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Releases: m00nyONE/HodorReflexes


10 Mar 16:17
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2024.03.10 - @m00nyONE

  • the 999k damage bug should be fixed ( at least it should happen way less frequently ) ... Sadly it's impossible to "really" fix this issue as it's about the precision of the map pings being inconsistent in the ESO API.
  • icon update


05 Feb 11:43
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2024.02.04 - @m00nyONE

  • change versioning to YYYY.MM.DD for better readability
  • reverting some changes from an unauthorized person who requested changes for "friends", but instead made fun of them by putting chinese swear words in their names by abusing the fact that I can not read chinese ...
    • You got banned mate ;-) Something like that is unacceptable
    • From now on changes will be more strict and require ingame ID verfication by sending one Gold to @m00nyONE -- This ensures that the person is knowing that a change is in progress
  • icon update


05 Feb 08:06
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2024.02.04 - @m00nyONE

  • change versioning to YYYY.MM.DD for better readability
  • reverting some changes from an unauthorized person who requested changes for "friends", but instead made fun of them by putting chinese swear words in their names by abusing the fact that I can not read chinese ...
    You got banned mate ;-) Something like that is unacceptable
    From now on changes will be more strict and require ingame ID verfication by sending one Gold to @m00nyONE -- This ensures that the person is knowing that a change is in progress
  • icon update


23 Dec 16:04
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1.14.0 - @m00nyONE

  • new vote module by @BloodStainChild666 - no more pling-pling-pling when doing ready checks :-) Thank you


18 Aug 21:41
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1.13.0 - @m00nyONE

  • finalizing integrity check! you can try it with "/hodor integrity" - looks kinda funny tbo
  • bump to API version 101039 ( U39 )
  • adjustments for exiting instances - ready for update 39


18 Jun 15:50
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1.12.1 - @m00nyONE

  • icon updates


04 Jun 17:42
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1.12.0 - @m00nyONE

  • adding atronach list
  • allow atronach sharing
  • adding cost reduction calculation ( 15% for sorc and 5% for templar ) - there is no way to check if the passives are active. This is just an assumption
  • fixed a bug that caused wrong percentage calculation on sorcs and templars. (thanks to @sheriffholmes for reporting and analyzing the issue)


21 May 15:58
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1.11.0 - @m00nyONE

This Version will be incompatible with ALL versions prior to 1.11.0 ! So please tell your friends to update :-)

If something is displayed wrong or does not work, than its most likely that you or other members in your group haven't updated to 1.11.0 !

Version 1.10.0 was the first step in introducing Sharing V2 that allows for more Ultimates to be shared than only Horn and Colossus.
Up until this point, all Ultimate sharing was done by sending actual percentages (0% - 200%) of you ult to other players. That's the way Hodor worked in the past.

From now on, Hodor will differenciate between "special ults" and "other ults".

  • "Special ults" are ultimates that are explicitly coded in Hodor like Horn and Colossus ( Barrier & Atro too in the future ).
  • "Other ults" are all ultimates that are not directly tracked and don't have a special ult type that is sent to others. Examples are Incap, Shooting Star, Destro, Ballista and so on.

The sharing space is very limited and the Sharing V2 only allows for 8 unique "special ults" to be shared. everything else will just be "Other ults".

In 1.11.0 in addition to the Percentage display, that you are all used to, there now will be the raw ult points (0-500) next to it. This allows your raidlead to call your pillager/barrier/MA/SAX/whatever ult when a specific number of points is reached to increase their effectiveness. Of course you can disable showing the raw ult number in the settings.

You now also finally have the option to share every ultimate you want by enabling the "Share other Ultimates" option in the menu. It will show everyone how much ulti points you currently have and does only do so if you have no "special ults" slotted.
These "other ults" will only be displayed with the raw ulti points you have because there is now way to calculate the percentage of an ultimate when you don't which one it is.

New lists for new "special ults" like Barrier and Atro will follow soon in a future update. After i implemented an ult type for them, there will be support for percentages too. For now you can just share them as a raw value. But i mean, your RL should know what sets you are wearing anyway right? 😄

A special thanks to @BloodStainChild666 and @seadotarley for the long testing periods :D


  • changed sharing to points instead of percentages
  • updated menu to reflect changes
  • adding new "Ultimates" window that allows showing and sharing of all ultimates your heart desires
  • adding option to show percentage and raw ult points for every window separately


13 May 12:48
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1.10.0 - @m00nyONE

  • enable V2 sharing for everyone & delete old V1 sharing. Adding new ultimates to share will begin in the next release
  • raise required LibDataShare version to 3 to ensure to fix incompatibility issues introduced with the with new sharing system
  • as requested, allow players to disable the outdated LibAddonMenu2.0 dependency warning in the settings menu. There will be no support if this setting is turned on.
  • added /hodor version
  • added /hodor isIncompatibleDependencyWarningDisabled
  • added /hodor isIncompatibleDependencyWarningTriggered
  • add for the git repository
  • necrom API bump
  • add Sanity's Edge to mock zones
  • add arcanist Christmas class icon
  • icon update as always


23 Apr 12:28
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1.9.9 - @m00nyONE

  • Because of the upcoming release of HodorReflexes 1.10.0 on 07. Mai 2023, this version ( 1.9.9 ) will include a timer that auto enables V2 sharing on 07. May 2023 for everyone. This ensures 1.9.9 & 1.10.0 use the same sharing mechanism and will work together. This should give everyone enough wiggle room to make the update to 1.10.0 without losing compatibility.
  • icon update as always
  • enable dependency warning for everyone that warns the user when outdated embedded versions of LibAddonMenu are detected