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Using clustering methodologies and regression algorithms to predict the logerror of Zestimates

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How Accurate Is Your Zestimates

by Meredith Wang

Python Pandas NumPy Matplotlib seaborn plotly sklearn SciPy GeoPandas


Zillow's ZestimateⓇ is an estimate of value using a proprietary formula created by the online real estate database company. Zestimates cover more than 100 million homes across the United States. A Zestimate is calculated from physical attributes, tax records, and user submitted data.

In this project, we will use statistical analysis to analyze the key drivers of logerror, which is defined as the differnece between the predicted log error and the actual log error. We will incorporate clustering methodologies, and develop a ML regression model to predict the log error, and provide recommendations on making more accurate prediction on log error which further leads to better prediction on home value predictions.

logerror = log(Zestimate) − log(SalePrice)

🏠 Project Goals

▪️ Find the key drivers of log error for single family properties in 2017.

▪️ Use clustering methodologies to explore and understand the relationship between features better.

▪️ Construct an ML Regression model that predict log error ('logerror') of Single Family Properties using attributes of the properties and the useful labels we discovered from clustering.

▪️ Deliver a report that the data science team can read through and replicate, understand what steps were taken, why and what the outcome was.

▪️ Make recommendations on what works or doesn't work in prediction log error.

📝 Initial Questions

▪️ Are any of the location features associated with logerror? Is logerror significantly different across different counties? What about latitude, longtitude? What about zip code?

▪️ Are any of the area (in square feet) features, including total_sqft, lot_sqft, living_sqft, of the property associated with logerror?

▪️ Are any of the size features, including bedrroms, bathrooms, full_bath, roomcnt, of the property associated with logerror?

▪️ Is the age of the house correlated with logerror?

▪️ Is transaction_month correlated with logerror?

📂 Data Dictionary

Variable Value Meaning
Latitude Float Latitude of the middle of the parcel
Longitude Float Longitude of the middle of the parcel
Zip Code Integer Zip code in which the property is located
County 1) Ventura 2) Los Angeles 3) Orange County in which the property is located
Bedrooms Integer Number of bedrooms in home
Bathrooms Float Number of bathrooms in home including fractional bathrooms
Full Bath Interger Number of full bathrooms (sink, shower + bathtub, and toilet) present in home
Room Count Float Total number of rooms in the principal residence
Total Sqft Float Calculated total finished living area of the home
Living Sqft Float Finished living area
Lot Sqft Float Area of the lot in square feet
Assessed Value Float The total tax assessed value of the parcel
Structure Value Float The assessed value of the built structure on the parcel
Land Value Float The assessed value of the land area of the parcel
Tax Amount Float The total property tax assessed for that assessment year
Age Integer This indicate the age of the property in 2017, calculated using the year the principal residence was built
Transaction Month Integer The month in 2017 that the property is sold
Note: Full dictionary please reference zillow_data_dictionary

🧩 Data Overview


🪧 Project Plan / Process

1️⃣ Data Acquisition

Gather data from mySQL database
  • Create file to establish connection to mySQL server

  • Use zillow database in the mySQL server

  • Read data dictionary and extract meaningful columns from table in the zillow database

  • Write query to join useful tables to gather all data about the houses in the region: properties_2017, predictions_2017, propertylandusetype

    properties_2017 prop
       parcelid, logerror, MAX(transactiondate) AS transactiondate
       GROUP BY parcelid ,  logerror) pred USING (parcelid)
       LEFT JOIN
       airconditioningtype air USING (airconditioningtypeid)
       LEFT JOIN
       architecturalstyletype arch USING (architecturalstyletypeid)
       LEFT JOIN
       buildingclasstype build USING (buildingclasstypeid)
       LEFT JOIN
       heatingorsystemtype heat USING (heatingorsystemtypeid)
       LEFT JOIN
       propertylandusetype landuse USING (propertylandusetypeid)
       LEFT JOIN
       storytype story USING (storytypeid)
       LEFT JOIN
       typeconstructiontype construct USING (typeconstructiontypeid)
       prop.propertylandusetypeid = 261 AND
       prop.latitude IS NOT NULL
       AND prop.longitude IS NOT NULL
       AND transactiondate <= '2017-12-31';
  • Create and user-defined function get_zillow_data() to gather data from mySQL

    def get_zillow_data():
    if os.path.isfile('zillow.csv'):
       df = pd.read_csv('zillow.csv', index_col=0)
       df = new_zillow_data()
    return df
  • Import

  • Test acquire function

  • Calling the function, and store the table in the form of dataframe

    df = acquire.get_zillow_data()

