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macan edited this page Oct 29, 2010 · 19 revisions

Getting Start with Key/Value Interface

1. Features of Pomegranate:

  1. Support key/value access now, however, the value length for memory resident column must less than 320 bytes for now. Longer value support is ongoing. Column support has arrived. You can have at most 4096 columns for each key.

  2. Support POSIX file system interface, while, the kernel/fuse client do not included in this repo. We are busy on testing on these clients, and are happy to open them to public quickly.

  3. Dynamically add/del MDS is support in key/value client. Note that, you must make sure that there is no requests issued in changing. We plan to remove this restriction in later version.

2. How to run the Key/Value interface?

2.0 Preparing Environment

For now, Pomegranate is 64-bit only, and it can be compiled on 32-bit boxes. It is very easy to prepare the binary targets.

[root@vs1 Pomegranate] # make

If there is no compiling error, you have done! All the binary targets that needed are in the directory `test/xnet/'. If you encounter any error, please contact me. Thank you!

2.0.0 'cr.c' is missing!!! (It has been fixed after commit 7c28cb6, just ignore this section.)

[root@vs1 Pomegranate]# make 
make: *** No rule to make target /usr/src/Pomegranate/test/xnet/cr.c', needed byunit_test'. Stop.

I am sorry that I have not include 'cr.c' in my commits, but it is already in the Makefile. So, the latest git snapshot can be compiled :( However, curious guys can edit the file '' to remove file 'cr.c' at line 54. I will add this missing file a few days later. I am on vocation until October 8. Thanks bluewhale to point me this issue.

2.0.1 Create File System Home

     $ mkdir -p /tmp/hvfs

Not needed after commit 7c28cb6, the default home will be created automatically.

2.0.2 Got the ROOT Permission

     $ su 

2.0.3 Fix IP address error!!! (It has been fixed after commit 7c28cb6, just ignore this section.)

The R2 server's address in test code in directory 'test/xnet/' is hard coded with ''. You should change them to ''. For example, in file 'mds.c', 'mdsl.c', 'r2cli.c', and 'client.c':

char *ipaddr[] = {
    "",              /* mds */
    "",              /* client */
    "",              /* mdsl */
    "",                  /* ring */       /* <-- Change this line! */
    "",             /* test client */

2.0.4 Python 2.5 or ctypes modules is needed

You should prepare the python 2.5 environment or install ctypes module. Please refer to Python and ctypes.

2.0.5 Quickly Start

It is very important to note that your ssh should be configured to login without PASSWORD. Please refer to this document.

However, if you really do NOT know how to login without PASSWORD, please use our newest script that support login with password.

$ # login with ssh configed, without password
$ cd bin
$ ./ start all
Start R2 server done. Waiting for 5 seconds to clean up latest instance...
Start MDSL server done.
Start MDS server done.
$ ./ check
$ # login without ssh configed, you should supply the password
$ cd bin
$ USERNAME=your_user_name PASSWD=your_password ./ start all
Start R2 server done. Waiting for 5 seconds to clean up latest instance...
Start MDSL server done.
Start MDS server done.
$ ./ check

It is simple to start all the servers by using the admin script. However, it has not been well tested yet. You can jump to Section 2.4.

2.1 Start the R2 server

2.1.1 Edit the config file

   For example, the config file in conf/hvfs.conf shows how to add new
   servers. Each line is in the format of `type:ip:port:id', where type is
   in `mds/mdsl/r2/client/amc'.
       $ cat conf/hvfs.conf
       # HVFS config file





   This config file defines **four** MDS servers, **two** MDSL servers, **one**
   R2 server, and many clients and amcs.

2.1.2 Start the R2 server in cmdline

       $ create=1 mode=1 hvfs_root_hb_interval=10 test/xnet/root.ut 0 conf/hvfs.conf
   `create=1' means that if the fs is not exist, we just create a new one;

   `hvfs_root_hb_interval=10' means R2 server expect to receive heartbeats
   from each registered site every 10 seconds.

   the first argument `0' sets the ID, the second argument
   `conf/hvfs.conf' sets the config file.

   After this, you will see the console output on initializing the
   site/fs/addr information.

2.2 Start the MDSL servers

   Start one MDSL server is easy. Using the following cmd line.
       $ mode=1 hvfs_mdsl_prof_plot=1 hvfs_mdsl_opt_write_drop=0 test/xnet/mdsl.ut id
   `mode=1' means that MDSL will register itself with the R2 server.

