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Releases: macrat/ayd


03 May 10:34
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fee2787 feat: make exec prober check if file is executable when initialize
b298c00 feat: normalize exec path separator to slash
c76d32a fix: argument handling in exec probe
b22ec7e feat!: change way to call plugin
56ec323 feat!: remove ayd_url environment variable for plugins
fe42f59 feat: support alerting plugin
428a376 feat: supported probe plugin
d420081 feat: support ABORTED status in ::status:: directive of exec probe
99cb68c feat: add cors header for json endpoint
dffccd7 feat: support tcp4:// and tcp6:// target
b070319 feat: support type query in dns target
e941e10 feat: change message separator of DNS to newline
398dc1c feat!: change tcp standard format from to tcp://
daecf0d fix: memory leak in source prober
704ab76 fix(ping probe): fix crash when host not found
77892b4 perf: change ping library
ce36a3a feat: make ABORTED status do not affect to incident record
bfa2206 fix: rarely race condition when freezing for export
2955a8a feat: add ABORTED status for canceled probe
e6bbde3 feat: make probe do early report even if not done all yet
3d76b44 feat: add sorting record in store
be840fb feat: add read lock to store
bac1719 feat: make password in log hide
8501db6 feat: make source loading faster


25 Apr 13:58
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1c0b430 fix: remove bug guard because crash is better than this
14ce7f7 fix: overflow probe history
12f5de4 feat: replace fmt with Write for speed
34c3bcc feat: optimize speed to freeze store for export
758cc98 feat: optimize speed to adding incident record
ea59440 feat: unified timeout or interrupt messages
df8c6ea feat: support graceful terminate
0471773 feat: support extra report in exec probe
4938dfa feat: trim newline from exec output
055a085 feat: make DoW of cron optional
0b0f075 feat: make sure deadline for probes
80e1a94 feat: add ayd_healthy for ayd itself to prometheus metrics
7c046a9 feat: add ayd_incident_count to Prometheus metrics
4dc5e57 feat: bit fix HTML status page for multiline message
649a81c feat: support CRLF and CR in exec probe
3bdf6e5 feat: support multiline message


19 Apr 12:05
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45c7dac fix: enhance error handling of exec probe
31017a9 feat: make source probe to ignore duplicated target
91ad70b feat!: set UNKNOWN state if exec command has no permission
5a38937 feat: change version output format
1531887 fix: fix wrong example in help output
ce02e8a fix: set correct version number to http probe's user-agent


17 Apr 14:16
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17 Apr 13:47
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8046c2f chore: fix releaser action
42c1b3b feat: add -v option
51e2238 fix: argument parse order
4591122 chore: change to run test action on all branches
2cc55bf chore: fix actions syntax
6043825 chore: add GitHub Actions for test and build
397b64a refactor: move help message from main.go to help.txt
7239230 refactor: task handling
af4293e feat: add panic recover for probe
06cf10b test: add test of template functions
d365c70 refactor: rename ProbeHistoryMap.Results to Records
4b54500 test: add store test
e60c93c fix: alert timing
86f55f1 feat: add alert feature
1b97a22 feat: de-duplicate tasks
96f175e fix: source URL handling when load log
01ca716 feat: enhance support nested source: target
181e56a feat: support ping prober in windows
5a1aeee feat: add source: prober
4da66f8 feat!: rename OK to HEALTHY, FAIL to FAILURE, and ???? to UNKNOWN
474fc5f feat: add metrics and healthz pages for check ayd itself
5b9e0c5 feat: change way to handling log file handler
f593576 feat: add empty status even if not executed yet
413b895 feat: add placeholder into incident history of HTML page
3325b8f feat: enhance informations in json and html exporter
ff55148 feat: enhance usage message
1371256 feat: change way to skip old logs in case log file is too big
d39b349 refactor: remove unused file
09721b2 refactor: remade text exporter with text/template package
afaf236 fix: null pointer exception when exec: probe failure
3b49de1 feat: change some design of HTML page
84110f1 feat: change failure icon
87889d8 fix: rename option -l to -p in help document
a150835 feat: enhance error handling in probe initialization
70694bd feat: enhance rules to UNKNOWN status
f65ce88 feat: enhance redirect handling of HTTP probe
8081eb7 feat: support specify http method
c46763e feat: change default status page to HTML version
ec1eeda feat: add HTML exporter
d44922d refactor: JSONExporter
676b8bb fix: restore exec URI from log file
20e1271 feat: change color of favicon
ceb1faf fix(test): probe URI of exec target
6cbaebd fix: environment variable handling in exec: probe
2a947fc feat: change exec URI style to using opaque
5d0a433 fix: long message handling
dea4240 feat!: remove omit scheme support and enhance error message
2abefd4 feat: fix timing of first status check
48cbd59 refactor: replase default HTTP handler with http.RedirectHandler
4c075c2 feat: make logo and add favicon
a2e8596 test: add test for store.Record
b766187 refactor: move probe.Result to store.Record
2609381 feat: rename -l option to -p
971c32e feat: support cron expression
62cab3c refactor: replace scheduler with robfig/cron
0b3943f chore: remove log file
5560e30 feat: add oneshot mode
a75dc97 refactor: split parse arguments from main
a324a91 refactor: make Probe interface
2673684 Initial