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Key concepts

Machine Learning problems typically involve extracting several pieces of information from your raw data. For example, if you are building a system to classify e-mail as spam or non-spam, your "raw data" is some representation of an email message, and relevant properties might be the presence of images, what is the domain of the sender, if a relevant keyword is in the subject line, the body length, etc.

Each element of raw data to work with (in the above example, an email message) is called a data point; you can use any python data structure you like to represent those (strings, dictionaries, tuples, objects, etc). Each of the distinct properties you analyze from a data point is called a feature (also called "attribute" in some of the literature, but we'll stick to the feature nomenclature)

In python code, a feature will essentially be a function that maps data points into feature values. For some features, there's a limited set of possible values (the feature "presence of images" ranges into "yes"/"no"), others can have discrete numeric values (example: "count of bytes in the message"), and others can have continuous values (example: "ratio of upper/lowercase characters in the subject").

It is also possible to think about sets of related features as a vector typed feature value. For example, instead of having a feature "frequency of the letter A", another "frequency of the letter B", and another 24 up to Z, you could have a single feature "frequency of each letter" with a value which is a 26-element vector with each element in [0..1]

Feature definition

The basics

Feature Forge provides you some help with the boilerplate of defining features and help you testing them

In its most basic form, you can define a feature just as a function, for example

# Assuming our data points are dictionaries

def body_length(message):
    return len(message["body"])

Your function should take a single argument (of whatever type you are using as a data point) and return a value of any of the following types:

  • a string (with a tag, for multi-valued features)
  • a list or set of strings (or other hashables objects)
  • a number (float or int, for numerical features)
  • a list/vector of numbers for vector-typed features


Even if a lot of the features you write have only a few lines of code, making mistakes while writing features is surprisingly common and dangerous. Most features are not used directly by your code, and the results aren't directly exposed to a person. Instead, most features are applied to a large, unknown set of data, and its results aggregated statistically. If you're lucky, the mistakes will produce exceptions that you'll be able to detect and fix, but in many cases the feature is producing a wrong result, and it's not even obvious that there's a problem when looking at a statistical aggregate value.

Other problem that you'll find frequently is that your source of data points may not be completely "clean", and some of the input entries have not just wrong values but also different structure (a missing field, or a numeric field with a string value).

Feature Forge provides you some tools to document and check that your features are getting correct data, that (for some handcrafted examples) it is producing the right result, and that it tolerates some sample data that our tool generates automatically.

Validation requires some additional information about the feature: specifically the main type/properties of the input and output values of the feature. As a way to specify those, FeatureForge provides a system based on Vladimir Keleshev's schema python module. A quick look at its documentation should help you to know what you can express with it. In this documentation we will provide a few examples useful for common machine learning situations.

In the next example, data points are dictionaries with at least a key called "body" tied to a unicode string (the message body), and feature value is a non-negative integer. You can specify that in the following way

from featureforge.feature import input_schema, output_schema

@input_schema({"body": unicode})
@output_schema(int, lambda i: i >= 0)
def body_length(message):
    return len(message["body"])

There a few important aspects of this code:

  • Adding the specifications above does not affect the behavior of your function when using in a standalone way. It is just a declarative specification that is usable by the testing and vectorization components of Feature Forge
  • When you use dictionaries as schemas, the semantic is a bit more relaxed than in the schema library, because it implicitly allows additional keys so an input {"subject": u"Hi", "body": u"I'm here"} would be a valid input for the input schema above.

Once you have defined your feature like this, you can write a basic test case

import unittest
from featureforge.validate import BaseFeatureFixture, EQ, IN, APPROX, RAISES

class TestBodyLength(unittest.TestCase, BaseFeatureFixture):
    feature = body_length
    fixtures = dict(
            test_eq=({"body": u"hello"}, EQ, 5),
            test_approx=({"body": "world!"}, APPROX, 6.00001),
            test_in=({"body": u"x"}, IN, [1,3,7]),
            test_raise=({}, RAISES, ValueError),

When running the testcase above with a test runner, you'll have the feature tested against each row of the fixture. Note that the fixture is a dictionary where the keys are labels (which are used in the error message if the check fails), and a triple with input data, a predicate, and an argument for the predicate. The example above covers the possible predicates: equality, approximate equality, inclusion in a set, or failing. Note that any input which does not validate the input_schema will result on a ValueError while testing.

The test case above will also verify that the outputs satisfy the output schema.

