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bsubbaraman edited this page Oct 19, 2021 · 2 revisions

collage of p5.fab example prints

p5.fab is a p5.js library for 3D printing. It helps you author generative physical artifacts!

To 3D print an object, a canonical workflow starts with designing a CAD model then using a slicer software to generate machine readable G-code. This process abstracts away many tedious details, but also requires owning & learning CAD. The p5.fab library is for users who might appreciate the control offered by direct gcode manipulation. It seeks to support repeatable & controlled experimentation (testing/tuning/calibrating the machine, learning how the printer works, examining material properties) as well as open-ended exploration (generative form-finding, quick design iterations).

Check out the getting started page, take a look at the examples, or explore the documentation!

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