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Discordslashcommand is an extension library to It allows you to easily manipulate discord slash (/) commands. You can create commands that will follow a particular patern and that will be easy to use on the discord application.


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Discordslashcommand is an extension library to
It allows you to easily manipulate discord slash (/) commands.
You can create commands that will follow a particular pattern and that will be easy to use on the discord application.


This package is on pypi.
You can install it via pip

In a command prompt, run this command:

pip3 install discordslashcommands

If it doesn't work, try all this commands, maybe one can work.

pip install discordslashcommands
py -m pip install discordslashcommands
python3 -m pip install discordslashcommands
py -m pip3 install discordslashcommands
python3 -m install discordslashcommands
py3 -m pip install discordslashcommands
py3 -m pip3 install discordslashcommands
python -m pip install discordslashcommands
python3 -m pip install discordslashcommands
python-pip install discordslashcommands
python3-pip install discordslashcommands
python-pip3 install discordslashcommands
python3-pip3 install discordslashcommands


Informations about slash commands

Slash commands are restricted by discord.
There are many things you need to know to be able to use them.

You must have access to your developer portal.

When prompted on a server, your bot must have permission to use slash commands.
When you create the invitation link in the Oauth2 tab, you must check the "applications.commands" box and the "applications.commands.update" box in addition to the "bot" box.


Copy and paste of the full documentation of discord api.

An app can have up to 50 top-level global commands (50 commands with unique names)
An app can have up to an additional 50 guild commands per guild
An app can have up to 10 subcommand groups on a top-level command
An app can have up to 10 subcommands within a subcommand group
choices can have up to 10 values per option
commands can have up to 10 options per command


The main class of this library is the Manager class,
you have to call it at the bot's start.
You can call it again after if you need it.

The minimal code is like that:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client) # this is the code of discordslashcommands library"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Create a global slash command

To create a slash command, we need to create this command in a local object and put it on discord.
The local object is call Command().

A simple command without arguments looks like this:

command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help")

To put in on discord, we have to use the manager

manager = dsc.Manager(client)
command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help")

Here is the full code:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client) # create the manager
    command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help") # create the command
    manager.add_global_command(command) # put it on discord"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Create a guild slash command

To create the command locally, it's the same way that for global commands.
The only difference is with the manager.
The name of the put function is different and it takes one more argument, the id of the guild.

manager = dsc.Manager(client)
command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help")
manager.add_guild_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_GUILD, command)

The full code:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client) # create the manager
    command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help") # create the command
    manager.add_guild_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_GUILD, command) # put it on discord"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Command object

For the next steps, we need to know more about the Command class.
We have seen so far a simple command like that:

command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help")

But we can imagine that the help command can take arguments, to print parts of help for example.
We will add an argument, name category, it represents the part of the help that we want to print.
This argument has several predefined values.
3 for example, an help for premium, moderation and music

We need to add an argument (an option), with a name, a description and predefined values

To do that, we need a new object, called Option.

The type, which is an integer, can take several values between 1 and 8.
To help you, discordslashcommands has listed these types in constants:

command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help") # create the main object

option = dsc.Option(name="category", description="the part of the help you want to display", type=dsc.STRING, required=False)

option.add_choice(name="premium part", value="premium")
option.add_choice(name="moderation part", value="moderation") # if you don't understand the difference between name and value, put the same string into
option.add_choice(name="music part", value="music")

command.add_option(option) # add the new option created in the command

Here is the full code to use this version of the help command:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client) # create the manager
    command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help") # create the commandcommand = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help") # create the main object
    option = dsc.Option(name="category", description="the part of the help you want to display", type=dsc.STRING, required=False)
    option.add_choice(name="premium part", value="premium")
    option.add_choice(name="moderation part", value="moderation") # if you don't understand the difference between name and value, put the same string into
    option.add_choice(name="music part", value="music")
    command.add_option(option) # add the new option created in the command
    manager.add_guild_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_GUILD, command) # put it on discord"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Get all global slash commands

You may need to know the full list of your application's commands.
To get it, you can use the manager with the get_all_global_commands() function.
This function takes no arguments and returns a list of Command objects.

commands = manager.get_all_global_commands()

The Command objects returned are like this:

    .name: name of the command
    .description: description of the command
    .id: id of the command, to make actions on it
    .options: a list of Option objects
            .name: name of the option
            .description: description of the option
            .type: type of the option (dsc.STRING, dsc.INTEGER, etc...)
            .required: boolean represents if the option is required
            .choices: a list of choices
                        key "name": name of the choice
                        key "value": value of the choice

    .add_option(Option): function detailed above

    .delete(): delete the Command directly from discord, without manager object

A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)

    commands = manager.get_all_global_commands()

    for command in commands: # loop on all commands
        print( # print the name of the current command"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Get all guild slash command

You may need to know the full list of your application's commands in a specific guild.
To get it, you can use the manager with the get_all_guild_commands(guild_id) function.
This function takes the guild's id in arguments and returns a list of Command objects.

commands = manager.get_all_guild_commands(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_GUILD)

The Command objects returned are like this:

    .name: name of the command
    .description: description of the command
    .id: id of the command, to make actions on it
    .guild_id: id of the guild requested
    .options: a list of Option objects
            .name: name of the option
            .description: description of the option
            .type: type of the option (dsc.STRING, dsc.INTEGER, etc...)
            .required: boolean represents if the option is required
            .choices: a list of choices
                        key "name": name of the choice
                        key "value": value of the choice

