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Releases: madeofpendletonwool/PinePods

0.6.0 - The Postgres Update!

07 Jun 15:11
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A new major release! 0.6.0 makes a huge step toward making Pinepods the best self-hosted podcast app there is! Postgres is now a supported database type. See the readme for information on that. In addition, the downloads page has gotten an overhaul. It now organized episodes under the podcast itself that you can drop down. This provides much better support for archiving large numbers of episodes. To further support archiving options, a download all button has been added to podcasts as well! There has also been some further options provided for podcasts also such as auto downloads on release and auto skip the first and last blank (you define the number) of seconds for a specific podcast. Perfect for those pods with large intros. Finally, last but not least a completed status has been added, you can either manually mark episodes as completed or when an episode is finished it will auto mark itself as complete. All that said, this was a huge update and a lot has changed, hence the major version bump. So please, if you notice an issue, open an issue on Github!

Complete Changelog:

  • Added Postgresql support
  • Added option to podcast pages to allow for downloading every episode
  • Enhanced downloads page to better display podcasts. This improves archival experience
  • Added ability to download all episodes of a podcast at once with a button
  • Added Individual Podcast Settings Button
  • Completed status added so podcasts can be marked as completed manually and will auto complete once finished
  • Auto Download Episodes when released for given podcasts
  • Added Auto Skip options for intro and outros of podcasts
  • Fixed issue where episodes could be downloaded multiple times


21 May 13:46
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Quick hotfix to fix an issue where the server wouldn't have permission to update feeds. The clients remain unchanged.


20 May 15:40
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This is a quick point release in between finalizing postgres support to update a couple dependencies, iron out a few bugs that have been found, and polish up the initial onboarding into the app. The goal was to clean up any final bugs you'd experience the first time you logged in. That should be about complete now. Complete changelog below:

  • Fixed enter key to login when highlighted on username or password field of login page
  • Created a confirmation message when a user gets created using self service user creation
  • Fixed issue with viewing episodes with certain podcasts when any episodes were missing a duration
  • Fixed issue where release date would show current timestamp when the podcast wasn't added to the db
  • Added user deletion option when editing a user
  • Fixed issue with password changing in the ui. It now works great.
  • Updated the Rust Crate: Pulldown-cmark


11 May 02:33
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This release cleans up loads of issues with various UI components and really makes Pinepods feel like a daily driver application. Everything is cleaned up and much more even now. The mobile experience is also greatly improved.

Perhaps most excitingly there's now a way to add custom podcast feeds from url in the settings. In addition to that, there's now an official Pinepods news feed! You can subscribe to this feed and get news about Pinepods delivered straight to your normal podcast feed. I will use this delivery method exclusively to inform you about news or updates related to Pinepods. Nothing more. Upon starting up Pinepods and building the database for the first time you will be automatically subscribed to this feed, but if you'd prefer to not get the notifications about updates you can unsubscribe from it just like you would with any other podcast.

If you already have an instance of Pinepods spun up you will not be auto subscribed if you continue using your existing database. In that case you can manually subscribe to it using this url:

Here's the full changelog.

  • Fix appearance and layout of podcasts on podcast screen or on searching pages. (Also added additional see more type dropdowns for descriptions to make them fit better.)
  • Fix mobile experience to make images consistently sized
  • Fixed layout of pinepods logo on user stats screen
  • Expanded the search bar on search podcasts page for small screens. It was being cut off a bit
  • Fixed order of history page
  • Downloads page typo
  • Improve look of search podcast dropdown on small screens
  • Made the setting accordion hover effect only over the arrows.
  • Added area in the settings to add custom podcast feeds
  • Added a Pinepods news feed that gets automatically subscribed to on fresh installs. You can easily unsubscribe from this if you don't care about it
  • Added ability to access episodes for an entire podcast from the episode display screen (click the podcast name)
  • Created functionality so the app can handle when a feed doesn't contain an audio file
  • Added playback speed button in the episode playing page. Now you can make playback faster!
  • Added episode skip button in the episode playing page. Skips to the next in the queue.
  • Fixed issue with the reverse button in the episode page so that it now reverses the playback by 15 seconds.
  • Fixed issue where spacebar didn't work in app when episode was playing
  • Added and verified support for mysql databases. Thanks @rgarcia6520

v0.5.2 beta

01 May 02:24
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The nextcloud update! Timestamps are now syncing and nextcloud syncing in general is way more robust and consistent. Loads of updates to the UI to improve the overall look as well.

