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The frameBERT is available for both of English FrameNet 1.7 and Korean FrameNet 1.2.


The frameBERT is a BERT-based frame-semantic parser to understand the meaning of texts in terms of FrameNet.

frame (frame semantics) is a schematic representation of a situation or an event. For an example sentence, "The center's director pledged a thorough review of safety precedures", frameBERT identifies several frames such as Being_born and Death for lexical units (e.g., center.n, director.n and pledge.v).


  • python 3
  • pytorch (Link)
  • transformers (Link)
  • Korean FrameNet (Link)
  • keras (Link)
  • nltk (for target identification)
  • flask_restful (for REST API service)
  • flask_cors (for REST API service)

For nltk, please download following packages in the python terminal:

  • import nltk

How to use


Install frameBERT, and Korean FrameNet.

(Note: Korean FrameNet would be not mandatory package in the next update)

git clone
cd frameBERT
git clone

How to use a frame-semantic parser for a language (English or Korean)

1. Download the pretrained model

Download two pretrained model files to {your_model_dir} (e.g. /home/model/).

  • English Model (recommended for English): (download)
  • Multilingual Model (English & Korean): (download)

2. Import model (in your python code) (make sure that your code is in a parent folder of frameBERT)

from frameBERT import frame_parser

model_path = {your_model_dir} # absolute_path (e.g. /home/model/)
parser = frame_parser.FrameParser(model_path=model_path, language='en')

optional: If you want to DO NOT USE LU DICTIONARY, set argument masking=False)

3. Parse the input text

text = 'Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Illinois, and died of suicide at the age of 62.'
parsed = parser.parser(text, sent_id='1', result_format='graph')

Then, your result would be:

[('frame:Giving_birth#1', 'frdf:lu', 'born'),
 ('frame:Giving_birth#1', 'frdf:Giving_birth-Child', 'Hemingway'),
 ('frame:Giving_birth#1', 'frdf:Giving_birth-Time', 'on July 21, 1899'),
 ('frame:Giving_birth#1', 'frdf:Giving_birth-Place', 'in Illinois,'),
 ('frame:Death#1', 'frdf:lu', 'died'),
 ('frame:Death#1', 'frdf:Death-Protagonist', 'Hemingway'),
 ('frame:Death#1', 'frdf:Death-Explanation', 'of suicide'),
 ('frame:Killing#1', 'frdf:lu', 'suicide'),
 ('frame:Killing#1', 'frdf:Killing-Victim', 'Hemingway'),
 ('frame:Age#1', 'frdf:lu', 'age'),
 ('frame:Age#1', 'frdf:Age-Age', 'of 62.')]

Also, you can run the Korean FrameBERT for the korean text

parser = frame_parser.FrameParser(model_path=model_path, language='ko')
text = '헤밍웨이는 1899년 7월 21일 미국 일리노이에서 태어났고 62세에 자살로 사망했다.'
parsed = parser.parser(text, sent_id='1', result_format='all')

optional: sent_id and result_format are not mandatory arguments. You can get the result in following argument: conll', graph, textae, and all. The result consits of following three parts:

(1) triple format (result_format='graph') (2) conll format (result_format='conll') (3) pubannotation format (result_format='textae')

Or, you can get all result in json by result_format='all'

Result Format

triple format (as a Graph) The result is a list of triples.

    ('frame:Giving_birth#1', 'frdf:lu', 'born'), 
    ('frame:Giving_birth#1', 'frdf:Giving_birth-Child', 'Hemingway'), 
    ('frame:Giving_birth#1', 'frdf:Giving_birth-Time', 'on July 21, 1899'), 
    ('frame:Giving_birth#1', 'frdf:Giving_birth-Place', 'in Illinois,'), 

conll format The result is a list, which consists of multiple Frame-Semantic structures. Each SRL structure is in a list, which consists of four lists: (1) tokens, (2) lexical units, (3) its frames, and (4) its arguments. For example, for the given input text, the output is in the following format:

        ['Hemingway', 'was', 'born', 'on', 'July', '21,', '1899', 'in', 'Illinois,', 'and', 'died', 'of', 'suicide', 'at', 'the', 'age', 'of', '62.'], 
        ['_', '_', 'bear.v', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'], 
        ['_', '_', 'Giving_birth', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'], 
        ['B-Child', 'O', 'O', 'B-Time', 'I-Time', 'I-Time', 'I-Time', 'B-Place', 'I-Place', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O']

Running REST API service

By running the code, you can make a standalone REST service at your own server.

How to run REST API service

python --port {port number} --language {en|ko} --model {model path}


python --port 8888 --language en --model ./models/en

Then, you can use it with the POST method to the url XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8888/frameBERT. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is your IP address.

Input format

# JSON format
 "text": "Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Illinois, and died of suicide at the age of 62.",
 "result_format": "all"

How to train a model?

Prepare the FrameNet dataset

# such as
  ['Greece', 'wildfires', 'force', 'thousands', 'to', '<tgt>', 'evacuate', '</tgt>'], # token list (target is indicated by the special tokens)
  ['_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', 'evacuate.v', '_'],                                  # lu list (lu for target, else '_'
  ['_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', 'Escaping', '_'],                                    # Frame list (frame for target, else '_')
  ['O', 'O', 'O', 'B-Escapee', 'O', 'X', 'O', 'X']                                    # FE list (IOB scheme, 'X' for the special tokens)

Train the model

(reference: train.ipynb)

python --train {TRAINING DATA, e.g., efn} --model_path {DIRECTORY TO SAVE YOUR MODEL} --pretrained_model {default="bert-base-multilingual-cased"} --early_stopping {default=TRUE} --epochs {default=20}

Evaluate the model

(reference: train.ipynb)

python --language {default='ko') --model {DIRECTORY OF YOUR MODEL} --test {test_data} --reult {DIRECTORY TO SAVE THE RESULT}



Machine Reading Lab @ KAIST


Younggyun Hahm.,


This work was supported by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion(IITP) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2013-0-00109, WiseKB: Big data based self-evolving knowledge base and reasoning platform)


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