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Ian farrell authored and Ian farrell committed Dec 7, 2023
1 parent 616e96e commit d35c10d
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 66 deletions.
195 changes: 129 additions & 66 deletions _config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,38 +6,39 @@ repository: Git repository where your resume will be hosted, only required if yo
version: 2

# Personal info
name: Your Name
title: Your job title
email: Your email (optional)
# email_title: Email (Email title override)
phone: Your phone number (optional)
name: 王章吉(Ian)
title: Backend Engineer
# email_title: Email
# phone: Your phone number (optional)
# phone_title: Phone (Phone title override)
website: Your website (eg.
# website_title: Web (Website title override)
website_title: Resume

# Dark Mode (true/false/never)
darkmode: false

# Social links
twitter_username: jekyllrb
github_username: jekyll
stackoverflow_username: "00000001"
dribbble_username: jekyll
facebook_username: jekyll
flickr_username: jekyll
instagram_username: jekyll
linkedin_username: jekyll
xing_username: jekyll
pinterest_username: jekyll
youtube_username: jekyll
orcid_username: 0000-0000-0000-0000
googlescholar_username: D847cGsAAAAJ
# twitter_username: jekyllrb
github_username: madaramefarrell
# stackoverflow_username: "00000001"
# dribbble_username: jekyll
# facebook_username: jekyll
# flickr_username: jekyll
# instagram_username: jekyll
# linkedin_username: jekyll
# xing_username: jekyll
# pinterest_username: jekyll
# youtube_username: jekyll
# orcid_username: 0000-0000-0000-0000
# googlescholar_username: D847cGsAAAAJ
linkedin_username: ianhelloworld

# Additional icon links
- title: Link name
icon: Font Awesome brand icon name (eg. fab fa-twitter) (
url: Link url (eg.
# additional_links:
# - title: Link name
# icon: Font Awesome brand icon name (eg. fab fa-twitter) (
# url: Link url (eg.
# - title: another link
# icon: font awesome brand icon name (eg. fab fa-twitter) (
# url: Link url (eg.
Expand All @@ -50,67 +51,129 @@ additional_links:

