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Releases: m0nac0/xaif


07 Jan 17:37
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Changelog Pre-release
  • Better handling of complicated/nested layouts
  • Improvements to the web interface
  • Improvements for running xaif on macOS
    • Fixed build for iOS simulator
    • Fix: allow opening the project directory easily

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0

The three attached zip files "", "" and "" are the artifacts automatically built by the CI in workflow run

They are added here for convenience, since only logged-in Github users can view workflow artifacts.
You can find more information about using them in the README.


30 Dec 14:14
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v0.4.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Add support for Clock component
  • Improved alpha support for running xaif on macOS: feedback from testers very welcome!

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0

The three attached zip files "", "" and "" are the artifacts automatically built by the CI in workflow run

They are added here for convenience, since only logged-in Github users can view workflow artifacts.
You can find more information about using them in the README.


29 Dec 09:28
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v0.3.0 Pre-release


  • Added support for VideoPlayer
  • Added support for ListPicker
  • New xaif web interface: you can now run xaif as a web app, even without installing Flutter.
  • Improved handling of complicated layouts with (nested) VerticalArrangements
  • Changed default project location
  • Improved README

The three attached zip files "", "" and "" are the artifacts automatically built by the CI in workflow run

They are added here for convenience, since only logged-in Github users can view workflow artifacts.
You can find more information about using them in the README.


27 Dec 13:15
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v0.2.0 Pre-release

v0.2.0 - Changelog:


Allow choosing between two different locations for project directory


  • Button: no padding if image is set
  • better handling of nested Arrangements
  • Image: always BoxFit.contain
  • HorizontalArrangement/VerticalArrangement: allow setting fixed size
  • Bugfix: handle empty Arrangements
  • Bugfix for "lists_create_with"
  • Bugfix: wrong for-each Syntax
  • Add missing built-in block text_compare
  • Bugfix: "lists_length" and "lists_is_empty"
  • Bugfix: handle empty AppName / Title
  • try to parse numbers as int before parsing as double
  • add support for Web component (missing some more advanced features)
  • better String concatenation
  • add support for Player component

The two attached zip files "" and "" are the artifacts automatically built by the CI in workflow run

They are added here for convenience, since only logged-in Github users can view workflow artifacts.
You should be able to use these prebuilt executables to run xaif without needing to complete the "Windows setup" or "Linux setup" step in the Flutter setup, so you only have to complete the basic Flutter setup!

Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.2.0


24 Dec 16:14
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v0.1.1 Pre-release

Changelog since v0.1.0:

  • support MainAxisAlignment and CrossAxisAlignment for Horizontal/VerticalArrangement
  • support background images for Buttons
  • support primaryColor
  • fix TinyDB
  • more bugfixes

The two attached zip files "" and "" are the artifacts automatically built by the CI in workflow run
Use them at your own responsibility!
They are added here for convenience, since only logged-in Github users can view workflow artifacts.
You should be able to use these prebuilt executables to run xaif without completing the "Windows setup" or "Linux setup" step in the Flutter setup, but you still have to complete the basic Flutter setup!

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1


23 Dec 21:19
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v0.1.0 Pre-release

🎉 Initial pre-release of xaif 🎉

The two attached zip files "" and "" are the artifacts automatically built by the CI in workflow run
Use them at your own responsibility!
They are added here for convenience, since only logged-in Github users can view workflow artifacts.
You may be able to use these prebuilt executables to run xaif without completing the "Windows setup" or "Linux setup" step in the Flutter setup, but you still have to complete the basic Flutter setup!