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Madhumita Subramaniam edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 41 revisions

Dynamic Client Registration (DCR)

Dynamic client registration refers to the process by which a client submits a registration request to the Authorization server and how that request is served by the Authorization server. It is explained in the following specifications:

  1. For OpenID Connect relying parties - OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0.
  2. For OAuth 2.0 client (without OpenID Connect features) - OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol - RFC 7591.
  3. CRUD operations on client - OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Management Protocol - RFC 7592.

Client Registration endpoint

The URI to dynamically register a client to a Janssen Auth Server can be found by checking the registration_endpoint claim of the OpenID Connect configuration reponse, typically deployed at https://<my.jans.server>/.well-known/openid-configuration

Configuring Janssen AS to allow clients to dynamically register

The Janssen Authorization server will serve a DCR request if the following configuration parameters are set:

  1. dynamicRegistrationEnabled : true or false
  2. dynamicRegistrationExpirationTime : Expiration time in seconds for clients created with dynamic registration, 0 or -1 means never expire

Configure the Janssen AS using steps explained in the link

Client registration Requests

1. A simple client registration request (with mandatory parameter):

curl -X POST -k -i 'https://my.jans.server/jans-auth/restv1/register'  \
     --data '{ \ 
              "redirect_uris": [""] \
             }' \

2. A typical client registration request :

A typical client registration request : A client or developer calls the client registration endpoint with a set of client metadata as specified in RFC7591

   curl -X POST -k -i 'https://my.jans.server/jans-auth/restv1/register'  \
        --data '{ \ 
                      "redirect_uris": [""] \
	              "client_id": "c3BhdRkqfX", \
	              "client_secret": "bd136123eeffeef234235805d", \
	              "grant_types": ["authorization_code", "refresh_token"], \
	              "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic", \
	              "jwks_uri": "", \
	              "client_name": "My Example", \
	              "client_name#fr": "Mon Exemple" \
	        }' \

3. Client Registration Request Using a signed request object

In some usecases like FAPI implementation, DCR request payload is a JWT. Example:

  curl -X POST -k -H 'Content-Type: application/jwt' \
       -H 'Accept: application/json' \
       -i 'https://my-jans-server/jans-auth/restv1/register'  \
       --data 'eyJraWQiOiJrWTIyZXBUT......ueOg2HkjpggwAEP84jq9Q' 

When such will be the nature of client registration requests, the following configuration properties should be set in the authorization server:

  • dcrSignatureValidationEnabled - enables DCR signature validation
  • dcrSignatureValidationJwksUri - specifies JWKS URI for all DCR's validations.
  • dcrSignatureValidationJwks - specifies JWKS for all DCR's validations. Configure the Janssen AS using steps explained in the link

4. Client registration using software statement

A signed assertion from a trusted party, a Software statement or Software Statement Assertion (SSA), is used to dynamically register clients to an Authorization server. Example:

  #!/bin/bash curl -X POST https://my.jans.server/jans-auth/restv1/register \
                   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	           --data-binary @- <<DATA \
		    { "redirect_uris": [ "" ], \
		      "software_statement":"eyJ0eXAi........j3ouyeYOv8", \
		      "jwks_uri":"https://my.portal/portal/jwks" \
		    } DATA

For Client registrations using Software statements, the AS should be configured using the following configuration parameters:

  • softwareStatementValidationType - The value of this variable is one of the following: - NONE - validation is skipped for software statement - SCRIPT - (default), invokes getSoftwareStatementJwks of dynamic registration script which has to return jwks.
    • JWKS - claim name within software statement that has inlined JWKS
    • JWKS_URI - claim name within software statement that points to JWKS URI that should lead to keys.
  • dcrSignatureValidationSoftwareStatementJwksURIClaim - specifies claim name inside software statement that should point to JWKS URI.
  • dcrSignatureValidationSoftwareStatementJwksClaim - specifies claim name inside software statement. Value of claim should point to inlined JWKS.

Configure the AS using steps explained in the link

5. Special mention about FAPI:

In case of a typical client registration request in FAPI implementation, the request object which is a signed JWT (as seen in point 3) is also called an SSA (Software statement Assertion) or DCR payload. This SSA can contain the software_statement inside it which is also a signed JWT. Each of the JWTs, the outer JWT called the SSA and the inner JWT called the software_statement are signed by different entities - the TPP and OBIE respectively.

Customizing the behavior of OP during DCR using an interception script:

The Janssen Authorization Server uses ClientRegistrationType interception scripts to enable you to customize the behavior of the OpenID Provider during client registration. Examples of business customizations in the client registration script are validating certificates against a certificate directory, manage client claims, modify scopes, perform validation and checks.

Reference :

Security Pointers

If dynamicRegistrationEnabled is enabled in the Authorization Server, assess the following points to minimize potential exposure of sensitive personal data:

  1. trustedClientEnabled and dynamicRegistrationPersistClientAuthorizations properties determine whether clients are trusted and if consent should be sought from the user before releasing their personal data to the RP

  2. dynamicRegistrationScopesParamEnabled controls whether default scopes are globally enabled. If dynamicRegistrationScopesParamEnabled is true then scopes defined as default will be automatically added to any dynamically registered client entry without consent of OP's administrator. Therefore, make an informed decision before setting this field to true.