   `hvfs_mdsl_prof_plot=1' means that MDSL dump the internal profiling in
   predefined plot format.

   `hvfs_mdsl_opt_write_drop=0' means that MDSL do NOT drop any write
   requests. If it is set to 1, then all the write requests are just

   There are many other predefined environment variables, and the total
   list WILL be available on line at


   1. argv[1]: ID, logical number of this server id;

   2. argv[2]: R2_IP, the ip address of the R2 server;

   3. argv[3]: PORT, the local listen port number of this server, it
               should be consistent with the value in the config file.

   Note that, you can start a bunch of MDSLs in a bash script, for example:
       $ cat

       mode=1 hvfs_mdsl_prof_plot=1 hvfs_mdsl_opt_write_drop=0 test/xnet/mdsl.ut 0 > mdsl.0.log &
       mode=1 hvfs_mdsl_prof_plot=1 hvfs_mdsl_opt_write_drop=0 test/xnet/mdsl.ut 1 > mdsl.1.log &
   All the output info are redirected to files `mdsl.*.log'.

2.3 Start the MDS servers

   Start one MDS server is easy too. Using the following cmd line.
       $ fsid=1 mode=1 hvfs_mds_opt_memlimit=0 hvfs_mds_memlimit=1072896010 hvfs_mds_txg_interval=5 hvfs_mds_opt_memonly=0 type=0 cache=0 test/xnet/mds.ut 0
   `fsid=1' means that we supply metadata service for file system 1.

   `mode=1' means thet MDS will register itself with the R2 server.

   `hvfs_mds_opt_memlimit=0' means that there is NO memory limit on
   internal CACHED table slices. If it is set to 1, you must set
   `hvfs_mds_memlimit=xxxxxxx' either.

   `hvfs_mds_memlimit=xxxxxxx' means that the memory upper limit for
   CACHED table slices is xxxxxxx BYTES.

   `hvfs_mds_txg_interval=5' means that the base timer interval of
   transaction group write back is FIVE seconds. Note that, if you enable
   `hvfs_mds_dati', this interval will be ADJUST dynamically based on the
   current system load. If the load is high, we delay the write back to
   NOT content with user requests. If the load is lower, we trigger the
   pending write back.

   `hvfs_mds_opt_memonly=0' means that MDS is NOT memory-only. All the
   modifications WILL be commited to MDSL. If it is set, all the
   modifications will ONLY resident in memory.

   `type=0' means that it is a MDS server. It is the default value, so you
   can just ignore it.

   `cache=0' means that MDS do NOT pre-allocate ANY table slices. If it is
   set to X, then on starting the MDS will allocate X table slices.


   1. argv[1]: ID, logical number of this server id;

   2. argv[2]: R2_IP, the ip address of the R2 server;

   3. argv[3]: PORT, the local listen port number of this server, it
               should be consistent with the value in the config file;

   Note that, you can start a bunch of MDSs in a bash script, for example:
       $ cat
       fsid=1 mode=1 hvfs_mds_opt_memlimit=0 hvfs_mds_memlimit=1072896010 hvfs_mds_txg_interval=5 hvfs_mds_opt_memonly=0 type=0 cache=0 test/xnet/mds.ut 0 > mds.0.log &
       fsid=1 mode=1 hvfs_mds_opt_memlimit=0 hvfs_mds_memlimit=1072896010 hvfs_mds_txg_interval=5 hvfs_mds_opt_memonly=0 type=0 cache=0 test/xnet/mds.ut 1 > mds.1.log &
       fsid=1 mode=1 hvfs_mds_opt_memlimit=0 hvfs_mds_memlimit=1072896010 hvfs_mds_txg_interval=5 hvfs_mds_opt_memonly=0 type=0 cache=0 test/xnet/mds.ut 2 > mds.2.log &
       fsid=1 mode=1 hvfs_mds_opt_memlimit=0 hvfs_mds_memlimit=1072896010 hvfs_mds_txg_interval=5 hvfs_mds_opt_memonly=0 type=0 cache=0 test/xnet/mds.ut 3 > mds.3.log &

2.4 Create the file system

   On default, there is no file system. To use the key/value store on top
   of Pomegranate, we should create the file system 1(fsid=1). We have
   provided a tool to create a clean file system in directory test/xnet.

