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itchyny committed Oct 7, 2015
1 parent 5469d1f commit e3da998
Showing 1 changed file with 391 additions and 0 deletions.
391 changes: 391 additions & 0 deletions tool/releng
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl

releng script for mackerel-checks
% tool/releng
`git` command and `hub` or `gh` command are required.

use 5.014;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Carp;

use HTTP::Tiny;
use JSON::PP;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw/prompt/;
use Time::Piece;
use POSIX qw(setlocale LC_TIME);
use version;


sub command {say('+ '. join ' ', @_) if DEBUG; !system(@_) or croak $!}
sub _git {
state $com = do {
chomp(my $c = `which git`);
die "git command is required\n" unless $c;
sub git {
unshift @_, _git; goto \&command

sub _hub {
state $com = do {
chomp(my $c = `which hub`);
unless ($c) {
chomp($c = `which gh`);
die "hub or gh command is required\n" unless $c;
sub hub {
unshift @_, _hub; goto \&command;

# logger. steal from minilla
use Term::ANSIColor qw(colored);
use constant { LOG_DEBUG => 1, LOG_INFO => 2, LOG_WARN => 3, LOG_ERROR => 4 };

my $Colors = {
LOG_DEBUG, => 'green',
LOG_WARN, => 'yellow',
LOG_INFO, => 'cyan',
LOG_ERROR, => 'red',

sub _printf {
my $type = pop;
return if $type == LOG_DEBUG && !DEBUG;
my ($temp, @args) = @_;
my $msg = sprintf($temp, map { defined($_) ? $_ : '-' } @args);
$msg = colored $msg, $Colors->{$type} if defined $type;
my $fh = $type && $type >= LOG_WARN ? *STDERR : *STDOUT;
print $fh $msg;

sub infof {_printf(@_, LOG_INFO)}
sub warnf {_printf(@_, LOG_WARN)}
sub debugf {_printf(@_, LOG_DEBUG)}
sub errorf {
my(@msg) = @_;
_printf(@msg, LOG_ERROR);

my $fmt = shift @msg;
die sprintf($fmt, @msg);

# file utils
sub slurp {
my $file = shift;
local $/;
open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file or die $!;
sub spew {
my ($file, $data) = @_;
open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file or die $!;
$data .= "\n" if $data !~ /\n\z/ms;
print $fh $data;
sub replace {
my ($file, $code) = @_;
my $content = $code->(slurp($file));
spew($file, $content);

# scope_guard
package __g {
sub new {
my ($class, $code) = @_;
bless $code, $class;
my $self = shift;
sub scope_guard(&) {
my $code = shift;

sub last_release {
my @out = `git tag`;

my ($tag) =
sort { version->parse($b) <=> version->parse($a) }
map {/^v([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){2})$/; $1 || ()}
map {chomp; $_} @out;

sub merged_prs {
my $current_tag = shift;
my @pull_nums = sort {$a <=> $b} map {m/Merge pull request #([0-9]+) /; $1 || () } `git log v$current_tag... --merges --oneline`;

my @releases;
my $ua = HTTP::Tiny->new;
for my $pull_num (@pull_nums) {
my $url = sprintf "", $pull_num;
my $res = $ua->get($url);
unless ($res->{success}) {
warnf "request to $url failed\n";
my $data = eval { decode_json $res->{content} };
if ($@) {
warnf "parse json failed. url: $url\n";

push @releases, {
num => $pull_num,
title => $data->{title},
user => $data->{user}{login},
url => $data->{html_url},
} if $data->{title} !~ /\[nit\]/i;

sub parse_version {
my $ver = shift;
my ($major, $minor, $patch) = $ver =~ /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/;
($major, $minor, $patch)

sub suggest_next_version {
my $ver = shift;
my ($major, $minor, $patch) = parse_version($ver);
join '.', $major, ++$minor, 0;

sub is_valid_version {
my $ver = shift;
my ($major) = parse_version($ver);
defined $major;

sub decide_next_version {
my $current_version = shift;
my $next_version = suggest_next_version($current_version);
$next_version = prompt("next version", $next_version);

if (!is_valid_version($next_version)) {
die qq{"$next_version" is invalid version string\n};
if (version->parse($next_version) < version->parse($current_version)) {
die qq{"$next_version" is smaller than current version "$current_version"\n};

sub update_versions {
my ($current_version, $next_version) = @_;

### update versions
my $cur_ver_reg = quotemeta $current_version;
# update .travis.yml
replace '.travis.yml' => sub {
my $content = shift;
$content =~ s/$cur_ver_reg/$next_version/msg;

