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File metadata and controls

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My personal website.



The main dependencies are: Postgres (version 13 to match CloudSQL), Go, Docker, and Node. Install as usual with homebrew, etc...

To run locally on OSX, you'll need some extras installed:

brew install lame
brew install pkg-config
brew install vips

Plus some environment variables set:

export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/lame/lib" 
export CGO_CFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/lame/include"

Then try running:

make test

Getting a prod db dump:

cloud-sql-proxy must be installed first. Then run:

sudo mkdir /var/cloudsql && sudo chown $USER /var/cloudsql
cloud-sql-proxy --unix-socket /var/cloudsql <CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>

From another terminal, pg_dump can now be run (this will require the db password):

pg_dump -h /var/cloudsql/mattbutterfield:us-central1:mattbutterfield -U mattbutterfield mattbutterfield > dump.sql

Now the local database can be set up and the data loaded:

make reset-db

Running the server

Init some env variables in case we want to use the pubsub emulator:

$(gcloud beta emulators pubsub env-init)

Now the server can be started and accessed at http://localhost:8000/:

make run-server

The pubsub emulator can optionally be started for testing video chat locally:

gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --project=mattbutterfield

Building the Docker Images

To build the docker images:

make docker-build

To run the server image locally:

docker run -e DB_SOCKET=host=host.docker.internal\ dbname=mattbutterfield\ user=matthewbutterfield \
       -e PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=host.docker.internal:8085 \
       -e AUTH_TOKEN=1234 \
       -dp 8000:8000


The website is deployed on GCP using Terraform (see the infra directory).

Running make deploy will build the docker images, push them to GCR and deploy them as Cloud Run services.

Connecting to the Cloud SQL instance will get you into a psql shell where you can edit the schema and data as needed:

gcloud beta sql connect mattbutterfield --user=mattbutterfield --database=mattbutterfield --quiet