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Project descriptions, publication list, blog, and other resources related to my work

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About this page

This website is made with Jekyll and uses the Alembic theme. To use this theme as a simple starting point for a github page, check out the Jekyll theme gem or the GitHub Pages remote theme.

Template content can be modified or new content added by creating a markdown document for a new page ( The new markdown page needs to have a yml header specifying its name and page style:

title: My new page
layout: page
feature_image: "/png/example.png"

But that's not enough to make the page accessible through the menu. For this purpose we also need a menu entry in _config.yml, which looks like the following entry. Note that the url matches the name of the *.md document, not the page name.

# Header nav
- title: Home
  url: /
- title: My new page
  url: /example/

The site can then be constructed and inspected locally before submitting to GitHub. This is done using bundler and jekyll. In a linux terminal, run:

cd path/to/
sudo apt install bundler jekyll

# install all ruby/gem dependicies
bundle install

# test page and follow the proposed link
bundle exec jekyll serve


When running the command above results in an error message similar to that: `cannot load such file -- webrick (LoadError)'

The solution is to add the webrick library by running this command in the terminal:

bundle add webrick


Project descriptions, publication list, blog, and other resources related to my work







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