   Using the following cmd line to create a file system:
       $ fsid=1 type=1 op=1 test/xnet/r2cli.ut 0
   `fsid=1' means that we create a new file system with id=1.

   `type=1' means that we pretend ourself to be a CLIENT.

   `op=1' means that we want to do MKFS operation on R2 server.


   1. argv[1]: ID, logical number of this client;


   op 0/1 => hb/mkfs

   1. `hb' means heartbeat operation. A heartbeat message is sent to R2

   2. `mkfs' means make file system operation. A mkfs message is sent to
      R2 server, carring the fsid.
       $ # output of execution is:
       [INFO] R2 Unit Test Client running...
       [INFO] type 0/1/2/3 => MDS/CLIENT/MDSL/RING
       [INFO] fsid => 0-$
       [INFO] op 0/1 => hb/mkfs
       [INFO] Self type+ID is client:0.
       [INFO] Open site store /tmp/hvfs/site_store success.
       [INFO] Open root store /tmp/hvfs/root_store success.
       [INFO] Open bitmap store /tmp/hvfs/bitmap_store success.
       [INFO] Open addr store /tmp/hvfs/addr_store success.
       [ERR ] HVFS (         r2cli.c,   209): r2cli_do_reg[2a95588540]: Begin parse the reg reply message
       [INFO] HCI: gdt_uuid 0 gdt_salt bb5d18c root_uuid 1 root_salt ffffffffffffffff group 0
       [INFO] fsid 1 gdt_uuid 0 gdt_salt bb5d18c root_uuid 1 root_salt ffffffffffffffff
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 20000 addr 8412
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 20001 addr 8413
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 20002 addr 8414
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 20003 addr 8415
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 40000 addr 8210
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 40001 addr 8211
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 40002 addr 8212
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 40003 addr 8213
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 60000 addr 8810
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 60001 addr 8811
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site 80000 addr 8710
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site c0000 addr 9001
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588540]: site c0001 addr 9002
       [ERR ] HVFS (         r2cli.c,   378): r2cli_do_mkfs[2a95588540]: Begin parse the mkfs reply message
       [INFO] MKFS fsid 1 w/ root_salt 96aa6cd
   Note that, it is important to see the last line 'MKFS fsid 1 w/
   root_salt xxxxxx'. It means that a new file system 1 has been created!
   If you see the following error, it means that the file system 1 has
   already been created before. Just ignore that, you can do the next
       [ERR ] HVFS (         r2cli.c,   372): r2cli_do_mkfs[2a95588540]: mkfs site 20000 failed w/ -17
       [ERR ] HVFS (         r2cli.c,   544): main[2a95588540]: mkfs self 20000 w/ r2 80000 failed w/ -17

2.5 Start the KV client

   We have provide a key/value access client for KV store on top of Pomegranate. Using the following cmd line to start it: 
   (Note that: the old **** is changed to ****, while is a file system client now.)
       $ cd test/python
       $ python -h 
       AMC Client: 
        -h, --help          print this help document.
        -t, --thread        how many threads do you want to run.(IGNORED)
        -i, --id            the logical id of this AMC client.
        -r, --ring          the R2 server ip address.
       $ python # using the default ip address (
       AMC Client 0 Running w/ (1 threads)...
       [INFO] AMC Self id 0 port 9001
       [INFO] DCONF cmd channel: /tmp/.MDS.DCONF
       [INFO] Begin parse the reg reply message
       b01d016855b285f00fb1edb5751af494 CHRING
       aa876e5d7c1a228c6ea54543d7929db1 CHRING
       [INFO] fsid 1 gdt_uuid 0 gdt_salt bb5d18c root_uuid 1 root_salt 96aa6cd
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 20000 addr 8412
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 20001 addr 8413
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 20002 addr 8414
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 20003 addr 8415
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 40000 addr 8210
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 40001 addr 8211
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 40002 addr 8212
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 40003 addr 8213
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 60000 addr 8810
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 60001 addr 8811
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site 80000 addr 8710
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site c0000 addr 9001
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/xnet/xnet_simple.c,  2112): xnet_replace_ipaddr[2a95588f80]: site c0001 addr 9002
       [INFO] AMI gdt uuid 0 salt bb5d18c
       [INFO] Change root salt to 96aa6cd
       [INFO] root mdu mode 40744 nlink 2 flags 8000000
       [INFO] Lookup root entry successfully.
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/mds/xtable.c,   742): mds_bitmap_load[2a95588f80]: bitmap f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
       [INFO] Got suuid 0x8000400000000003 ssalt b59c60 puuid 1 psalt 96aa6cd.
       table table_x uuid -7fffbffffffffffd salt b59c60
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/mds/xtable.c,   742): mds_bitmap_load[2a95588f80]: bitmap f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
       get value 'hello, world!'
       Welcome to Python AMC Client Shell, for help please input ? or help
       # waiting for your commands :)
   Commands List:

