus. Added new
    option 'fast_describe' on by default for new describe method. Added
    single_output as a formatting option for internal use. Fixed problem
    with password, quit, exit, \q getting added to the history list. Changed
    history to not add duplicate entries right next to each other. Added
    support for basic (non-returning) PL/SQL commands. Added support for
    create function, package, package body, prodedure, trigger. Added 'show
    errors' command Added 'conn' shortcut for 'connection'. Added
    'exec[ute]' command. Added 'set serverout[put] on|off' command to mimic
    SQL*Plus's. Added alarms to pings in cases where DB connection is
    dropped and ping hangs. Cleaned up error messages. Renamed config
    options AutoCommit, CommitOnExit, LongTruncOk, and LongReadLen
    toauto_commit, commit_on_exit, long_trunc_ok, and long_read_len. Old
    names are now deprecated. Changed quote escaping to be '' and "" instead
    of \' and \". Added full support for comments: rem[ark], --, and /* */.
    Right-justify works for the '8' datatype as well as '3' now. Re-worked
    debug output levels. Optimized query for completion lists a bit. Added
    completion-list limiting based on location in some DML statements
    (select, update, insert). Fixed up the display of '...' when generating
    tab completion list. Should work a lot better when hitting tab in the
    middle of the line. Added show views, objects, sequences, clusters,
    dimensions, functions, procedures, packages, indexes, indextypes,
    libraries, materialized views, snapshots, synonyms, triggers. Added show
    all <objects> command. Added type and owner columns to show commands.
    Fixed commit_on_exit logic. Added ability to use external authentication
    ('yasql /'). The .sql extension for the scripting and editing commands
    are now optional. Fixed up editor execution to hopefully find the editor
    better. Added "Command" entry to "show processes". Added "show waits"
    and "show all waits" commands. Re-organized command line usage in
    anticipation for script parameters. Removed all uses of 'stty'. Added
    processing of STDIN, so redirects and pipes to YASQL work now. Changed
    benchmarking to include time for fetching... this should work better
    with Oracle 7.x, which doesn't seem to execute the query until you try
    fetching Updated documentation. Fixed up alarm() calls. Fixed setting of
    NLS_DATE_FORMAT to apply on reconnects. Broke commands into 2 sets...
    ones that exectute any time, and ones that execute only when nothing is
    in the buffer Fixed printing of text read in from an edit command. It
    now echoes all of it. Now ignoring most SET commands so we don't tack
    them onto queries Fixed permissions in tarball

    Revision 1.80 2001/08/01 18:06:27 nshafer Fixed bug with delayed $term

    Revision 1.79 2001/08/01 17:52:35 nshafer Fixed compatibility issues
    with the data dictionary in Oracle 7. Fixed ordering of indexes for
    compound indexes. Fixed display of objects from other schemas in some
    data dictionary commands such as 'show indexes on table'. (Thanks Nix)
    Fixed matching of declare and end in query string. Will not only match
    if on blank line. Fixed matching of '/' terminator in middle of queries.
    Will now only match if at end of line (Thanks Wesley Hertlein). Temp
    file for editing now appends '.sql' to end of temp file so that editors,
    like vim, automatically turn on syntax highlighting. Added searching of
    environment variable SQLPATH when looking for scripts. Terminal setup is
    now after script parsing, so that it will work when run under cron
    (Thanks David Zverina).

    Revision 1.78 2001/07/05 13:52:56 nshafer Fixed bug where parens were
    matching improperly.

    Revision 1.77 2001/07/04 02:57:08 nshafer Fixed bug where terminators
    wouldn't match if they were the next character after a quote character.

    Revision 1.76 2001/06/28 04:17:53 nshafer Term::ReadLine::Perl now
    supported, for what little functionality it does provide. Fixed segfault
    when hitting up when history is empty. Fixed bug when providing script
    names on command line (Thanks to Dave Zverina.) Rewrote the query parser
    to fix a bug, caused by the multiple-queries-on-one- line feature, that
    causes terminators, such as ';' and '/' to match when in quotes. When
    hitting tab on a line starting with a '@' for scripts, tab will now
    complete filenames and not database objects. Fixed DB timeout when
    prompting for username and password. Added support for 'DECLARE'
    keyword, however this does not mean that variable binding in PL/SQL
    blocks works yet. Sped up startup time a bit more (hopefully).

