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Color Palettes Generator | RAINBOW'S B.F.F.

Created by Macit Ege ERCAN


  • This is a full-stack web application project with API support for authentication, and storage of desired color palettes generated.
  • Rainbow's B.F.F. creates randomly generated color palettes consist of 5 colors.
  • The user can generate colors either using the space bar or generate button.
  • Each color shows their hex codes. Also, RGB codes can be reached at editor modal for signed in user.
  • Not signed in users can use Rainbow's B.F.F., however, when signed in, generated colors can be saved in user's palette library. The user can delete or update their saved palettes.
  • Editor modal provides range inputs for each color's Red, Green, and Blue values, the user can edit the colors by the inputs and updated the color. Once a color is updated, it can be reached in users palettes sidebar.

Technologies Used

  • For the front end of this website, HTML5, SASS, jQuery, Handlebars,and Bootstrap have been used.

  • For color generator JavaScript has been used.

  • For authentication and user features (saving and editing the colors), an API has been built on Heroku using Ruby on Rails. This API stores user information and color codes (hex, rgba) for saved palettes.

Story of Creation

For this project, I inspired from an amazing color generator website named Even though it seemed hard to built as a junior developer, when I started to planning, it revealed its secrets.

  • First thing I have done is to find an algorithm to generate a HEX code using JavaScript.
  • Second thing was to create an API to store color palettes that users will save, and of course to store user information.
  • Then I have done a brief research on how to create better colors. This was a deep debate, there is always a better...
  • Since this is a full-stack project and a very visual one, mostly, I have been building front end and the code behind the scenes simultaneously.
  • The hardest part of the project was probably creating the editor where I had to convert and transfer color codes between places, and also keep the color palette generated on the main page stable and available to save if it is not saved before editing operations. That confused me a lot and I had to stop coding and start drawing a scheme of the actions happening while editing and updating a color palette. The photo of what I draw while this process
  • The fun part of the project was its entirety. And planning it.
  • It took 4 days to build.

Unsolved but should be Solved

  • Editing should be more meaningful to somebody who doesn't know about RGB.
  • The user should be able to undo or redo between generated but not saved colors in the main page.
  • Freezing/locking some colors and generating the rest should be available.
  • The user should be able to extract a file containing the information about the chosen palette from the library.

Initial Project

Wire Frames:

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to generate color schemes consist of 5 random colors.
  • As a user, I want to see 5 colors next to each other.
  • As a user, I want to see hex color codes of each color generated.
  • As a user, I want to create an account and save my color palettes.
  • As a user, I want to be able to change my account's password.
  • As a user, I want to be able to use the generator, even if I am not signed in.
  • As a user, I want to be able to display my color palettes when I log in.
  • As a user, I want to be able to delete color palettes that are in my library.
  • As a user, I want to be able to change and update color palettes that are in my library.