  • Fixed issue with removal of podcasts when no longer in nextcloud subscription
  • Fixed scrolling problems where the app would sometimes start you at the bottom of the page when scrolling to different locations.
  • Fixed issue where a very occasional podcast is unable to open it's feed. This was due to podcast redirects. Which caused the function to not work. It will now follow a redirect.
  • Fixed an issue where podcasts would be removed after adding when nextcloud sync is active
  • Added Nextcloud timestamp functionality. Podcasts will now sync listen timestamps from nextcloud. Start an episode on pinepods and finish it on Antennapods!
  • Added css files for material icons rather than pulling them down from Google's servers (Thanks @civilblur)
  • Fixed display issue on the search bar so it correctly formats itunes and podcast index
  • Added in check on the podcast page to check if the podcast has been added. This allows the podcast to have the context button if it's added to the db
  • Readjusted the format of episodes on screen. This tightens them up and ensures they are all always consistently sized. It also allows more episodes to show at once.
  • Added loading icon when a podcast is being added. This gives some feedback to the user during a couple seconds it takes to add the feed. (Also improved the look of that button)
  • Fixed date formatting issue on all pages so they format using the user's timezone preferences.
  • Added notifications when saving, downloading, or queuing episode from search page.
  • Improved look at the episode page. Fixed up the spacing and the buttons.

v0.5.1 beta

24 Apr 23:53
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  • Fixed Nextcloud cors issues
  • Fixed (I think) Docker auto uploads

v0.5.0 beta

21 Apr 00:55
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Full frontend rebuild with many things entirely revamped and rebuild in rust for a huge speed boost. Python just wasn't cutting it for a modern web application. Deployment has been made significantly easier and it should also be way less prone to issues. Nextcloud sync has also been developed and works great! List of items changed and fixed:

  • Complete Rust WASM Rebuild
  • Make Timestamps with with Auto Resume
  • Nextcloud Subscriptions
  • Allow for episodes to be played without being added
  • Fix images on some podcasts that don't appear. Likely a fallback issue
  • Issues occur server side when adding podcast without itunes_duration
  • Click Episode Title to Open into Episode Screen
  • Duration Not showing when podcast played from episode layout screen
  • Episodes not appearing in history (Issue due to recent episode in db check)
  • Panic being caused when searching podcasts sometimes (due to an empty value) <- Silly Categories being empty
  • Auto close queue, download, save context menu when clicking an option or clicking away from it
  • Added login screen random image selection. For some nice styling
  • Check for Added Podcasts to ensure you can't add a second time. Searching a podcast already added should present with remove button instead of add < - On search results page (done), on podcasts page (done), and on podcast episode list page
  • Consistent Styling Throughout
  • Loading icon in the center of screen while episodes load in
  • Run Podcast Descriptions on Podcasts page through html parsing
  • Do not delete theme context on logout (Carries over in local storage)
  • Make validations work correctly on login user create
  • Loading animations where if makes sense
  • Verify Funtional Mobile Version (Functional - Will be made better with time)
  • Automation - client auto release and compile - auto compile and push to docker hub
  • Revamp Readme

v0.4.1 beta

29 Nov 12:54
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Bump to 0.4.1. This update lays the ground work for additional client creation that can connect to the Pinepods APIs. Which is the next thing I'm working on. Next to come is finalizing the first version of the TUI client and support for Gpodder APIs. Version 0.5 will include the first edition of Gpodder support.

  • Fixed issue where get_user_episode_count wasn't displaying episode numbers. There was a syntax error in the api call
  • Added /api/data/podcast_episodes and /api/data/get_podcast_id api calls. These are needed for Pinepods Firewood

v0.4 beta

12 Oct 12:39
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v0.4 beta Pre-release

Version 0.4

This release really focuses on the API and the client. The API is now based on the permissions that the user who created it, in addition, standard users can now use the API. This also introduced the ability to implement some updates to the client edition of the app. You no longer need to input an api key plus your user credentials to sign into the client. You simply need either an api key or sign in credentials along with your server name. The app will actually create the api key for you if you don't already have one. There was numerous bugs ironed out, and there's now an ARM edition of Pinepods!

  • Unlock api creation for standard users - The API has been completely re-written to follow along the permissions that users actually have. Meaning users can easily request their own api keys and sign into the client with admin consent
  • Signing into the client edition is now possible with either an API key or username and password sign in. It gives the option to choose which you would prefer.
  • Email resets currently broken for non-admins due to lockdown on encryption key. Need to handle encryption server-side
  • Client version images load a lot faster now
  • Fixed issue with audio container not reappearing after entering playing fullscreen
  • Fixed Issue with Queue Bump Not working right
  • Added verification when deleting user
  • Fixed Mac edition of the app.
  • ARM edition has been released! You can run Pinepods on a raspberry pi. Just select pinepods-arm rather than pinepods as your docker container to pull. Nothing else is different.

To quicky look ahead, v0.5 will be an integration update. It will not only include the integration for the AntennaPods API so Pinepods can be used interchangebly with it, but I'm also working on a Pinepods lite client called Pinepods Firewood. Firewood will allow you to beam podcasts to another device across your lan and also browse and play podcasts via a TUI interface.


27 Aug 12:42
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v0.3.2-beta Pre-release

This is a quick hotfix to resolve issues with audio and images on the browser. Pinepods now generates an internal cert to ensure regardless of how it's configured traffic will always route via the domain of your choosing. Preventing CORs issues. Check the documentation for assistance with setup as the compose file has changed slightly.