    Revision 1.75 2001/06/19 16:02:16 nshafer Fixed typo in error message
    for Term::ReadLine::Gnu Fixed crash when tab hit at username or password
    prompt Added -- as a comment type and fixed case where comment in quotes
    would match. (Mark Dalphin) Fixed 'desc' to also describe partitioned
    tables (Erik)

    Revision 1.74 2001/06/18 21:07:55 nshafer Fixed bug where / would not
    rerun last query (thanks Scott Kister)

    Revision 1.73 2001/05/23 18:35:17 nshafer Got rid of "Prototype
    mismatch" errors. Fixed typo in extended benchmarks

    Revision 1.72 2001/05/22 16:06:36 nshafer Fixed bug with error messages
    not displaying first time, and fixed bug with tab completion output

    Revision 1.71 2001/05/17 21:28:40 nshafer New CSV output format. Added
    CSV file input on any query. Added ability to pipe query results to any
    program. Added ability for multiple queries on one line. Changed tab
    completion generator to run first time you hit tab instead of on
    startup, which speeds up database connection. Now using SelfLoader to
    speed up loading and minimize memory use. Added a 'show plan for ____'
    command for easy display of explain plan output. Query times are now
    more readable and will split into weeks, days, hours, minutes, and
    seconds. Hopefully fixed some problems with stty and Solaris 2.4. Added
    support for 'rem' comments in scripts. Redirection output files are now
    shell expanded.

    Revision 1.70 2001/05/08 17:49:51 nshafer Fixed all places where a
    non-alphanumeric object name would break or not match. Added code for
    autoconf style installs.

    Revision 1.69 2001/05/07 23:47:47 nshafer fixed type

    Revision 1.68 2001/05/07 22:26:20 nshafer Fixed tab completion problems
    when completing objects with a $ in their name. Added config options
    complete_tables, complete_columns, and complete_objects, Added
    redirection of query output to file. Hopefully sped up exiting. Updated

    Revision 1.67 2001/05/04 17:35:04 nshafer YASQL will now suspend
    properly back to the shell when SIGTSTP is sent, as in when you hit
    ctrl-z on most systems. Added NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting in config file to
    support alter date views. Defaults to ISO standard. YASQL will now
    attempt to change it's process name, such as when viewed in ps or top.
    This will not work on all systems, nor is it a complete bullet proof way
    to hide your password if you provide it on the command line. But it
    helps to not make it so obvious to regular users. Scripts entered on the
    command line are now checked to be readable before attempting
    connection. A failed 'connect command will no long alter the prompt.
    Added \p option for printing the current buffer, ala psql. Large query
    results (over 1000 rows) are now handled MUCH better. YASQL will no
    longer try to hold more than 1000 rows in memory, which keeps it from
    sucking memory, and also improves the speed. When a query does return
    more than 1000 rows in table mode, those first 1000 will determine the
    column widths, and all rows after that will get truncated. AIX has been
    reported to run YASQL perfectly.

    Revision 1.66 2001/03/13 21:34:58 nshafer There are no longer any
    references to termcap, so yasql should now work on termcap-less systems
    such as Debian Linux and AIX

    Revision 1.65 2001/03/12 17:44:31 nshafer Restoring the terminal is
    hopefully more robust and better now. YASQL now tries to use the 'stty'
    program to dump the settings of the terminal on startup so that it can
    restore it back to those settings. It requires that stty is installed in
    the path, but that should be the case with most systems. Also made the
    output of the query in the error message an option that is off by
    default. I had never meant to include that in the final release, but
    kept on forgetting to take it out.

    Revision 1.64 2001/03/06 16:00:33 nshafer Fixed bug where desc would
    match anytime, even in middle of query, which is bad.

    Revision 1.63 2001/03/01 17:30:26 nshafer Refined the ctrl-c process for
    not-so-linuxy OS's, namely solaris. Now stripping out Dos carriage
    returns since SQL*Plus seems to.

    Revision 1.62 2001/02/26 22:39:12 nshafer Fixed bug where prompt would
    reset itself when a blank line was entered. Added script argument on
    command line (Lance Klein) Added support for any command line commands
    in the script (Lance Klein) The 'desc' and 'show' commands no longer
    require a terminator (like ;) as long as the whole statement is on one
    line (Lance Klein) Added option 'extended_tab_list' for a much bigger,
    more complete tab listing (Lance Klein) The edit command is no longer
    limited to 1 query at a time. You can now put any valid command or
    query, and as many of them as you want. The parsing rules for the edit
    command is exactly identical to the script parsing. cleaned up
    documentation a bit

    Revision 1.61 2001/01/31 19:56:22 nshafer changed CommitOnExit to be 1
    by default, to emulate SQL*Plus behavior, and at popular request

    Revision 1.60 2001/01/29 16:38:17 nshafer got rid of (tm)

    Revision 1.59 2001/01/29 16:28:22 nshafer Modified docs a little with
    the new scope of open source now in the mix.