    .add_option(Option): function detailed above

    .delete(): delete the Command directly from discord, without manager object

A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)

    commands = manager.get_all_guild_commands(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_GUILD)

    for command in commands: # loop on all commands
        print( # print the name of the current command"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Get a specific global slash commands

If you know the id of your command, you can get it directly with the get_global_command(id) function.
You can also get all global commands and use the discord.utils.get function to get a specific command by name, id or other.

commands = manager.get_global_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_COMMAND)

The Command objects returned are the same as in the list of commands in get_all_global_commands() function

A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)

    command = manager.get_global_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_COMMAND)

    print( # print the name of the command"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Get a specific guild slash commands

If you know the id of your command, you can get it directly with the get_guild_command(guild_id, id) function.
You can also get all guild commands and use the discord.utils.get function to get a specific command by name, id or other.


The Command objects returned are the same as in the list of commands in get_all_guild_commands(guild_id) function

A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)


    print( # print the name of the command"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Delete a global slash command

If you've got your command from the manager, you can delete it easily like this:


A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)

    command = manager.get_global_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_COMMAND)


if you only have the id of your command, it is not necessary to get the whole command.
You can delete a global command by id, like this:


A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)


Delete a guild slash command

If you've got your command from the manager, you can delete it easily like this:


A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)



if you only have the id of your command, it is not necessary to get the whole command.
You can delete a guild command by id, like this:


A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)


Edit a global slash command

To edit a command, you need its id and a command object. It's exactly the same as for adding a command.
This is the edit function:

manager.edit_global_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_COMMAND, command)

A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)
    command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help") # create the command
    manager.edit_global_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_COMMAND, command) # replace existent command by new command"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Edit a guild slash command

To edit a command, you need its id and a command object. it's exactly the same as for adding a command.
This is the edit function:


A complete example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)
    command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help") # create the command
    manager.edit_guild_command(REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_GUILD, REPLACE_WITH_THE_ID_OF_YOUR_COMMAND, command) # replace existent command by new command"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")


Interactions are a very important part of discordslashcommands.
This is what makes it possible to know when someone is using a command.

When an user clicks on a command and if you have created a Manager class at the start of the bot, a new event is called.
This event is the event on_interaction(member, interaction).

This is an example:

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_interaction(member, interaction):  # this event is not in, it is add by discordslashcommands library
    await"an user just click on a command")  # reply just in the same channel as where the command was launched.  

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)  # just to set up the library with the client"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

member is a classic discord.Member object.
Refer to the documentation

interaction is a new object

Interaction object

Interaction object is a powerful object who contains many informations about the interaction between the user and the command.

It looks like:

    .version: always 1, this is for the future of slash commands
    .type: type of the interaction, can be 1 or 2, 1 is a ping/pong command and 2 is a normal command
    .token: to reply to interaction with webhooks (not implemented in discordslashcommands library)
    .id: the id of the command
    .guild: the guild where the command comes from
    .channel: the channel where the command comes from
    .command: a Command object like Command object can be get
              /!\ warning /!\ this Command object as many property to None, like description
              /!\ warning /!\ options list is not a list of Option objects but a list of ReturnedOption objects
                  .name: the name of the option
                  .value: the value of the option

    .call_on_message(prefix): a function detailed after

Transform an interaction to a message and call on_message function

If you have an old discord bot that works with on_message function, you can adapt it easily to slash commands.
You have to use the Interaction.call_on_message(prefix) function.
This function will generate a fake discord.Message object, with a fake id, a fake content, etc...

The function takes the name of the command, values of options, and creates a string prefixed by the prefix string argument.

for example, if I have created this command (the same as my second creation command example)

command = dsc.Command(name="help", description="display help") # create the main object

option = dsc.Option(name="category", description="the part of the help you want to display", type=dsc.STRING, required=False)

option.add_choice(name="premium part", value="premium")
option.add_choice(name="moderation part", value="moderation") # if you don't understand the difference between name and value, put the same string into
option.add_choice(name="music part", value="music")

command.add_option(option) # add the new option created in the command

if an user clicks on this command and chooses "premium part" option, if I have this code

async def on_interaction(member, interaction):

The string generated looks like

+help premium

A full example, with this help command (I didn't put the creation of the command here because it only has to be done once.)

import discord
import discordslashcommands as dsc

client = discord.Client()

async def on_interaction(member, interaction):
    interaction.call_on_message("+")  # we do anything here, but we translate to a classic message

async def on_message(message):  # this is the classic function
    msg_content = message.content.lower()

    if msg_content == "+help premium":
        await" here is the premium help.......")

    elif msg_content == "+help moderation":
        await" here is the moderation help.......")

    elif msg_content == "+help music":
        await" here is the music help.......")

    elif msg_content == "+help":
        await" here is the full help.......")

async def on_ready():
    manager = dsc.Manager(client)  # DON'T FORGET THAT"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")


Thanks to Seniru for reporting and correcting some bugs and imperfections


Discordslashcommand is an extension library to It allows you to easily manipulate discord slash (/) commands. You can create commands that will follow a particular patern and that will be easy to use on the discord application.







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