The last validation that the test above gives you is what we call a "fuzzy" validation. Some random values are generated (following the input schema), and the feature is called on those values. This check allows you to "stress" the feature code and detect edge cases that might make it fail, or produce a value that does not follow the output schema. Fuzzy validation only is available with schemas describing "standard" python objects (numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries), and may not be available if you add complex lambda expressions or custom types to your schemas. This might be extended to support custom generator of data points in the future.

The fuzzy generator supports: int, float, bool, str, unicode, datetime. Also nested combinations of those built with dict (with literal string keys), list, tuple, set and frozenset. schema.Or is supported. schema.And only works if the first argument is a type, and the other conditions are "easy" to validate, where "easy" means "it is likely to find a valid value after a few hundred tries of the random value generator"

It is also possible to extend the class above adding additional test methods, just like you do in any TestCase subclass.

Feature factories and renaming

Sometimes it's useful to use some python metaprogramming tricks to build many similar features. Let's say that your data point is a social media post, represented as a dictionary with many numeric values representing different properties (number of comments, number of likes, number of shares) that you want to extract as features. Writing those features is quite easy, although somewhat tedious and repetitive if you have tens of those properties. You could instead do the following

# This is a simple example, don't use this code, there's a better way in a
# later example.
def int_property(label):
    @input_schema({label: int})
    def get_property(post):
        return post[label]
    return get_property

likes = int_property('likes')
comments = int_property('comments')
shares = int_property('shares')
... etc ...

The code above works but has a problem. When using the rest of the framework and having any kind of problem with the features defined this way (for example a test failure, or invalid result when applying to data), the error message will show the name of the function that defines how to compute the feature, and for all of these the function is called "get_property", so you'll lose useful debugging information.

FeatureForge allows you to rename the name used in error messages to provide more valuable error messages, you just need to add a feature_name decorator to the function where you can specify a better name (it doesn't need to be a valid python identifier). The better way to write the example above would be

def int_property(label):
    @input_schema({label: int})
    @feature_name("int_property[%s]" % label)
    def get_property(post):
        return post[label]
    return get_property

likes = int_property('likes')
comments = int_property('comments')
... etc ...

If you do this, any message related to the features will describe something like "int_property[likes]" which is specific to which of all the features is involved.

Advanced feature definition

In some cases, when a feature has many parameters or a complex initialization code, it might be more practical to define them as classes instead of functions (bare or decorated). You can do that by defining a subclass of featureforge.feature.Feature. In that case, you need to add the feature evaluation code in _evaluate, any initialization code you like in __init__, and define class attributes input_schema and output_schema. This is a possible example

from featureforge.feature import Feature, soft_schema
from schema import Schema

class SubjectHasBadWord(Feature):
    input_schema = soft_schema(subject=str)
    # The above is equivalent to
    #   input_schema = Schema({"subject": str, str: Optional(object)})
    output_schema = Schema(bool)

    def __init__(self, bad_words_filename):
        self.bad_words = set(open(bad_words_filename).readlines())

    def _evaluate(self, message):
        subject_words = set(message["subject"].split())
        return bool(subject_words & self.bad_words)

has_bad_word_english = SubjectHasBadWord("english-badwords.txt")
has_bad_word_spanish = SubjectHasBadWord("spanish-badwords.txt")

Note that here each feature is an instance of the subclass. You can use these instances interchangeably with functions in the rest of the library, and you can even call them as functions. One difference with the function API is that if you call them (i.e. has_bad_word_spanish(some_message)) and the input/output isn't valid, this will automatically check it and produce an exception. The exception produced is a subclass of ValueError, more precisely has_bad_word_spanish.InputValueError or has_bad_word_spanish.OutputValueError.

Also note that the schemas have to be built explicitly using the schema module, and that there is no "syntax sugar" for defining schemas as there is in the function decorators. To achieve the same flexibility of the decorators, you might find useful the soft_schema function and the ObjectSchema class.

If you somehow want the behavior of a Feature subclass (being able to call it with input/output checking, having access to its schema as attributes, etc.), you can use the make_feature function, which takes a function-based feature and turns it into a Feature instance. you can also use make_feature as a decorator if you prefer defining functions but working with objects.

As an implementation detail (and subject to change), all the internals of our library work with Feature instances and call make_feature internally when receiving a function. So it's possible that you see some Feature() code in a traceback while debugging. But for most cases, the function based API should be enough and is more user friendly

Advanced testing

In most cases, the tests you want for a feature are the ones provided in BaseFeatureFixture (and additional ones that you can add). But sometimes you might need to do something more complicated like skipping fuzzy tests, or testing more than one feature in the same TestCase, or generating the fixtures on the fly.