    Revision 1.58 2001/01/24 15:27:00 nshafer cleanup_after_signals is not
    in the Term::ReadLine::Stub, so it would output error messages on
    systems without Term::ReadLine::Gnu. Fixed

    Revision 1.57 2001/01/17 23:26:53 nshafer Added Tom Renfro's
    column_wildcard expansion code. New conf variable: column_wildcards. 0
    by default until this code is expanded on a bit more.

    Revision 1.56 2001/01/17 23:00:25 nshafer Added CommitOnExit config, 0
    by default. Added info output at startup and when a new connection is
    initiated about the state of AutoCommit and CommitOnExit. Also added
    statement about explicit rollback or commit when disconnecting. Added
    warning message to commit_cmd and rollback_cmd if AutoCommit is on. Now
    explicitly committing or rolling back on disconnect, it is no longer
    left up to the DBI's discretion... except in abnormal termination.

    Revision 1.55 2001/01/11 18:05:12 nshafer Added trap for regex errors in
    tab completion (like if you put 'blah[' then hit tab)

    Revision 1.54 2001/01/10 17:07:22 nshafer added output to those last 2

    Revision 1.53 2001/01/10 17:03:58 nshafer added commit and rollback
    commands so that you don't have to send them to the backend

    Revision 1.52 2001/01/10 16:00:08 nshafer fixed bug with prompt where on
    each call get_prompt would add another '@'. Thanks Tom

    Revision 1.51 2001/01/09 21:16:12 nshafer dar... fixed another bug where
    the %H would stay if there was no prompt_host

    Revision 1.50 2001/01/09 21:12:13 nshafer fixed bug with that last
    update. Now it only interpolates the %H variable if there is something
    to interpolate it with

    Revision 1.49 2001/01/09 21:09:56 nshafer changed the %H variable to be
    prefixed with a @

    Revision 1.48 2001/01/09 21:04:36 nshafer changed 'default' to '' for
    the prompt's hostname when no connect_string is used

    Revision 1.47 2001/01/09 20:55:11 nshafer added configurable prompt and
    changed the default prompt

    Revision 1.46 2001/01/09 18:50:50 nshafer updated todo list

    Revision 1.45 2001/01/09 18:32:35 nshafer Added 'connect
    <connect_string>' command. I may add the ability to specify options like
    on the command line (like '-H')

    Revision 1.44 2001/01/08 22:08:49 nshafer more documentation changes

    Revision 1.43 2001/01/08 20:51:31 nshafer added some documentation

    Revision 1.42 2001/01/08 20:09:35 nshafer Added debug and autocommit

    Revision 1.41 2001/01/08 18:12:43 nshafer added END handler to hopefully
    clean up the terminal better

    Revision 1.40 2001/01/05 23:29:38 nshafer new name!

    Revision 1.39 2001/01/05 18:00:16 nshafer Added config file options for
    auto completion generation and extended benchmark info

    Revision 1.38 2001/01/05 16:39:47 nshafer Fixed error where calling edit
    a second time would not open the file properly because of the way glob()

    Revision 1.37 2001/01/04 23:52:30 nshafer changed the version string to
    parse it out of the revision string (duh...) moved the prompting of
    username and password so that the check for the oracle_home variable
    happens before. Before if you didn't have the environment variable set
    then it will prompt you for username and password, then die with the
    error, which is annoying fixed the quit calls so taht they properly
    erase the quit line from the history. I had broken this a long time ago
    when I added the exit status param to the quit function Outputting in
    full table format (';' terminator) with a num_rows number (like ';100')
    would still cause the entire result set to be pulled into memory, which
    was really slow and could take a lot of memory if the table was large.
    Fixed it so that it only pulls in num_rows number of rows when using the
    digit option

    Revision 1.36 2000/12/22 22:12:18 nshafer fixed a wrong-quote-type in
    the debug messages

    Revision 1.35 2000/12/22 22:07:06 nshafer forgot version... you know the

    Revision 1.34 2000/12/22 21:57:01 nshafer Added config file support,
    queries from the 'edit' command are now entered into the command history
    (configurable), cleaned up the SIGINT actions quite a bit so they should
    work better now, added LongReadLen and LongTruncOk options so that LONG
    columns types won't mess up, added the number after terminator feature
    to limit how many rows are returned.