   1. commit: Trigger a memory snapshot on the remote MDS. 
              Usage: commit [<id of MDS>/<all>]

   2. create: Create a new table in the KV store.
              Usage: create table <table_name>

   3. del: Delete the key/value pair in the KV store.
           Usage: del <key>

   4. drop: Drop a table in the KV store.
            Usage: drop table <table_name>

   5. get: Get the value of the key from the KV store.
           Usage: get <key>

   6. getactivesite: Get the active sites.
                     Usage: getactivesite <mds/mdsl>

   7. getcluster: Get the MDS/MDSL cluster status.
                  Usage: getcluster <mds/mdsl>

   8. list: List the tables in KV store.
            Usage: list

   9. ls: the same as list

   10. offline: Offline a MDS or MDSL site. (Fow now MDSL is not supported to offline/online)
                Usage: offline <mds/mdsl> id

   11. online: Online a MDS or MDSL site.
               Usage: online <mds/mdsl> id ip

   12. put: Put a key/value pair to the KV store.
            Usage: put key value

   13. select: Select something from the table.
               Usage: select * from <table_name> # return all the keys in table <table_name>
                      select count(1) from <table_name> # return the total count of keys in table <table_name>
                      select * from <table_name> where 'str' # return all the keys whose value contains string 'str' in table <table_name>
                      select count(1) from <table_name> where 'str' # return the total count of keys whose value contains string 'str' in table <table_name>

   14. set: Set the working table.
            Usage: set table <table_name>

   15. update: Update an existing key/value pair in the KV store.
               Usage: update key value

   16. sput/sget/supdate/sdel is a group of STRING KEY operations. Using these cmds can specify key/value pairs, e.x., ("bob", "@Beijing").

   17. **sput/sget/supdate/put/get/update can accept column field now!**

   For example, say we create a table ABCD and put key/value pairs
   [<1,bob>, <2,alice>, <3,macan>, <1111,Li>, <135666,Zhang>] to table
       (Cmd) create table ABCD
       [INFO] Got suuid 0x8000200000000003 ssalt 1456a85 puuid 1 psalt 96aa6cd.
       (Cmd) set table ABCD
       (Cmd) put 1 bob
       [WARN] HVFS (/home/macan/hvfs/hvfs.macan/mds/xtable.c,   742): mds_bitmap_load[2a95588f80]: bitmap f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
       (Cmd) put 2 alice
       (Cmd) put 3 macan
       (Cmd) put 1111 Li
       (Cmd) put 135666 Zhang
   Then, we do some queries:
       (Cmd) select * from ABCD
       [INFO] refresh uuid 8000200000000003 salt 21326469 bitmaps
       (Cmd) select count(1) from ABCD
       [INFO] refresh uuid 8000200000000003 salt 21326469 bitmaps
       (Cmd) select * from ABCD where macan
       Gramma OK.
       [INFO] refresh uuid 8000200000000003 salt 21326469 bitmaps
       (Cmd) select * from ABCD where bob
       Gramma OK.
       [INFO] refresh uuid 8000200000000003 salt 21326469 bitmaps
       (Cmd) select * from ABCD where a
       Gramma OK.
       [INFO] refresh uuid 8000200000000003 salt 21326469 bitmaps
       (Cmd) get 1111
       Key: 1111 => Value: Li
   Next, we update some values, and do queries.
       (Cmd) update 1111 alex
       (Cmd) select * from ABCD where a
       Gramma OK.
       [INFO] refresh uuid 8000200000000003 salt 21326469 bitmaps
       (Cmd) get 1111
       Key: 1111 => Value: alex
   Ho, it works? Any problem please contact me via mail at ml.macana AT