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Gobblet AI

Gobblet AI is codes written about depth-first search and analytics on transitions of positions of the board game Gobblet.

Constant variables are defined in cpp/forward.h, main functions are defined in cpp/search.cpp, and these things are used in cpp_test/search_test.cpp. Codes which output csv files are also written in cpp_test/search_test.cpp. Be care that some of the test codes in cpp_test/search_test.cpp are expected that the constant variables are those of 4x4 Gobblet.

Python codes used to investigate statistics and plot graphs using csv files are in the python folder and the plots and csv files are in the output folder. Memos I wrote when developping are in output/statistics.txt.

Development Environment

  • Windows 11 Home 64bit
  • Visual Studio 2022 Community version 17.3.3
  • cmake tools for windows attached with Visual Studio 2022
  • Python 3.9.13
  • matplotlib 3.6.0

How to build C++ source code

You have to connect to the internet to build for the first time because Google Test codes are downloaded from the internet. I will explain how to build in Windows, but you will probably be able to build in Mac OS or Linux using g++ or clang++ like the following explanation Use WSL. However, I can't guarantee that you can certainly build in Linux or Mac OS.

Use Visual Studio

  1. Please install Visual Studio. Make sure that features of Visual C++ and CMake are installed.
  2. Please open the Gobblet_AI folder in Visual Studio.
  3. You can build the project only to open the folder and build like usual Visual Studio Project because I used the CMake Project of Visual Studio.
  4. Please make sure to run cpp_test.exe. If you try to run other files, it won't work well.


Please build the codes of branch wsl because I used C++20 in codes of branch master but g++ and clang++ of WSL didn't support the features of C++20 I used when I checked if I can build them. I stop using std::format and std::bit_floor in codes of branch wsl. Of course, g++ and clang++ of WSL may be updated and you may be able to build codes of branch master.

  1. Please install (g++ or clang++) and cmake.
  2. Please move to the Gobblet_AI folder like cd ./Gobblet_AI.
  3. Please make a output folder like mkdir out.
  4. Please move to the output folder like cd ./out.
  5. Please use the command cmake .. .
  6. Please use the command cmake --build . . If you want to build the codes as Release build, please use the command cmake --build . --config Release.
  7. Please make sure to run cpp_test.exe. If you try to run other files, it won't work well.


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