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285 lines (228 loc) · 10.6 KB

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285 lines (228 loc) · 10.6 KB

Enable A20 line and transit to 32-bit mode

Usually, the bootloader starts executing programs from a layer called 16-bit real mode, which allows the use of BIOS interrupts. However, in this mode, the accessible memory area and computational capability remain similar to those of a 16-bit machine. To utilize more computational resources and the corresponding memory access, it is necessary to enable the A20 line and transition to 32-bit mode. Particularly for providing graphical functionalities, more computational resources are required.

By enabling the A20 line, the accessible memory area extends beyond 1MB, and transitioning to 32-bit mode offers enhanced computational capabilities. Note that enabling 32-bit mode requires activating protection mode, which disables the use of BIOS interrupts. In this example, BIOS interrupt handling tasks are completed before transitioning to 32-bit mode, and after the transition, an image is rendered in the center of the screen.


use PHPOS\OS\CodeInfo;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$image = new \PHPOS\Service\Component\Image\Image(
    // NOTE: Specify if you want to render an image path
    //       Only available the file size belows 4KB.
    __DIR__ . '/doc/logo.png',

// Create kernel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$kernel = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
    new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
        // Use x86_64 architecture

    // Set code name

    // Set 16 bit real mode

    // Set kernel origin

    // Set compiled kernel size (floor(filesize / 512))
    ->setSectors(floor(CodeInfo::CODE_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS_16 / \PHPOS\OS\OSInfo::PAGE_SIZE))

    // Enable A20 line


    // Transit to 32-bit mode

    // Load video address after transited to 32-bit mode

    // Set render position

    // Render an image



    // Write code signature

// Create bootloader --------------------------------------------------------------------------

$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
    new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
        // Use x86_64 architecture

// Initialize bootloader
    // Set code name

    // Set 16 bit real mode

    // Set bootloader origin

    // Setup segments (initialize registers for assembly)

    // Add loading something sector codes
    ->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\System\CallCode::class, $kernel)

    // Add bootloader signature

// Bundle each codes into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
    new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
        __DIR__ . '/dist',

// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption

Generated bootloader.asm

Generated kernel.asm

;   _______  ____  ____  _______            ___     ______
;  |_   __ \|_   ||   _||_   __ \         .'   `. .' ____ \
;    | |__) | | |__| |    | |__) |______ /  .-.  \| (___ \_|
;    |  ___/  |  __  |    |  ___/|______|| |   | | _.____`.
;   _| |_    _| |  | |_  _| |_           \  `-'  /| \____) |
;  |_____|  |____||____||_____|           `.___.'  \______.'
; Notice: This file is automatically generated by PHP-OS.
;         Do not edit this file. We cannot be held responsible if this is edited and overwritten again.

[bits 16]

[org 0x1000]

in al, 146
or al, 2
out 146, al

xor ax, ax
xor bx, bx
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 4096

  mov eax, 20226
  mov ebx, 16658
  int 16
    cmp eax, 79
    je __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_success
    mov esi, __php_var_Q291bGQgbm90IHNldCBWRVNBIG1vZGUh
    call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString
    jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
      mov ah, 14
      mov ebx, 15
      int 16
      or al, al
      jz __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
      call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintCharacter
      jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtension_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionError_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString

  mov eax, 20225
  mov ecx, 16658
  mov edi, resb_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionInformation
  int 16

  lgdt [__php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_GlobalDescriptorTable]
  mov eax, cr0
  or eax, 1
  mov cr0, eax
  jmp 0x0008:__php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_Transit32BitMode_32bits_mode
[bits 32]
  mov ax, 16
  mov bx, 16
  mov ds, ax
  mov es, ax
  mov ss, ax
  mov sp, 4096

  mov eax, [resb_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionInformation + 40]
  mov edi, eax

add edi, 407790

mov esi, __php_var___php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromInline_image
  mov ecx, 56
  push ecx
  mov ecx, 140
      push ecx
      mov ecx, 3
          mov [edi], al
          inc edi
          loop __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImageFromInline_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_RenderImage_copy_pixel_from_destination
      pop ecx
  loop __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_Renderer_inner
  pop ecx
  add edi, 1500
loop __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_Renderer_Renderer_outer


  db "Could not set VESA mode!", 0

  db 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163
  db 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163, 215, 101, 163
  ; ... omitted

resb_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_VESABIOSExtension_SetVESABIOSExtensionInformation: resb 256
  dq 0x0000000000000000
  dw 0xFFFF
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
db 154
db 207
db 0x00
  dw 0xFFFF
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
db 146
db 207
db 0x00
  dw __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_GlobalDescriptorTable_end - __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_GlobalDescriptorTable_null - 1
dd __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_GlobalDescriptorTable_null

times 32768-($-$$) db 0