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Jörg Hohwiller edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Project History


Released mmm-persistence-\*-1.0.0, mmm-transaction-*-1.0.0, mmm-util-core-5.0.0, mmm-util-io-5.0.0, mmm-util-cli-5.0.0, and mmm-util-gwt-5.0.0.


Released mmm-util-core-4.0.0.


Renamed project to Mature Modular Meta-Framework and moved multimedia code to separate repository to clarify the status and goal of this project.


Happy new year release of mmm-util-core-3.0.0, mmm-transaction-\*-0.9.0, and mmm-persistence-*-0.9.0.


Migrated codebase, issues and wiki from sourceforge to github as soureforge announced to retire hosted apps on 2012-09-01.


Released mmm-util-core-2.0.1, mmm-search-*-1.0.1, and mmm-content-parser-*-1.0.1.


Released mmm-util-core-2.0.0, mmm-search-*-1.0.0, and mmm-content-parser-*-1.0.0.


Released mmm-util-core-1.1.1.


Filed OSSRH-133 to perform sync to maven central via nexus.


Released mmm-util-core-1.1.0.


Released mmm-util-core-1.0.2.


MAVENUPLOAD-1902 was completed so the mmm-repository is now synced to the central maven repository (see here).


Released mmm-util-core-1.0.1 and mmm-util-pojo-1.0.0.


Changed the project maven groupId from net.sf.mmm to net.sf.m-m-m.


Release mmm-util-core-1.0.0.


After quite a long while koders has approved the project. Current development costs of the projects codebase is estimated at about $191000.


Made Spring to understand commons-annotations (JSR-250) using Pitchfork. This should also work with Spring 2.1. After this evaluation the development on the mmm-framework was stopped. Spring is now the default IoC framework to be used for this project. Anyways the goal is still to be as independent as possible from any framework in order to make reusing our components in other environments as easy as possible.


Registered this project at koders.


Moved the subversion repository from to With svnsync and svnadmin this migration was possible without losing the versioning history. So now we are back in homeland and can use additional features (commit-hooks) offered by I am quite sure that this is the final destination for the version control management.


Moved the subversion repository from to The service at projxpert was good and the hosting maybe even a little faster. Anyways for an open-source project it is easier for others to contribute since a google account is more common than one for projxpert. Additionally the googlecode hosting service is intended for open-source projects.


Deployed the maven2 site after the old site was not updated for over one year. From now on the site gets updated automatically by my server.


Registered and set up subversion repository at The projxpert team granted public read access for the subversion and gave a free upgrade because the project is open-source. Big thanks to


Changed License from LGPL to Apache Software Licenes for final freedom. This step could be easily taken because no other author than me had produced any file or line of code for the project.


Switched from maven to maven2.


Since there is no community and might not be before a first useable release, I decided to develop on my local subversion server until sourceforge will offer subversion as alternative to CVS. Please send me an email if you want to have the latest sources or would like to have the subversion repository visible to the public.


Changed License from GPL to LGPL. This step could be easily taken because no other author than me had produced any file or line of code for the project.


Because my plans for the project make it impossible to have a working release before 2006, I decided to change the codebase to Java 5 (named Java 1.5 at this time).


After years I finally decided to work active on the project again. A lot of refactoring was done dividing the project into separate components (COP). Avalon was choosen as framework for COP driven design. Maven was evaluated and finally chosen as project management tool.


The project m-m-m was registered at sourceforge. Some code was developed and available via CVS (module core) but because spare time was rare the project was sleeping for a very long while.


Jörg Hohwiller founded this project (m-m-m) as a replacement for myDJ. The reason was that all the concepts and ideas of myDJ were so generic that they can be used not only for music but for any kind of data.


Jörg Hohwiller founded the project myDJ which was the replacement for pythonDJ, but written in Java. Christoph Bauer did not like to join the project, because he did not like my decision to write the program in Java. Carlos Santos joined the team as webmaster and created the www-sites. I wrote some code for this project that was only available in the CVS.


Christoph Bauer and Jörg Hohwiller decided to start a project called pythonDJ, that was registered at sourceforge. The name already tells that the implementation was done in python. The project should be like mp3man, but more fexible and also os-independent using wxPython. Actually this project died before any useful code was done: We had different ideas of the project and especially I decided not to write a big team project in a non typed script language.


Christoph Bauer created a tcl/tk script called mp3man. His idea was to create a program that organinzes mp3 files. It plays them using and external player program (mpg123). MySQL is used by mp3man to store information about each song like title, artist, genre, ranking, backup-media-id, etc. Now during playing the user can influence the ranking with the buttons "I like this song" or "I hate this song". The program also archieves the mp3-files to a backup-media (CD), associates each backup-media with a unique ID that the user should write on the media. Now the program can delete songs with bad ranking if disk space is low. If a deleted song is choosen by the user to be played (the entry is still in the db), the program tells the ID of the backup-media to insert and restores the song to the hard-disk. Finally the program can import audio-CDs and automatically fill the database (using CDDB).