2️⃣ Data Preparation

Missing Value Analysis
  • Visualize the percentage of missing data of each variable

  • Create a function that removes columns and rows that have more than a certian percentage of missing values

         def handle_missing_values(df, prop_required_columns, prop_required_row):
     	    threshold = int(round(prop_required_columns * len(df.index), 0))
     	    df = df.dropna(axis=1, thresh=threshold) #1, or ‘columns’ : Drop columns which contain missing values
     	    threshold = int(round(prop_required_row * len(df.columns), 0))
     	    df = df.dropna(axis=0, thresh=threshold) #0, or ‘index’ : Drop rows which contain missing values
     	    return df
Data Cleaning
  • Missing values: Null values are dropped for entire dataset

     df = df.dropna()
  • Rename Columns

    df.rename(columns = {'bathroomcnt':'bathrooms', 'bedroomcnt':'bedrooms',
                             'calculatedfinishedsquarefeet':'total_sqft', 'finishedsquarefeet12': 'living_sqft',
       	      'fullbathcnt':'full_bath', 'lotsizesquarefeet':'lot_sqft', 'structuretaxvaluedollarcnt': 'structure_value',
       	      'taxvaluedollarcnt':'assessed_value', 'landtaxvaluedollarcnt':'land_value'}, inplace = True)
  • Data Conversion

    • Convert yearbuilt to age
     df['age'] = 2017 - df['yearbuilt']
    • Convert taxamount to taxrate
     df['taxrate'] = df.taxamount/df.assessed_value*100
    • Extract month from transaction_date
     df['transaction_month'] = df['transactiondate'].str.slice(5, 7)
    • Convert latitude and longitude to correct digit
     df.latitude = df.latitude/1000000
     df.longitude = df.longitude/1000000
  • Join Tables

    • Join table address.csv which has the correct zip code for properties (derived from geo engineering)
     geo = pd.read_csv('address.csv')
     df = pd.merge(df, geo, on='parcelid', how='inner')
    • Join table logerror_zip.csv which utilized T-test to decide the significancy of logerrors corresponding to each zip code
     zip_error = pd.read_csv('logerror_zip.csv')
     df = pd.merge(df, zip_error, on='zip_code', how='left')
  • Data Mapping

    • Created new county column with county name corresponding to fips_code
    df['county'] ={6037: 'Los Angeles', 6059: 'Orange', 6111: 'Ventura'})
    • Create new zip_bin column with category name corresponding to each zip_group
    df['zip_bin'] ={1: 'sgfnt high', 2: 'sgfnt low', 3: 'insgfnt high', 4: 'insgfnt low'})
  • Dummy Variables:

    • Created dummy variables for categorical feature county
    dummy_df = pd.get_dummies(df[['county']], dummy_na=False, drop_first=False)
    • Concatenated all county dummy variables onto original dataframe
    df = pd.concat([df, dummy_df], axis=1)
    • Create dummy variables for categorical feature zip_group
    zipdummy = pd.get_dummies(df[['zip_bin']], dummy_na=False, drop_first=False)
    • Concatenated all county dummy variables onto original dataframe
    df = pd.concat([df, zipdummy], axis=1)
  • Data types: float is converted to int datatype

    df['age'] = df['age'].astype(int)
    df['zip_code'] = df['zip_code'].astype(int)
  • Outliers

    • General rull for handling outliers:

      • Upper bond: Q3 + 1.5 * IQR
      • Lower bond: Q1 - 1.5 * IQR

      Note: each feature has minor adjustment based on data distribution

    • Outliers for each feature are dropped

      df = df[df.bedrooms <= 7]
      df = df[df.bedrooms >= 1]
      df = df[df.bathrooms <= 7]
      df = df[df.bathrooms >= 0.5]
      df = df[df.square_feet <= 7500]
      df = df[df.square_feet >= 500]
      df = df[df.lot_size <= 50000]
      df = df[df.lot_size >= 900]
      df = df[df.assessed_value <= 1200000]
      df = df[df.assessed_value >= 45500]
  • Drop Columns Unuseful columns are dropped

     col = ['transactiondate','regionidcity','regionidzip','calculatedbathnbr','assessmentyear','yearbuilt','fips','propertycountylandusecode', 'propertylandusetypeid', 'rawcensustractandblock', 'regionidcounty', 'censustractandblock', 'propertylandusedesc']
     df.drop(columns = col, inplace = True)
  • Create function prep_zillow to clean and prepare data with steps above

  • Import

  • Test prepare function

  • Call the function, and store the cleaned data in the form of dataframe

Data Splitting
  • Create function split() to split data into train, validate, test