    Revision 1.33 2000/12/20 22:56:03 nshafer version number.... again....

    Revision 1.32 2000/12/20 22:55:32 nshafer added todo item, now in rpms

    Revision 1.31 2000/12/20 17:07:52 nshafer added the reprompt for
    username/password on error 1005 null password given

    Revision 1.30 2000/12/20 17:04:18 nshafer Refined the shadow_redisplay
    stuff. Now I will only use my builtin function if the terminal type is
    set to "xterm" because that terminal type has a broken termcap entry.
    Also set it to not echo when entering password if Term::ReadLine::Gnu is
    not installed

    Revision 1.29 2000/12/20 15:47:56 nshafer trying a new scheme for the
    shadow_redisplay. Clear to EOL wasn't working Also fixed a few problems
    in the documentation .,

    Revision 1.28 2000/12/19 23:55:03 nshafer I need to stop forgetting the
    revision number...

    Revision 1.27 2000/12/19 23:48:49 nshafer cleaned up debugging

    Revision 1.26 2000/12/19 23:10:18 nshafer Lotsa new stuff... tab
    completion of table, column, and object names, improved signal handling,
    the edit command now accepts a filename parameter, new command 'show
    processes' which shows you info on who's connected, improved benchmark
    info, and a lot of other cleanup/tweaks

    Revision 1.25 2000/12/13 16:58:26 nshafer oops forgot documentation

    Revision 1.24 2000/12/13 16:54:42 nshafer added desc <trigger>

    Revision 1.23 2000/12/12 17:52:15 nshafer updated todo list (oops,

    Revision 1.22 2000/12/12 17:51:39 nshafer added desc <index>

    Revision 1.21 2000/12/12 17:15:28 nshafer fixed bug when connecting
    using a host string (-H option) added a few more types to the 'show' and
    'desc' commands

    Revision 1.20 2000/12/08 22:13:43 nshafer many little fixes and tweaks
    here and there

    Revision 1.19 2000/12/06 20:50:03 nshafer added scripting ability with
    "@<filename>" command changed all tabs to spaces!

    Revision 1.18 2000/12/06 19:30:38 nshafer added clear command refined
    connection process. if invalid username/password entered then prompt

    Revision 1.17 2000/12/05 22:20:58 nshafer Tightened up outputs. Doesn't
    show column names if no rows selected, if it's not a select, then show
    number of rows affected

    Revision 1.16 2000/12/04 18:04:53 nshafer *** empty log message ***

    Revision 1.15 2000/12/04 18:03:14 nshafer fixed bug where the -H option
    was interpreted as -h or help. All command line options are now case

    Revision 1.14 2000/12/04 17:54:38 nshafer Added list command (and \l and

    Revision 1.13 2000/12/04 17:34:18 nshafer fixed a formatting issue if
    Time::HiRes isn't installed

    Revision 1.12 2000/12/04 17:29:41 nshafer Added benchmark options to
    view the extended benchmark info. Now it displays just the time in a
    more friendly format. The old style is only active if the benchmark
    option is specified. Cleaned up some formatting issues Brought the usage
    and POD documentation up to date Added some items to the TODO

    Revision 1.11 2000/11/30 22:54:38 nshafer Fixed bug with the edit
    command where if you were 'inquotes' then you would stay in quotes even
    after editing the file

    Revision 1.10 2000/11/30 22:01:38 nshafer Fixed bug where username and
    password were added to the command history. Set it so that the quit
    commands are not added to the command history either. Added the 'edit'
    command and modified it's todo list item, as well as added it to the
    'help' command

    Revision 1.9 2000/11/29 17:55:35 nshafer changed version from .21 to 1.0
    beta 9. I'll follow the revision numbers now

    Revision 1.8 2000/11/29 17:46:31 nshafer added a few items to the todo

    Revision 1.7 2000/11/29 15:50:56 nshafer got rid of SID output at

    Revision 1.6 2000/11/29 15:49:51 nshafer moved revision info to
    $revision and added Id output

    Revision 1.5 2000/11/29 15:46:41 nshafer fixed revision number

    Revision 1.4 2000/11/29 15:44:23 nshafer fixed issue where environment
    variable ORACLE_SID overwrote explicit set on the command line. now
    whatever you put on the command line will overwrite the environment