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Simulation population-scale Allele Differential Expression from Metagenomic and metranscriptomic data

Modelling genomic parameters

The depth of coverage of the genome is modelled by a negative binomial distribution. To learn the NB parameters, I use the sum of the read counts of the reference and alternative alleles generated by DiscoSNP++ ran on metaG of each sample. The allele frequency $freq=\frac{read\_count A}{read\_count A + read\_count B}$ distribution shows a U shape and is modelled by a Beta distribution. The distribution of the loci expression is a model admixture that cannot be estimated, we approximate the distribution by a gamma distribution.

## Loading required package: MASS

## Loading required package: survival

## Loading required package: npsurv

## Loading required package: lsei
# Input: read counts file
# 1. fit the allele frequency by a beta distribution
# 2. fit the depth of coverage by a negative binomial
# 3. fit the loci expression level by a gamma distribution
# Return: the distribution parameters for the three fits
getNBparam <- function(file){
  RC = read.table(file)
  colnames(RC) = c("genome_RC_A", "genome_RC_B",
  # 1. Genome coverage is fitted by a negative binomial distribution
  fit_Gcoverage = fitdist(RC$genome_RC_A + RC$genome_RC_B, 
                          method = "mme", distr="nbinom")
  GenomeCov_NB_theta = fit_Gcoverage$estimate[1]
  GenomeCov_NB_mu = fit_Gcoverage$estimate[2]
  # 2. Genome variant frequency distribution is fitted by a beta distribution
  fit_freq = fitdist( RC$genome_RC_A / (RC$genome_RC_A + RC$genome_RC_B), 
                     method = "mme", distr="beta")
  VarFreq_Beta_shape1 = fit_freq$estimate[1]
  VarFreq_Beta_shape2 = fit_freq$estimate[2]
  # 3. Loci expression level is fitted by a gamma distribituion
  fit_Tcoverage = fitdist(RC$transcript_RC_A + RC$transcript_RC_B, 
                          distr="gamma", method = "mme")
  Expression_Gamma_shape = fit_Tcoverage$estimate[1]
  Expression_Gamma_rate = fit_Tcoverage$estimate[2]

  return (as.numeric(as.character(c(GenomeCov_NB_theta, GenomeCov_NB_mu, 
            VarFreq_Beta_shape1, VarFreq_Beta_shape2, 
            Expression_Gamma_shape, Expression_Gamma_rate ))))

Learning genomic and transcriptomic parameters from real data

The input files format is the following, col 1: RC_genomic_allele_A, col 2: RC_genomic_allele_B, col 3: RC_transcriptomic_allele_A, col 4: RC_transcriptomic_allele_B. We estimate the distribution parameters from seven samples.

# One read count file per sample
files = list.files ("RC")
files = paste("RC/",files,sep="")
parameters = matrix(unlist(lapply(files,getNBparam)), ncol=6, byrow = TRUE)

colnames(parameters) = c("GenomeCov_NB_theta", "GenomeCov_NB_mu", 
                         "VarFreq_Beta_shape1", "VarFreq_Beta_shape2", 
                         "Expression_Gamma_shape", "Expression_Gamma_rate")
rownames(parameters) = c("S155","S158", "S178","S206","S208","S209","S210")
write.table(x = parameters, "genomic_distributions_parameters.txt", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
print (parameters)
##      GenomeCov_NB_theta GenomeCov_NB_mu VarFreq_Beta_shape1 VarFreq_Beta_shape2
## S155          11.702165        24.69497           0.3492578           0.3616005
## S158          14.975447        35.02305           0.3151723           0.3243779
## S178           7.121472        24.21240           0.3595526           0.3731149
## S206          17.009232        55.33740           0.3359127           0.3456253
## S208          17.494034        47.89654           0.3058504           0.3145081
## S209          22.626873        11.68779           0.2448241           0.2519111
## S210           7.279214        14.11215           0.2388235           0.2452350
##      Expression_Gamma_shape Expression_Gamma_rate
## S155               5.540433             0.3793182
## S158               6.226704             0.1911681
## S178               5.415773             0.4468105
## S206              12.799505             0.1587526
## S208               7.298620             0.1850488
## S209               6.901641             0.4636734
## S210               6.873118             0.2603409

