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VueSDK is a library/SDK providing all the functions and utilities required to help you build and integrate all the recommendations and search offered by Vue.AI. To know about the detailed set of use cases available - please visit this link

Quick Start Guide

1. Install Vue SDK

You will need your project token for initializing your library. You can get your project token from project settings.

Using CocoaPods

  1. If this is your first time using CocoaPods, Install CocoaPods using gem install cocoapods. Otherwise, continue to Step 3.
  2. Run pod setup to create a local CocoaPods spec mirror.
  3. Create a Podfile in your Xcode project directory by running pod init in your terminal, edit the Podfile generated, and add the following line: pod 'vue-sdk-ios'.
  4. Run pod install in your Xcode project directory. CocoaPods should download and install the VUE SDK library, and create a new Xcode workspace. Open up this workspace in Xcode or typing open *.xcworkspace in your terminal.

2. Initialize VueSDK

Import vue_sdk_ios into AppDelegate.swift, and initialize VueSDK within application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

import vue_sdk_ios

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    VueSDK.initialize(token: "YOUR_TOKEN",baseUrl: "GIVEN_VUE_BASE_URL")

3. Discover Events

To ensure accurate and comprehensive event tracking, it is recommended to call the discoverEvents function before invoking the track function in your SDK integration. The discoverEvents function retrieves the essential information related to track events, such as event names, properties, and default properties. This step allows you to populate the necessary data and configure the event tracking accordingly.

VueSDK.mainInstance().discoverEvents(success: { (response) in
            //Handle success
        }, failure: { error in
            //Handle failure

4. Track Event

To track custom events using our SDK, you can utilize the track function. This function allows you to capture specific actions or interactions within your application and gather valuable data for analysis.

Here's an example of how to use the track function:

    eventName: "YOUR_CUSTOM_EVENT_NAME",
    properties: ["YOUR_KEY" : "YOUR_VALUE"],
    correlationID: "UNIQUE_CORRRELATION_ID",
    sdkConfig: VueSDKConfig(medium: "",url: "",platform: "",referrer: "")

Note: The correlationId is an optional parameter that allows you to provide a unique correlation ID for the event. It is important to ensure that the correlationId is unique across each pages for both search and track API calls.

The SDK automatically includes several properties when tracking events. These properties are essential for comprehensive event tracking and provide valuable insights into user interactions. Given below are the properties that are automatically added by the SDK. By explicitly providing the SDK config parameter for the track function, the user can override each property's value:

key Description Example Value
platform Platform of the user ios
medium Medium from where requests are sent application
referrer same values as platform for mobile app ios
url Bundle id of the application com.example.myapp

5. Get Recommendations

The getRecommendation functions in the SDK allows you to retrieve recommendations based on specific search criteria and properties. This function provides a convenient way to fetch recommendations and receive the results asynchronously.

1. Get Recommendations by Page

    pageReference: "YOUR_PAGE_NAME",
    properties: RecommendationRequest(
        catalogs: [:]
    correlationID: "UNIQUE_CORRRELATION_ID",
    sdkConfig: VueSDKConfig(medium: "",url: "",platform: "",referrer: "")
) { response, error in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle Error case
    } else {
        // Handle Success case

2. Get Recommendations by Module

    moduleReference: "YOUR_MODULE_NAME",
    properties: RecommendationRequest(
        catalogs: [:]
    correlationID: "UNIQUE_CORRRELATION_ID",
    sdkConfig: VueSDKConfig(medium: "",url: "",platform: "",referrer: "")
) { response, error in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle Error case
    } else {
        // Handle Success case

3. Get Recommendations by Strategy

    strategyReference: "YOUR_STRATEGY_NAME",
    properties: RecommendationRequest(
        catalogs: [:]
    correlationID: "UNIQUE_CORRRELATION_ID",
    sdkConfig: VueSDKConfig(medium: "",url: "",platform: "",referrer: "")
) { response, error in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle Error case
    } else {
        // Handle Success case

Note: The correlationId is an optional parameter that allows you to provide a unique correlation ID for the search request. It is important to ensure that the correlationId is unique across pages for both search and track API calls.

Given below are the properties that are automatically added by the SDK for getRecommendations function. By explicitly providing the SDK config parameter for the getRecommendations function, the user can override each property's value.

key Description Example Value
platform Platform of the user ios
medium Medium from where requests are sent application
referrer same values as platform for mobile app ios
url Bundle id of the application com.example.myapp

6. Set User

The setUser function in the SDK allows you to associate a user ID with subsequent API calls after the user has logged in. This user ID is used to track user-specific events and behaviors, providing personalized experiences and accurate analytics.

 VueSDK.mainInstance().setUser(userId: "YOUR_USER_ID")

7. Reset User

The resetUser function in the SDK allows you to clear the user information and reset the SDK state when the user logs out of your application. This ensures that any user-specific data and tracking are cleared and no longer associated with the user.


8. Set BloxUUID

The setBloxUUID function in the SDK allows you to set the blox UUID which is passed as argument for the getRecommendations and track functions. In the case where you do not set bloxUUID, the SDK internally generates a random UUID upon an SDK function call and will maintain the same value till setBloxUUID is called.

 VueSDK.mainInstance().setBloxUUID(bloxUUID: "BLOX_UUID")

Note: The BloxUUID provided will be stored in App's cache and will be maintained throughout App's lifecycle.

9. Get BloxUUID

The getBloxUUID function in the SDK returns the blox UUID configured in the SDK.


Note: In case if setBloxUUID or an SDK function is not called throughout an app's lifecycle the getBloxUUID function will return a null value.

10. VueSDK debugging and logging

The SDK provides internal logging capabilities for debugging purposes. By default, the logging feature is disabled.

To enable internal logging, set isLoggingEnabled to true:

VueSDK.mainInstance().isLoggingEnabled = true

Complete Code Example

Here's a runnable code example that covers everything in this quickstart guide.

import vue_sdk_ios

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

    VueSDK.initialize(token: "YOUR_TOKEN",baseUrl: "GIVEN_VUE_BASE_URL");

 	Properties: ["YOUR_KEY" : "YOUR_VALUE"]

        pageReference: "YOUR_PAGE_NAME",
        properties: RecommendationRequest(
            catalogs: [:]
        correlationID: "UNIQUE_CORRRELATION_ID"
    ) { response, error in
        if error != nil {
            // Handle Error case
        } else {
            // Handle Success case


I want to know more!

Have any questions? Reach out to SDK Support to speak to someone smart, quickly.