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Smoke Test

Maarten edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 37 revisions

Smoke test

At the time of this writing, this looks more like a regression test than a smoke test. The plan is to start transferring items from this page to the Regression Test page.


Check if the following actions work as expected. Use controls, keyboard equivalents and menu items randomly.

Day Schemes


  1. Navigate to another day
  2. Open a Screening Info dialog
  3. Go to another screening of the same film
  4. Display the Film Info
  5. Close the popover and the dialog

Movable Screenings

  1. Recognize an on-demand screening by its availability bar in the click pad
  2. Move the on-demand screening one day
  3. Move an on-demand screening within the day
  4. Try to move an on-demand screening beyond its availability window
  5. Try to move an on-line screening (which is not on-demand)

Film Rating Dialog


  1. Open the Film Ratings dialog
  2. Sort by a rating (or by anything else than Name)
  3. Select one or more films, among which at least one film with screenings
  4. Switch on Hide Screeningless Films - Films with no screenings should disappear
  5. Selected films with screenings should remain selected
  6. Sorting order should not be effected
  7. Sort by Film title
  8. Select a film by starting to type its title
  9. Click on the Film menu. At the bottom one of Combination Program(s), Screened Films or No combinations involved must be present
  10. If not exactly one film is selected or if the Film Rating Dialog is not visible, the extra menu item(s) in Film should not be present


Rating management is now moved to the Django app.

  1. Open the Film Ratings dialog
  2. In the Django app add, change or delete one or more ratings
  3. In the Film Ratings dialog sort ratings of the user of whom ratings were changed
  4. Select one or more films, among which preferably a film with changed ratings
  5. Reload the ratings.
  6. Selected films with screenings should remain selected
  7. Sorting order should not be effected

Combine Titles

  1. Select multiple films that have screenings and combine the titles
  2. Get film info from the resulting title
  3. Go to a screening of the combined title, which is not the standard title - the rating should be the same for all combined films
  4. Open the Film Ratings dialog again
  5. Uncombine the combined titles - film ratings should be the same as before combining

Visit Film Web Site

  1. Select multiple films
  2. The Visit Film Web Site button should be disabled
  3. Select one film
  4. The Visit Film Website button should be active
  5. The Visit Film Website button should have a tool tip that mentions the selected film
  6. Open a website from either the Rating Dialog, a Day Scheme, the Film Info dialog, the Screening Info dialog or the Analyzer dialog


Unsaved work is saved when closing a dialog or quitting the app.

  1. Check that availability is automatically saved when committing the Availability dialog
  2. Check that screening info is saved when attendances or tickets status is changed in the Screening Info dialog
  3. Check that screening info is saved when combining or uncombining films in the Film Ratings dialog
  4. Change screening info from the Main view (Day Scheme)
  5. Open the Screening Info dialog or the Film Ratings dialog and change more screening info
  6. Check that the Document Edited indicator in the Main view is switched off when the dialog saves the screening info
  7. Check if explicitly saving from the File menu works as expected.