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The core

The core of Stylite is the ability to express CSS rules using Reason syntax.

A selector is a string of a CSS selector. A declaration is a reason constuctor that corresponds to a css declaration e.g. BackgroundColor "red" or PaddingTop "10px".

A rule is a couple made of:

  1. a list of selectors
  2. a list of declarations

A mediaQuery is a couple made of:

  1. optional media query
  2. a list of rules

Here is an example of a rule and mediaQuery:

let my_rule = (["#button-1", ".big-rectangle"], [BackgroundColor("red"), PaddingTop("10px")]);
let my_media_query = (Some("screen and (max-width: 664px)"), [my_rules]);

We can convert a rule to a CSS statement with print_rule:

"#button-1, .big-rectangle {
  background-color: red;
  padding-top: 10px;

And convert a mediaQuery to a CSS statement with print_media_query:

"@media screen and (max-width: 664px) {
  #button-1, .big-rectangle {
    background-color: red;
    padding-top: 10px;

Integration in an application

In order to integrate Stylite rules in an application one has to:

  1. Create a Stylite instance with Stylite.Make()
  2. Register the rules into a class with register_rules
  3. Apply the class to an element
  4. Load all the class rules (this is done differently for client side and server side rendering (print_all_rules))

Register rules into a class

We can register

let wrap_image_cls =
        Border("1px solid"),

Pseudo selector and nested selector

open StyliteRe.Rules;

let image_cls = Stylite.register_rules(~cls="image", ~decl=[Margin("15px")]);

let wrap_image_cls =
      (["&:hover > ." ++ image_cls], [Border("solid 1px red")]),
      (["& > ." ++ image_cls], [Border("solid 1px black")])

let css = Stylite.print_all();

// Css is
// .image {
//   margin 15px;
// }
// .wrap_image:hover .image {
//   border: solid 1px red;
// }
// .wrap_image .image {
//   border: solid 1px black;
// }

Use media query

open StyliteRe.Rules;

let image_cls = Stylite.register_rules(~cls="image", ~decl=[Margin("15px")]);

let wrap_image_cls =
      (None, [(["&"], [Color("blue")])]),
        Some("screen and (max-width: 664px)"),
          (["&:hover > ." ++ image_cls], [Border("solid 1px red")]),
          (["& > ." ++ image_cls], [Border("solid 1px black")]),

let css = Stylite.print_all();

// Css is
// .image {
//   margin 15px;
// }
// .wrap_image {
//   color: blue;
// } 
// @media screen and (max-width: 664px) {
//   .wrap_image:hover .image {
//     border: solid 1px red;
//   }
//   .wrap_image .image {
//     border: solid 1px black;
//   }
// }

Server side rendering

retrieve the CSS string with print_all and put it into a <style> element

Client side rendering

Once the first page of the app is created, inject the CSS into a tag and follow style changes with inject_in_tag_and_follow_changes.