# About Section
# about_title: About Me (Use this to override about section title)
about_profile_image: Directory of profile image (eg. images/profile.jpg)
# about_profile_image: Directory of profile image (eg. images/profile.jpg)
about_content: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
Write an awesome description about yourself here, this supports markdown, so you can add [links]( and highlight things <mark>like this</mark>.
曾於 bebit-tech 以及美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司擔任後端工程師,累計年資約 3 年 4 個月,就職期間多負責產品功能孵化以及開發、與前端工程師配合作、API 開發、資料庫規劃及調教、系統偵錯、任務排程撰寫、串接第三方 API。
You can even add paragraphs by using empty lines like this and add anything else [markdown]( supports such as
- Lists
- Tables
- <a href="">Links</a>
- Images ![alt text](/images/landscape-trees.jpg "Trees")
<mark>Python</mark>、<mark>Django</mark>、<mark>Django orm</mark>、<mark>Postgresql</mark>
<mark>GraphQL</mark>、<mark>RESTful API</mark>、<mark>Git</mark>、<mark>Graphene-Django</mark>、<mark>Terraform</mark>、<mark>Docker</mark>、<mark>RabbitMQ</mark>、<mark>GCP service</mark>、<mark>Redis</mark>、<mark>Pika</mark>、<mark>Celery</mark>、<mark>unix-like OS</mark>、<mark>Shell script</mark>
- title: Experience
layout: list
- layout: right
title: bebit-tech
sub_title: 軟體工程師
caption: 2021/07 ~ 2023/10
quote: >
# Short description of the company (optional)
description: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
- 與前端工程師合作,負責後端開發(Python & Django)及維護並參與功能設計前期孵化。
- 資料庫(Postgresql)效能調校及最佳化。
- 開發內部及外部 Restful API ,包含但不限於提供合作廠商調用。
- 任務排程撰寫(使用 RabbitMQ 以及 Celery)。
- 線上環境錯誤排查,透過 log 找出已發生/未發生錯誤。
- 程式效能排查,透過工具找出程式效能貧頸並改善。
- 撰寫測試程式,提供良好的程式設計環境。
- 串接第三方 API(Cyberbiz、Shopify、Shopping99 等,包含但不限於以上及其他 CRM 廠商)增加支援平台,提升新客戶使用意願。
- layout: right
title: 美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司
sub_title: 後端工程師
caption: 2020/07 ~ 2021/06
# link: Link to company (optional)
quote: >
# Short description of the company (optional)
description: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
- 規劃及開發(Python & Django)線上考試系統。
- 開發 GraphQL API (Graphene-Django)、使用 Django GraphQL JWT 進行認證及授權。
- 協助重構專案架構,提高可讀性以及重用性,設計反正規劃模型提升系統效能。
- 協助專案(EC2 & Elastic Beanstalk & S3 & RDS)部署及撰寫相關 AWS 設定。
- 規劃資料庫(Postgresql)
- title: Projects # Title for the section
layout: list # Type of content section (list/text)
- layout: left
border: weak # Value of `weak` will display a weak border below this item. # Any
# other value (or no value) means no border will be displayed
title: Project name
link: Link to project (eg.
link_text: Link Text
- title: Github page for project (eg. sproogen/modern-resume-theme)
icon: fab fa-github
url: Link to project (eg.
- title: Github page for project (eg. sproogen/modern-resume-theme)
icon: fab fa-github
url: Link to project (eg.
quote: >
Short overview of the project (optional)
title: 產品 IaC (bebit-tech)
# link: Link to project (eg.
# link_text: Link Text
# additional_links:
# - title: Github page for project (eg. sproogen/modern-resume-theme)
# icon: fab fa-github
# url: Link to project (eg.
# - title: Github page for project (eg. sproogen/modern-resume-theme)
# icon: fab fa-github
# url: Link to project (eg.
# quote: >
# Short overview of the project (optional)
description: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
Description about the work on/with the project
- title: Experience
layout: list
- layout: right
title: Company name
sub_title: Job title
caption: Date Range (eg. November 2016 - present)
link: Link to company (optional)
quote: >
Short description of the company (optional)
使用 Terraform 於 GCP 上建構產品初版的基礎架構,將瑣碎且需要手動執行的行為透過腳本自動化,於新環境中減少建置基礎架構的時間以及降低人工建置時產生錯誤的可能。
- layout: left
border: weak # Value of `weak` will display a weak border below this item. # Any
# other value (or no value) means no border will be displayed
title: Celery task 搬運工具(bebit-tech)
# link: Link to project (eg.
# link_text: Link Text
# additional_links:
# - title: Github page for project (eg. sproogen/modern-resume-theme)
# icon: fab fa-github
# url: Link to project (eg.
# - title: Github page for project (eg. sproogen/modern-resume-theme)
# icon: fab fa-github
# url: Link to project (eg.
# quote: >
# Short overview of the project (optional)
description: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
Description of role
使用 python 及 pika 實作,針對 rabbitMQ 中的 celery task 進行搬運或是拋棄,當系統被耗資源的 celery task 佔用時,對 queue 中的尚未執行的 message 進行適當的處理,降低系統服務中斷的時間。
- layout: left
border: weak # Value of `weak` will display a weak border below this item. # Any
# other value (or no value) means no border will be displayed
title: 客製化 Google Ads 廣告受眾來源 (bebit-tech)
# link: Link to project (eg.
# link_text: Link Text
# additional_links:
# - title: Github page for project (eg. sproogen/modern-resume-theme)
# icon: fab fa-github
# url: Link to project (eg.
# - title: Github page for project (eg. sproogen/modern-resume-theme)
# icon: fab fa-github
# url: Link to project (eg.
# quote: >
# Short overview of the project (optional)
description: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
使用 python 串接 Google Ads API ,將特定受眾與 google ads 整合,讓 google ads 可以 瞄準潛在用戶進行廣告,透過事前篩選受眾進而提高投放精準度。
- title: Education
layout: list
- layout: top-right
title: Institution name
sub_title: Qualifications (eg. BA Performing Arts)
caption: Date Range (eg. 2016 - 2019)
quote: >
Short institution or course description (optional)
- layout: top-left
title: 國立虎尾科技大學
sub_title: 資訊工程所
caption: 2014 - 2018
# quote: >
# Short institution or course description (optional)
description: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
Description of qualification
研究 SDN 並以流量平衡為目標制定路由策略,
選擇採用 Python 當作開發語言的 Mininet 部署模擬環境以及
Ryu controller 作為控制器向 Open vSwitch 發布路由策略。
以 Shell script 腳本語言編寫流量發送機制,模擬現實網路環境。
- title: A Little More About Me
layout: text
content: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
This is where you can write a little more about yourself. You could title this section **Interests** and include some of your other interests.
Or you could title it **Skills** and write a bit more about things that make you more desirable, like *leadership* or *teamwork*
喜歡潛水但還在考 aida2 中(萬惡的平壓QQ)
# Footer
footer_show_references: true
# references_title: References on request (Override references text)
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