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Goodbit Policies

Run bundle install to install dependencies.

To run locally

  1. In the Gemfile, comment out line 18: gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins and un-comment out line 11: gem "jekyll", "~> 3.9.0"

  2. Run bundle exec jekyll serve to run the site locally.

When you commit to the github repo, reverse step 1.

To add a new page

  1. Create a new markdown file (.md) in the pages directory.
  2. The header should include the following:
layout: page
title: Small trivia, big challenge!
permalink: /stbu-pp/
exclude: true
  • Layout: Which layout to use; the options are home or page. page is used for Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages.
  • Title: The title that will be shown in the browser.
  • Permalink: This is where you define what link the page should use. All links have /policies as a subpage before the permalink.
  • Exclude: Choose true if you don't want this page to show up in the navbar on the home page. Choose false if you want it in the header - i.e. if it's an important page that is relevant to the organization as whole.
  1. The pages will automatically be built into html using the markdown file. Here is a guide for how to use styling in markdown: Markdown Cheat Sheet.
  2. To add your new page to the home screen, go to and add it as a link using the following syntax:
[Privacy Policy](/policies/stbu-pp)

Build and Deployment

When you commit and push a change to Github, it will automatically build the new pages. You can view the progress of the build here:

Github Actions