Estimation of the Negative Binomial parameter θ for any depth of coverage

We modelled the relationship between μ and θ by a linear model such as $\theta = \frac{p}{1-p} . \mu$. With p the probabilty of a loci to belong to single-copy region of the genome

## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.5.3
p = ggplot(data =, 
           aes( x = GenomeCov_NB_mu, y = GenomeCov_NB_theta))+
  geom_smooth(method = lm)+
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

# Predict the NB theta  with mu by a linear model
fitParam = summary(lm(parameters[,1]~parameters[,2]))
print (fitParam)
## Call:
## lm(formula = parameters[, 1] ~ parameters[, 2])
## Residuals:
##    S155    S158    S178    S206    S208    S209    S210 
## -1.8219  0.5396 -6.3600  0.7801  1.9218 10.2510 -5.3106 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
## (Intercept)     11.34407    5.07429   2.236   0.0756 .
## parameters[, 2]  0.08828    0.14903   0.592   0.5794  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 6.027 on 5 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.06557,    Adjusted R-squared:  -0.1213 
## F-statistic: 0.3509 on 1 and 5 DF,  p-value: 0.5794
mu2theta <- function (mu){
  theta = fitParam$coefficients[1] + fitParam$coefficients[2] * mu
  return (theta)

Estimation of read counts for genome and transcriptome

The read A count follows a NB distribution of mean = coverage A (random value between 1 and the genome coverage) and size estimated from the data. The read count B follows a NB distribution of mean = coverage B = genome coverage - coverage A and size estimated from the data

test_RC_Noise <- function (genome_coverage, theta, fbeta1, fbeta2, gamshape, gamrate, transcript_sd){
  # simulate random allele frequency given the beta distrib parameters (shape1 and shape2)
  variant_frequency = rbeta(n = 1, shape1 = fbeta1, shape2 = fbeta2)
  genomic_expect_cov_A = round( variant_frequency * genome_coverage , 0)
  genomic_expect_cov_B = genome_coverage - genomic_expect_cov_A
  ## simulate genomic read counts for allele A and B 
  # given expected coverages and the NB distrib parameters
  # first find theta
  thetaA = round(mu2theta(genomic_expect_cov_A))
  thetaB = round(mu2theta(genomic_expect_cov_B))
  # then simulate
  genomic_RC_A = rnbinom (n = 1, size = thetaA, mu = genomic_expect_cov_A) 
  genomic_RC_B = rnbinom (n = 1, size = thetaB, mu = genomic_expect_cov_B)
  # replace NA by 0
  if ( genomic_RC_A = 0 
  if ( genomic_RC_B = 0
  # simulate allele expression level given the gamma distrib parameters (shape and rate)
  gene_expression_Level = round (rgamma(1, gamshape, gamrate), 0)
  transcriptomic_expect_Cov_A = round(variant_frequency * gene_expression_Level , 0)
  transcriptomic_expect_Cov_B = gene_expression_Level - transcriptomic_expect_Cov_A
  # simulate transcriptomic read counts for allele A and B
  # given a poisson distribution
  transcript_RC_A =  rpois(n = 1, transcriptomic_expect_Cov_A )
  transcript_RC_B =  rpois(n = 1, transcriptomic_expect_Cov_B )
  if (transcript_RC_A<0) transcript_RC_A = 0 
  if (transcript_RC_B<0) transcript_RC_B = 0
  # Apply Fisher exact test 
  # only if the gene is expressed and the loci is heterozygous
  observed_expression = transcript_RC_A + transcript_RC_B
  if( (observed_expression>0 ) & genomic_RC_A !=0 & genomic_RC_B !=0 ){
    Fisher_pvalue = fisher.test( matrix(c(genomic_RC_A, 
    Fisher_pvalue = "NA"
  return(as.numeric(as.character(c(Fisher_pvalue, genomic_RC_A , genomic_RC_B, 
                                   transcript_RC_A, transcript_RC_B))))

