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Oro Platform Empty Application

An example of empty application built using the Oro Platform.

This repository contains application configuration settings and depends on Oro Platform.

Important Note: this application is not production ready and is intended for evaluation and development only!


Oro Platform is Symfony 2 based application with following requirements:

  • PHP 5.4.4 and above
  • PHP Extensions
    • GD
    • Mcrypt
    • JSON
    • ctype
    • Tokenizer
    • SimpleXML
    • PCRE
  • MySQL 5.1 and above


Installation instructions

[As both Symfony 2 and Oro Platform use Composer to manage their dependencies, this is the recommended way to install Oro Platform.]

If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions on or just run the following command:

    curl -s | php
    git clone
  • Make sure that you have installed Java

  • Go to app/config folder and create parameters.yml using parameters.yml.dist as example. Update database name and credentials Alternatively parameters.yml can be created automatically on the next step when run composer install command, you will be able to customize all the values interactively.

  • Install Platform Application dependencies with composer. If installation process seems too slow you can use "--prefer-dist" option.

    php composer.phar install --prefer-dist
  • Create the database (default name is "bap_standard")

  • Initialize application with Installation Wizard by opening install.php in the browser or from CLI:

app/console oro:install

After installation you can login as application administrator using user name "admin" and password "admin".

Instant messaging between the browser and the web server

To use this feature you need to configure parameters.yml websocket parameters and run server with console command

app/console clank:server

======= twittoro

Bundle for extracting tweets from the twitter api and store them. Chart widgets will display several statistics about the stored data.


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