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Repository for Stoic terraforming mock project with AWS Lambda, Go, and Serverless framework.

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Who hasn't grown up wanting to terraform a planet in a remote universe? Well now you can with the Stoic Terraform Tool using AWS Lambda, Go, and Serverless framework.

To quickly start terraforming your very own planet, follow the basic steps below and post questions/issues here on the repo. We're constantly looking for better ways to terraform planets, so you'll see near constant feature updates in the future.

Some Considerations for the API

Future Feature Work

This is an ongoing project and will receive continued feature work. In it's current state, you can only Create and Read basic planetary colonization actions. In addition, there is no backing data layer so your hard work won't persist yet. DynamoDB is coming, along with Update and Delete planetary colonization actions. Then, Tests and Custom API Authorizers will help to ensure the quality and security of our Colony service. Lastly, we'll wrap our Colony service efforts up with CodePipeline templates that you can use to ensure a hands off approach to executing more planetary colonization efforts.

Structure of the Service & API

For the structure of our project, we're going to be following a Microservice style approach. Each AWS Lambda function is responsible for one action only. For example, there are 4 separate Lambda functions for reading, creating, updating and deleting a colony within our Colony service.

For the metadata tied to the initial entity in the project, Colony, the current structure is listed below. There are regular expressions that describe the validation attached to each of these properties.

    "colonyId": "ABCDEF-0123456789XYZ",
    "planet": "SIRIUS",
    "corporation": "117-TETRISCORP",
    "coords": "100.2342356234, -345.7823425345"

Working with API Gateway Events in Lambda

The easiest way in Go to provide the responses that the AWS API Gateway needs is to install the package:

go get

This provides a couple of useful types (APIGatewayProxyRequest and APIGatewayProxyResponse) which contain information about incoming HTTP requests and allow us to construct responses that the API Gateway understands.

Explore this package to better understand the types and what they offer if you plan to do any customization to the terraforming service.

Dependencies for the Solution

  1. Install the Go Programming Languge for your OS.

  2. Install dep to support Dependency management for Go.

  3. Install the Serverless Framework and dependencies required by framework.

  4. Edit the variables in the Makefile file at project root for your own use.

  5. Make sure you have an AWS account and a proper configuration in .aws/credentials for your OS.

  6. Edit the configuration options in the serverless.yml file at project root for your own use.

Once you've gone through the above steps, you're ready to begin your career as a Jr. Engineer in a Single-Planet Terraform Corporation by continuing on with the commands in the sections following.

Commands for the Solution

Build the project artifacts.

make build

Clean the project artifacts.

make clean

Deploy the project artifacts to AWS.

make deploy

rm -rf ./bin ./vendor Gopkg.lock
dep ensure -v
Root project is "aws-golang-terraform-colonies"
 3 transitively valid internal packages
 2 external packages imported from 1 projects
(0)   ✓ select (root)
(1)     ? attempt with 2 pkgs; 14 versions to try
(1)         try
(1)     ✓ select w/4 pkgs
  ✓ found solution with 4 packages from 1 projects

Solver wall times by segment:
  b-list-versions: 1.867151425s
      b-list-pkgs: 370.903803ms
           b-gmal: 238.742657ms
  b-source-exists:  95.338517ms
         new-atom:     615.52µs
      select-root:    238.967µs
          satisfy:    121.959µs
      select-atom:     90.621µs
            other:     15.632µs

  TOTAL: 2.573219101s

(1/1) Wrote
sls deploy --verbose --aws-profile stoic --stage dev
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Creating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack create progress...
CloudFormation - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - Stoic-Athena-Colonies-Stack
Service Information
service: Colonies
stage: dev
region: us-west-2
stack: Stoic-Athena-Colonies-Stack
api keys:
  POST -
  GET -{id}
  create: Colonies-dev-create
  read: Colonies-dev-read

Stack Outputs
CreateLambdaFunctionQualifiedArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:750444023825:function:Stoic-Athena-Colonies-Dev-Create-Func:2
ServerlessDeploymentBucketName: stoic-athena-colonies-st-serverlessdeploymentbuck-enuzc6d7yab4
ReadLambdaFunctionQualifiedArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:750444023825:function:Stoic-Athena-Colonies-Dev-Read-Func:2

Once deployed to AWS, now test that the create function is working. Make sure you noted the API endpoints generated as outputs in the make deploy command.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"colonyId":"ABCDEF-0123456789XYZ","planet":"SIRIUS","corporation":"117-TETRISCORP","coords":"100.2342356234, -345.7823425345"}'

    "message": "Colony created successfully",
    "transmission": {
        "colonyId": "ABCDEF-0123456789XYZ",
        "planet": "SIRIUS",
        "corporation": "117-TETRISCORP",
        "coords": "100.2342356234, -345.7823425345"

Test that the read function is working.

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

    "message": "Colony read successfully",
    "transmission": {
        "colonyId": "ABCDEF-0123456789XYZ",
        "planet": "SIRIUS",
        "corporation": "117-TETRISCORP",
        "coords": "100.2342356234, -345.7823425345"

Remove the project artifacts from AWS.

make remove

In Parting

It's just me here. Holler if you want to join the movement. I hope you had some fun in learning the technology stack used in this project. This solution was meant to provide a learning platform for myself and others that are interested in keeping the fun in development and also embracing continuous learning and self-improvement.


Repository for Stoic terraforming mock project with AWS Lambda, Go, and Serverless framework.






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