  • Test split function

  • Check the size of each dataset

    train.shape, validate.shape, test.shape
  • Call the function, and store the 3 data samples separately in the form of dataframe

    train, validate, test = prepare.split(df)
Data Scaling
  • Scaling numerical features using MinMaxScaler()

  • Create a function that copies the original dataframe, split the data into train, validate, and test, then scale the data of each dataset

     def split_scale(df):
     	# Copy a new dataframe to perform feature engineering
     	scaled_df = df.copy()
     	# Initiate MinMaxScaler
     	scaler = MinMaxScaler()
     	# Split the scaled data into train, validate, test
     	train, validate, test = split(scaled_df)
     	# Columns to scale
     	cols = ['bathrooms', 'bedrooms', 'total_sqft', 'living_sqft', 'full_bath',
     	'latitude', 'longitude', 'lot_sqft', 'roomcnt',
     	'structure_value', 'assessed_value', 'land_value', 'taxamount', 'age']
     	# Fit numerical features to scaler[cols])
     	# Set the features to transformed value
     	train[cols] = scaler.transform(train[cols])
     	validate[cols] = scaler.transform(validate[cols])
     	test[cols] = scaler.transform(test[cols])
     	return train, validate, test

3️⃣ Exploratory Analysis

  • Ask questions to find what are the key features that are associated with property assessed value

  • Explore each feature's correlation with assessed value

  • Use visualizations to better understand the relationship between features

  • Use centroid-based clustering method to find patterns in data, and use the meaningful clusters to group data plotly 3d scatter

4️⃣ Statistical Testing & Modeling

  • Conduct T-Test for categorical variable vs. numerical variable

  • Conduct Pearson R for numerical variable vs. numerical variable

  • Conduct Chi^2 Test for categorical variable vs. categorical variable

  • Conclude hypothesis and address the initial questions

5️⃣ Modeling Evaluation

  • Create multiple regression model and use Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) to select features

  • Find the amount of features that can gerenate the highest performance (evaluated using Root Mean Squared Error)

  • Generate polynomial model, fit and tranform the train dataset into feature

  • Find the degree that generates the best performing model (evaluated using RMSE)

  • Create lasso-lars model object, fit the model to our training data, and use the model to make predictions

  • Create generalized linear model (TweedieRegressor) and fit train dataset

  • Pick the top 3 models among all the models and evaluate performance on validate dataset

  • Stored model performance on train and validate in model_performance.csv

  • Pick the model with highest accuracy and evaluate on test dataset

🔁 Steps to Reproduce

  • You will need an file that contains the hostname, username and password of the mySQL database that contains the telco table. Store that env file locally in the repository.
  • Clone my repo (including the,,,,, address.csv, logerror_zip.csv)
  • Confirm .gitignore is hiding your file
  • Ensure you have imported * from before running anything else (Libraries used are pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, sklearn, scipy which are all included in the imports file)
  • Follow instructions in eda workbook on steps for data exploration
  • Reference feature_engineering for steps took to select clusters
  • Reference in modeling for experimentations that drove to the final models
  • Follow instructions in final_report and README file
  • Good to run final report 😸

🔑 Key Findings

▪️ Logerror is dependent on location features. Location clusters are relevant and useful for estimating logerror.

▪️ Area features have weak correlation with logerror. Area clusters seem relevant judging from the bra graph, but the ANOVA test concludes there's no significant difference between clusters.

▪️ Size features have weak correlation with logerror. We can see the relationship from visualizing clusters but the ANOVA test concludes there's no significant difference between clusters.

▪️ Value features have weak correlation with logerror. Although the visualization tells us there's a negative correlation between them, the ANOVA test concludes there's no significant difference between clusters.

(Each feature is a driver of property tax assessed value, supported by visualization and statistical testing. For lot size and age analysis please reference zillow_eda)


🔆 Recommendations

▪️ Impute null values instead of dropping them.

▪️ Handle outliers differently, or save the outliers so that the final model will have better prediction on future onseen data.

▪️ Experiment with more feature combinations and different algorithms.

▪️ To make better predictions, we need to gather more accurate geographical data. In this dataset we're given, the regionidcity, regionidzip etc. are not accurate.

🔜 Next Steps

▪️ Collect more geographic data on the property(e.g. local school, surrounding properties, distance from downtown, city population, etc.)

▪️ Develop machine learning models with higher accuracy (lower RMSE) with these additonal data and make better predictions.

▪️ Collect data on previous years (e.g. historical time to close data) to analyze the general trend of each area, and determine what features drive the logerror the most.


Using clustering methodologies and regression algorithms to predict the logerror of Zestimates







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