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Phone API


  • node ^8.11.1
  • npm ^6.1.0
  • docker ^18.09.0
  • docker-compose ^1.23.1

How to launch the app?

The application consists of two (phones and orders) microservices and a database.

First you have to install the dependencies:

npm i
npm i --prefix microservices/phones
npm i --prefix microservices/orders

To launch the application:

Local env:

  • docker-compose up db: start mongo database.
  • npm start --prefix microservices/phones: start phones service.
  • npm start --prefix microservices/orders: start orders service.
  • npm run fixtures: load data in database

Develop env:

  • npm run dev:phones: start database, start service phones with nodemon and load fixtures.
  • npm run dev:orders: start database, start service orders with nodemon and load fixtures.

Docker env:

  • ./bin/ make docker-compose up (mongo, phones and orders) and load fixtures


  • .bin/ make docker-compose stop and rm and remove database data


  • Each time the fixtures are launched the database is deleted and then data is added.
  • Every time the service orders is launched, the authentication token changes if it is not explicitly specified with the environment variable USER_TOKEN
  • By default in all environments the service phones runs in port 3000 and service ordersruns in the port 3001, to change that behavior use the environment variable SERVER_PORT
  • The data base is mongo and runs in mongodb://<HOST>:27017/masmovil

How to consume the app?

To consume data in service orders you have to be authenticated. The application does not have real authentication but simulates one through middleware. When the server is up, it shows by console the authentication token. The token is generated dynamically and changes every time the application is launched. If you want the token not to change, you can use the environment variable USER_TOKEN


npm start --prefix microservices/orders

in console:

App Orders started with config

  "user": {
    "token": "403dc1305d3c08ebdb085489204bc1ff"
  "db": {
    "url": "mongodb://"

To consume:

curl -H "Authorization: 403dc1305d3c08ebdb085489204bc1ff" http://localhost:3001/health

With custom token:

USER_TOKEN=SUPER_SECRET npm start --prefix microservices/orders

curl -H "Authorization: SUPER_SECRET" http://localhost:3001/health

API documentation

The API specification is written in swagger. To obtain documentation go to http://<HOST>:<PORT>/docs

Run Test

launches unit tests and e2e

npm test

To see the coverage use npm run serve:coverage

Develop conventions

  • Develop with TDD approach, to pass tests while developing use the command npm run tdd inside each microservice

  • Run test with npm test

  • See coverage with npm run serve:coverage

  • The unit tests are located on the same route of source file with extension *.spec.js

  • The e2e tests are located in the__tests__ folder.

  • To make 2e2 test is not necessary any physical instance of mongo. The __mocks__/_mongo module solves that problem using mongo-memory-server

  • commit style validation with commitlint standard

  • Linter with eslint

  • Automatic code format with prettier-eslint

  • Automatic changelog creation npm run changelog

  • Use mongoose to maintain the data integrity in mongo

Development approach

Application developed in monorepo an each microservice in layers and used as a fundamental tool express-flow-extensions (library created by me) to develop declaratively.


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