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Data Sources

Open Weather Api: - Network Data source.

city list here: - A list of cities to pick from


  • This project is created with code re-usability, a screaming architecture, some other paradigms like single responsibility, repository pattern, local caching, MVVM and dependency injection mind.
  • More importantly, the project also leverages some of kotlin's more exciting features, like the use of extension functions, sealed classes, lambdas functions, coroutines, flow and so on.

Built Using 🛠

  • Kotlin - First class and official programming language for Android development.
  • ViewBinding - Generates a binding class for each XML layout file present in that module and allows you to more easily write code that interacts with views.
  • Room DB - Used to locally store our data.
  • Dagger Hilt - For dependency injection.
  • Data Binding - Used especially to bind data to the recyclerview.
  • Material Design - Core design principles used to design the application.
  • Navigation Component - Navigation system through the app.
  • Android Studio - Arctic fox 2020.3.1


  • A screen displaying a list of current temperatures from 20 cities
  • A search bar for filtering these cities
  • Items from the list can be able to be made a favorite, favourite cities should go to the top of the list
  • Clicking on the items should open an item screen displaying more detailed info of weather in that city
  • Please ensure the app works gracefully in and out of internet activity


  • Remove extra screen
  • Add unit tests.
  • Clean dependencies in the app gradle file.
  • Clean out all unused classes/ files (CLEAN UP)
  • DRY the app a bit more.
  • A notification showing the current conditions of a favorite city at the top of the hour (when the app is not in the foreground)

How to use this project

  • Fork project
  • Clone this repo into android studio.
  • Build & Run the app.

Click the image below to watch how it works.

Watch the video


If you need any help, you can connect with me.

Visit:- maku


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