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M5Stack adaptations for: A version of the Lisp programming language for ESP8266 and ESP32-based boards. – The branch error-handling is recommended; it is what I base my work on.




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A version of the Lisp programming language for ESP8266 and ESP32-based boards. (For more information see:

With additional modifications and improved support for the M5Stack platform by Max-Gerd Retzlaff, 2021, 2022.

Building and testing

The requirements for building are described in the file

There is a Makefile and some helper scripts to compile and test the distribution of uLisp without having to use the GUI of the Arduino software. Of course, the Arduino software is still used for the real work, so you have to have it installed and the command arduino needs to point to the right location to execute it.

To create stub files if you have never used this, first call:

# make init

To compile and verify call:

# make verify

or just:

# make

To compile, verify, and upload call:

# make upload

or just:

# make all

Temporary build files will be put in subdirectory build-path/, so that subsequent builing is faster.

The temporary build files can be wiped by calling:

# make clean-build

Lisp Library

The Lisp Library (see Lisp Library documentation of uLisp) in LispLibrary.h can be created from individual files in LispLibrary/ by calling:

# make new-ll

The LispLibrary.h can be reset to the empty default Lisp Library by calling:

# make wipe-ll

To wike both, LispLibrary.h and the temporary build files, call:

# make clean

Terminal session

Gnu Screen can be used to talk to a serial device. If you have installed Gnu Screen you can open a session on the default USB port ba calling:

# make terminal

Press C-a k y to exit screen.

That is, press and hold the Control key, then press the a key, release both keys, press and release the k key, and when Screen asks "Really kill this window [y/n]" confirm this by pressing and releaseing the 'y' key.


M5Stack adaptations for: A version of the Lisp programming language for ESP8266 and ESP32-based boards. – The branch error-handling is recommended; it is what I base my work on.







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