Simulation of genomic and transcriptomic read counts

I simulate read counts for genomic and transcriptomic for each sample and I apply the FET on each loci and the FDR.

n_test = 50000
results = c()
# To compare to psADE found in Oithona %ADE for q_value <0.05
oithona = c(0.21, 0.14, 0.33, 1.15, 0.27, 0.03, 0.43)
names(oithona) = rownames(parameters)

for (sample in rownames(parameters)){
  FisherTest = matrix(c(rep(0, 5*n_test)), ncol=5)
  for (j in 1:n_test){
    FisherTest[j,] = test_RC_Noise(round(parameters[sample,"GenomeCov_NB_mu"],0), thetaMu,
  # Writesimulation output
  colnames(FisherTest) = c("Fisher_pvalue", "genomic_RC_A" , "genomic_RC_B", 
                                   "transcript_RC_A", "transcript_RC_B")
  write.table(FisherTest, paste("simulated_data/",sample,".txt", sep = ""))
  # Check if the genomic read count simulation is OK
  print (sample)
  genome_simulated_coverage = FisherTest[,2] + FisherTest[,3]
  # expected distribution
  theta = parameters[sample,"GenomeCov_NB_theta"]
  mu = parameters[sample,"GenomeCov_NB_mu"]
  genome_expected_coverage = rnbinom (n = n_test, size = theta, mu = mu)
  plot(density(genome_simulated_coverage), col="red", 
       lwd=2, main = paste(sample," expected vs observed coverage distribution"))
  lines (density(genome_expected_coverage), col="blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
  legend(1, 95, legend=c("Simulation", "Real data"),
       col=c("red", "blue"), cex=0.8)
  # remove tests with NA
  FisherTest = as.numeric(as.character(FisherTest[![,1]),1]))
  hist(FisherTest, breaks=100, freq = F)
  # Apply FDR
  FisherAdj = p.adjust(FisherTest, method = "fdr")
  # output metrics
  cutoff = 0.05
  percentage_FET_positives = 100 * length(FisherAdj[FisherAdj<cutoff]) / length(FisherAdj)
  count_FET_positives = length(FisherAdj[FisherAdj<cutoff])
  n_loci_tested = length(FisherAdj)
  # Results formatting
  res = c(round(parameters[sample,"GenomeCov_NB_mu"],0), 
  results = rbind(results, res)
## [1] "S155"

## [1] "S158"

## [1] "S178"

## [1] "S206"

## [1] "S208"

## [1] "S209"

## [1] "S210"

colnames (results) = c( "Genome coverage", "q-value cutoff", 
                        "%FET positives","Number of tested loci",
                        "counts","%FET real data",
                        "% true psADE in real data", 
                        "% of detected psADE - noise")

rownames(results) = rownames(parameters)
write.table(results,"simulation_FET_results.txt", sep = "\t", quote=FALSE)
knitr::kable (results)
Genome coverage q-value cutoff %FET positives Number of tested loci counts %FET real data % true psADE in real data % of detected psADE - noise
S155 25 0.05 0.0031415 31832 1 0.21 0.2068585 98.50405
S158 35 0.05 0.0000000 32153 0 0.14 0.1400000 100.00000
S178 24 0.05 0.0000000 31887 0 0.33 0.3300000 100.00000
S206 55 0.05 0.2524049 35657 90 1.15 0.8975951 78.05175
S208 48 0.05 0.0541630 33233 18 0.27 0.2158370 79.93962
S209 12 0.05 0.0000000 20920 0 0.03 0.0300000 100.00000
S210 14 0.05 0.0000000 21788 0 0.43 0.4300000 100.00000


Statistical simulation of population-scale allelic differential expression from metatranscriptomic and metagenomic data






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