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Team Treats

A web app to maintain the team's recreational fund (TRF)


ASP.Net Core, Vagrant, Packer, Ansible


Running the app with Docker Build

This document provides a step-by-step guide on building a Docker image for the TeamTreats web application, running a Docker container, and pushing the image to GitHub Packages.


Before proceeding, make sure you have the following:

  • Docker
  • GitHub Personal Access Token with appropriate permissions


  1. Login to GitHub Packages (Optional):
    Use the following command to log in to GitHub Packages using your GitHub username and Personal Access Token.

    echo $ENV:TeamTreats_GH_TOKEN | docker login -u mabubakarriaz --password-stdin
  2. Build Docker Image:
    Run the following command to build the Docker image for the TeamTreats web application. You can use any tag -t teamtreats:latest if you do not want to publish it to GitHub.

    docker build -t -f .\teamtreats-webapp\Dockerfile .
  3. Push Docker Image to GitHub Packages (Optional):
    Push the built Docker image to GitHub Packages using the following command.s

    docker push
  4. Pull Docker Image (Optional):
    If needed, pull the Docker image from GitHub Packages using the following command.

    docker pull
  5. Run Docker Container:
    Start a Docker container for the TeamTreats web application using the following command. Use your own tag teamtreats:latest if building local image.

    docker run --name teamtreats_webapp --restart always -d -p 8080:80 -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development
  6. Access TeamTreats Web Application:
    Once the container is running, access the TeamTreats web application by navigating to http://localhost:8080 in your web browser.


  • This example uses the image tagging convention for GitHub Publish. You can use your own tag name if this is not required.
  • Ensure that your GitHub Personal Access Token has the necessary permissions to read and write packages.
  • Modify the version tag (v0.0.1-alpha) according to your versioning strategy.
  • Adjust the container port (-p 8080:80) based on your desired host and container port configuration.
  • Review and update the Dockerfile path (.\teamtreats-webapp\Dockerfile) if it's located in a different directory.

Congratulations! You have successfully built, deployed, and run the TeamTreats web application using Docker and GitHub Packages.

Running the app with Docker Compose

This guide provides instructions on running the TeamTreats web app using Docker Compose.


Before proceeding, ensure that these are installed on your machine.

To run the TeamTreats web app, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt in the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file.

  2. Use the following command to start the TeamTreats web app in detached mode:

    docker-compose -p teamtreats up -d

    This command initializes the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file and starts the TeamTreats web app. The -d flag runs the containers in the background.

  3. Access the TeamTreats web app by navigating to the specified URL or IP address in your web browser.

  4. To stop and remove the containers associated with the TeamTreats web app, use the following command:

    docker-compose down

Running Packer and Vagrant using Makefile

A Makefile is a powerful build automation tool that simplifies the execution of commands and tasks. This configuration provides documentation on utilizing a Makefile to streamline the process of running Packer and Vagrant for virtual machine provisioning. The Makefile included in this repository automates the installation of necessary plugins and the execution of Packer and Vagrant commands.


Ensure the following prerequisites are met:

Setup Process

  1. Install Packer Plugins:

    To install Packer plugins, execute the following command:

    make init
  2. Build with Packer:

    To build the virtual machine image using Packer, run:

    make packer
  3. Build with Vagrant:

    To add a Vagrant box and launch the virtual machine, execute:

    make vagrant
  4. Clean Up:

    To destroy the virtual machine and remove the associated Vagrant box, run:

    make clean

Note: Ensure that Packer, Vagrant, and any other required dependencies are installed on your system before running the Makefile.

Additional Notes

  • The Makefile assumes that packer.json is present in the same directory.
  • Before running the vagrant rule, ensure that the Packer build is successful and has generated the box file.
  • Customize the Makefile and associated files according to your specific project requirements.

Running the App with Packer

This Packer configuration is designed to automate the creation of a minimal Alpine Linux virtual machine. The resulting virtual machine can be used for various purposes, including development, testing, and production environments.


Before running the Packer build, ensure that the required Packer plugins are installed. You can install them using the following commands:

packer plugins install
packer plugins install
packer plugins install

For more information on Packer integrations, visit the HashiCorp Packer Integrations website.

Setup Process

  1. Validate Packer file:

    Ensure the correctness of the Packer configuration file using the following commands. Remove the -syntax-only flag to validate the entire Packer file with plugin parameters.

    packer validate -syntax-only packer.json

  2. Build With Packer

    Initiate the Packer build process using the following command. You can omit the -force flag for the first-time creation of an image using the packer.json file.

    packer build -force packer.json

Other useful commands

  • Get the list of installed plugins:

    packer plugins installed

  • Remove a specific plugin by replacing <plugin> with the actual plugin name:

    packer plugins remove <plugin>

Running the App with Vagrant

Vagrant empowers developers to create and manage lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments, courtesy of HashiCorp. The heart of Vagrant lies in the Vagrantfile located in the root directory of this repository. To set up and utilize Vagrant as a development and testing environment, follow the steps outlined below.


Before diving into Vagrant, ensure the following dependencies are installed:

Setup Process

  1. Validate Vagrantfile: Ensure the Vagrant Ruby script is valid.

    vagrant validate
  2. Publish Project Files: Publish project files using the following command:

    dotnet publish ./src/teamtreats-webapp/teamtreats-webapp.csproj -p:PublishDir=.\bin/Publish -c Release -r linux-musl-x64 --self-contained true
  3. Create and Run Virtual Machine: Start and provision the virtual machine.

    vagrant up
  4. Log into Virtual Machine: Access the virtual machine through SSH.

    vagrant ssh

Additional Vagrant Commands

  • Check Environment Status: View the current status of the Vagrant environment.

    vagrant status
  • Save/Apply Snapshots: Save a checkpoint and apply/delete a checkpoint.

    vagrant snapshot push    # save a checkpoint
    vagrant snapshot pop     # apply and delete a checkpoint
  • Lifecycle Management: Perform start-stop actions on the Vagrant virtual machine.

    vagrant destroy   # delete VM
    vagrant up        # start VM
    vagrant halt      # shutdown VM
    vagrant reload    # restart VM
    vagrant suspend   # sleep VM
    vagrant resume    # awake VM
  • Port Collision Resolution: Resolve port collisions with the following command.

    vagrant port