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79 lines (51 loc) · 2.18 KB


Gameplay Screenshot

This is a tradtional turn based Roguelike dungeon crawling game build in the Rust programming language. It started by following the excellent Rust Roguelike Tutorial, but had diverged a large amount at this point.


The project is built with rusts Cargo tool:

cd rogue
cargo build

To run:

cargo run


Controls use the arrow keys, but vim keys offer more control:

  • L: Move right.
  • K: Move up.
  • J: Move down.
  • H: Move left.
  • Y: Move diagonally up and left.
  • U: Move diagonally up and right.
  • B: Move diagonally down and left.
  • N: Move diagonally down and right.
  • Z: Passes the turn without moving.

If you pass the turn with no monsters in view, you will gain a little bit of health. Don't abuse this, or you will starve!

Additionally, various menus are available to drink, throw potions, cast spells, and equip gear:

  • I: Opens the item menu for using items.
  • T: Opens an item menu for throwing items.

The same item may have different effects when used or thrown. For example, a fire potion will grant fire invulnrability when used, but will act like a firebomb when thrown.

  • S: Open the spell menu. Cast spells.


Various monsters inhabit the dungeon, and will attempt to stop you from descending.


Rat r

A dork of the upper dungeon. Will attack the player, but run if intimidated.

Bat v

Moves erratically, but unobstructed by ground based hazards.

Goblins g

Basic Goblin 🟤

A basic goblin that will attamept to chase you down and bash you until you are dead.

Goblin Cleric 🔴

A support spellcaster that will heal any injured allies.

Goblin Enchanter ⚪

A support spellcaster that will apply buffs to allies.

Goblin Firemanser 🟠

An attack spellcaster that will cast fire spells on the player, inflicting the burning status effect.

Goblin Chillmanser 🔵

An attack spellcaster that will cast chill spells on the player, inflicting the frozen status effect.

Orcs O

Basic Orc

A beefed up version of the basic Goblin.