If that's the case, you can inherit instead validate.FeatureFixtureCheckMixin. This class doesn't define any test (so you have to write it explicitly), but it defines two assertions: assert_feature_passes_fixture and assert_passes_fuzz. The latter also allows you to manually control how many data points to generate.

Check the API documentation for details on those.

Specifying schemas

The complete documentation for the schema library is at <>. However we provide here some examples for typical situations.

Output schemas are typically easier than input schemas. Feature values can not be an arbitrary object if you want to feed them to machine learning algorithms, so typically one of the following output_schema will be ok:

  • int or float for numeric features
  • unicode for enumerations (on python 3, str)
  • list(int) or list(float) for numeric vectors
  • list(hashable) or set(hashable) or tuple(hashable) for bag of words, where hashable is any hashable except numeric.

In addition to a type specification, it is sometimes useful to add to the schema one lambda with an assertion over the value. For example, a feature that always returns positive floats may be specified as

@output_schema(float, lambda v: v > 0.0)

and a feature that always returns pairs of numbers which are never (0.0, 0.0) can be specified as

@output_schema(tuple(float), lambda v: len(v) == 2 and v != (0.0, 0.0))

Note that schemas like tuple(float) mean "a tuple where all elements are floats" but does not specify its length. A schema tuple(float, int) means "a tuple where every element is a float or an int"

Data points tend to be more complex objects than feature values, so there is a wider ranges of recipes for input schema. Something important to take into account is that in most problems you have a single type for data point (even when you have many features with different output_schemas). Even if it's possible to build a single, large specification for data points and use it in all your features, that makes testing complicated, because you'll have to build a large, complicated object in your fixtures even if your feature cares about a small aspect of the data (which is the most typical case).

Let's say for example that our data point are email messages, and that a typical data point is a dictionary like this

    "sender": {
        "address": "",
        "label": "John M. Doe"
    "recipient": {
        "address": "",
        "label": "Jane N. Doe"
    "subject": "hello",
    "body": "message",
    "date": (2014, 02, 20)

it's possible to build a general schema like

data_schema = schema.Schema({
    "sender": {
        "address": str,
        "label": str
    "recipient": {
        "address": str,
        "label": str
    "subject": str
    "body": str
    "date": schema.And(
        lambda date: len(date)==3,
        lambda (y,m,d): 1 <= m <= 12 and 1 <= d <= MONTH_LENGTH[m]

And then use it in all your features as @input_schema(data_schema). However, you'll have an easier time specifying, testing, and modifying your system if you specify only what's relevant for each feature; for example

@input_schema({"subject": str})
def words_in_subject(...): ...

@input_schema({"sender": {"address": str}, "recipient": {"address": str}})
def sender and_recipient_in_same_domain(...): ...

input schemas also allow specifying schemas for attributes of objects if your data point is some custom object, or something like a namedtuple. If the example above had a nested tuple structure, these are the schemas you should use

def words_in_subject(...): ...

def sender and_recipient_in_same_domain(...): ...

The general rules for input_schema and output_schema are:

  • All position arguments are considered as conditions to be satisfied
  • Dictionaries have a slightly different definition that in the standard schema library; they allow additional string keys besides the ones explicitly specified. This change is valid recursively (i.e., if your schema has dictionaries inside dictionaries, the inner dictionaries also allow additional keys)
  • You can also use schema.Schema, schema.And, schema.Or, etc. it's recommended (but not required) that you use a type as the first argument of schema.And; doing so helps the fuzzy test generator.
  • keyword arguments are considered schema conditions for the attributes of the data point. You can mix them with positional arguments; all the conditions must hold. Attributes not mentioned in the schema are allowed and ignored


These are a few tips and tricks to solve common issues:

Handling "holes" in your input

Sometimes your input data has "holes" in it. For example you might have a data point for people which is a namedtuple(name, age, address), but you do not know the age of everyone so the age field is sometimes an int, and other times a None. In that case, you can specify the input schema as

@input_schema(age=schema.Or(int, None))

note that your feature code will have to handle the case when the input has a None, probably using a if data_point.age is None: ...


You might find useful to pickle an object containing features. This is useful while using scikit-learn when you have some classificator or regressor which uses the features as a first step in the pipeline and you want to store the configuration for future uses

Unfortunately, the python decorator mechanism introduces some problems regarding pickling, and even if there is a workaround for some simple cases (using functools.wraps), we haven't found a good way to pickle features defined as decorated functions.

If you need to persist the features, you should stick to the class based approach for defining them. It's more verbose, but Feature subclasses should be easy to serialize with pickle or a similar tool if you follow the recipe for defining them used in this document.