# update rpm spec
replace 'packaging/rpm/mackerel-checks.spec' => sub {
my $content = shift;
$content =~ s/^Version: $cur_ver_reg/Version: $next_version/ms;


sub retrieve_plugins {
my @plugin_dirs = <check-*>;
for my $plugin_dir (@plugin_dirs) {
my $readme = "$plugin_dir/";
unless (-f $readme) {
warnf "[$readme] is misssing!!! You must locate it.\n";
sort map {s/^check-//; $_} @plugin_dirs;

sub update_readme {
my @plugins = @_;

my $doc_links = '';
for my $plug (@plugins) {
$doc_links .= "* [check-$plug](./check-$plug/\n"
replace '' => sub {
my $readme = shift;
my $plu_reg = qr/check-[-0-9a-zA-Z_]+/;
$readme =~ s!(?:\* \[$plu_reg\]\(\./$plu_reg/README\.md\)\n)+!$doc_links!ms;

sub update_packaging_specs {
my @plugins = @_;
my $for_in = 'for i in ' . join(' ', @plugins) . ';do';

my $replace_sub = sub {
my $content = shift;
$content =~ s/for i in.*?;do/$for_in/ms;
replace $_, $replace_sub for qw!packaging/rpm/mackerel-checks.spec packaging/deb/debian/rules!;

sub update_changelog {
my ($next_version, @releases) = @_;

chomp(my $email = `git config`);
chomp(my $name = `git config`);

my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME);
setlocale(LC_TIME, "C");
my $g = scope_guard {
setlocale(LC_TIME, $old_locale);

my $now = localtime;

replace 'packaging/deb/debian/changelog' => sub {
my $content = shift;

my $update = "mackerel-checks ($next_version-1) stable; urgency=low\n\n";
for my $rel (@releases) {
$update .= sprintf " * %s (by %s)\n <%s>\n", $rel->{title}, $rel->{user}, $rel->{url};
$update .= sprintf "\n -- %s <%s> %s\n\n", $name, $email, $now->strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z");
$update . $content;

replace 'packaging/rpm/mackerel-checks.spec' => sub {
my $content = shift;

my $update = sprintf "* %s <%s> - %s\n", $now->strftime('%a %b %d %Y'), $email, $next_version;
for my $rel (@releases) {
$update .= sprintf "- %s (by %s)\n", $rel->{title}, $rel->{user};
$content =~ s/%changelog/%changelog\n$update/;

replace '' => sub {
my $content = shift;

my $update = sprintf "\n\n## %s (%s)\n\n", $next_version, $now->strftime('%Y-%m-%d');
for my $rel (@releases) {
$update .= sprintf "* %s #%d (%s)\n", $rel->{title}, $rel->{num}, $rel->{user};
$content =~ s/\A# Changelog/# Changelog$update/;

sub build_pull_request_body {
my ($next_version, @releases) = @_;
my $body = "Release version $next_version\n\n";
for my $rel (@releases) {
$body .= sprintf "- %s #%s\n", $rel->{title}, $rel->{num};

sub load_packaging_confg {
decode_json slurp 'packaging/config.json';

### main process
main() unless caller;
} else {
# When called via `prove`, tests will run.

sub main {
# check command

git qw/checkout master/;
git qw/pull/;

my $config = load_packaging_confg;

my $current_version = last_release;
my $next_version = decide_next_version($current_version);

my $branch_name = "bump-version-$next_version";
infof "checkout new releasing branch [$branch_name]\n";
git qw/checkout -b/, $branch_name;

infof "bump versions and update readme\n";
update_versions($current_version, $next_version);
my @plugins = retrieve_plugins;
update_packaging_specs(@{ $config->{plugins} });
git qw/commit -am/, "ready for next release. version: $next_version";

infof "update changelogs\n";
my @releases = merged_prs $current_version;
update_changelog($next_version, @releases);
git qw/commit -am/, "update changelogs";

git qw/diff/, qw/--word-diff/, "master..$branch_name";
my $pr_body = build_pull_request_body($next_version, @releases);
say $pr_body;

if (prompt('push changes?', 'y') !~ /^y(?:es)?$/i ) {
warnf('releng is aborted. remove the branch [%s] before next releng', $branch_name);

infof "push changes\n";
git qw/push --set-upstream origin/, $branch_name;
hub qw/pull-request -m/, $pr_body;

infof "Releasing pull request is created. Review and merge it. You can update changelogs and commit more in this branch before merging.\n";

sub run_tests {
require Test::More;

my $version = '0.1.2';
my ($major, $minor, $patch) = parse_version($version);
is($major, 0);
is($minor, 1);
is($patch, 2);
is( suggest_next_version($version), '0.2.0' );

my $config = load_packaging_confg;

my $plugins_to_be_packaged = $config->{plugins};
isa_ok($plugins_to_be_packaged, 'ARRAY');

my %plugins = map { $_ => 1, } retrieve_plugins;
for my $plug (@$plugins_to_be_packaged) {
ok($plugins{$plug}, "$plug ok");

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