CURL commands to configure Jans-auth server

Jans-auth server is configured using Jans Config Api :

  1. Obtain the access token

       curl -u "put_client_id_here:put_config_api_client_secret_here" https://<your.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/token \
            -d  "grant_type=client_credentials&scope="
  2. Patch jans-auth server configurations to reflect anExampleConfigField with the value anExampleConfigField_value

     curl -X PATCH -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \ 
        -i 'https://<your.jans.server>/jans-config-api/api/v1/jans-auth-server/config' \ 
        -H "Authorization: Bearer put_access_token_here" --data '[
            "op": "add",
            "path": "anExampleConfigField",
            "value": "anExampleConfigField_value"

Example : Patch jans-auth server configurations to reflect dynamicRegistrationEnabled with value as true

   curl -X PATCH -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \ 
   -i 'https://<your.jans.server>/jans-config-api/api/v1/jans-auth-server/config' \ 
   -H "Authorization: Bearer put_access_token_here" --data '[
       "op": "add",
       "path": "dynamicRegistrationEnabled",
       "value": "true"

Client metadata

Command to obtain metadata schema:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema /components/schemas/Client


  "dn": "string",
  "inum": "string",
  "displayName": "string",
  "clientSecret": "string",
  "frontChannelLogoutUri": "string",
  "frontChannelLogoutSessionRequired": true,
  "registrationAccessToken": "string",
  "clientIdIssuedAt": "2022-08-31T10:39:31.385Z",
  "clientSecretExpiresAt": "2022-08-31T10:39:31.385Z",
  "redirectUris": [
  "claimRedirectUris": [
  "responseTypes": [
  "grantTypes": [
  "applicationType": "web",
  "contacts": [
  "idTokenTokenBindingCnf": "string",
  "logoUri": "string",
  "clientUri": "string",
  "policyUri": "string",
  "tosUri": "string",
  "jwksUri": "string",
  "jwks": "{ \"keys\" : [ { \"e\" : \"AQAB\", \"n\" : \"gmlDX_mgMcHX..\" ] }",
  "sectorIdentifierUri": "string",
  "subjectType": "pairwise",
  "idTokenSignedResponseAlg": "HS256",
  "idTokenEncryptedResponseAlg": "RSA1_5",
  "idTokenEncryptedResponseEnc": "A128CBC+HS256",
  "userInfoSignedResponseAlg": "HS256",
  "userInfoEncryptedResponseAlg": "RSA1_5",
  "userInfoEncryptedResponseEnc": "A128CBC+HS256",
  "requestObjectSigningAlg": "HS256",
  "requestObjectEncryptionAlg": "RSA1_5",
  "requestObjectEncryptionEnc": "A128CBC+HS256",
  "tokenEndpointAuthMethod": "client_secret_basic",
  "tokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg": "HS256",
  "defaultMaxAge": 1000000,
  "requireAuthTime": true,
  "defaultAcrValues": [
  "initiateLoginUri": "string",
  "postLogoutRedirectUris": [
  "requestUris": [
  "scopes": [
    "read write dolphin"
  "claims": [
  "trustedClient": false,
  "lastAccessTime": "2022-08-31T10:39:31.385Z",
  "lastLogonTime": "2022-08-31T10:39:31.385Z",
  "persistClientAuthorizations": true,
  "includeClaimsInIdToken": false,
  "refreshTokenLifetime": 100000000,
  "accessTokenLifetime": 100000000,
  "customAttributes": [
      "name": "name, displayName, birthdate, email",
      "multiValued": true,
      "values": [
  "customObjectClasses": [
  "rptAsJwt": true,
  "accessTokenAsJwt": true,
  "accessTokenSigningAlg": "HS256",
  "disabled": false,
  "authorizedOrigins": [
  "softwareId": "4NRB1-0XZABZI9E6-5SM3R",
  "softwareVersion": "2.1",
  "softwareStatement": "string",
  "attributes": {
    "tlsClientAuthSubjectDn": "string",
    "runIntrospectionScriptBeforeAccessTokenAsJwtCreationAndIncludeClaims": true,
    "keepClientAuthorizationAfterExpiration": true,
    "allowSpontaneousScopes": true,
    "spontaneousScopes": [
    "spontaneousScopeScriptDns": [
    "updateTokenScriptDns": [
    "backchannelLogoutUri": [
    "backchannelLogoutSessionRequired": true,
    "additionalAudience": [
    "postAuthnScripts": [
    "consentGatheringScripts": [
    "introspectionScripts": [
    "rptClaimsScripts": [
    "ropcScripts": [
    "parLifetime": 0,
    "requirePar": true,
    "jansAuthSignedRespAlg": "string",
    "jansAuthEncRespAlg": "string",
    "jansAuthEncRespEnc": "string",
    "jansSubAttr": "string",
    "redirectUrisRegex": "string",
    "jansAuthorizedAcr": [
    "jansDefaultPromptLogin": true
  "backchannelTokenDeliveryMode": "poll",
  "backchannelClientNotificationEndpoint": "string",
  "backchannelAuthenticationRequestSigningAlg": "RS256",
  "backchannelUserCodeParameter": true,
  "expirationDate": "2022-08-31T10:39:31.385Z",
  "deletable": false,
  "jansId": "string",
  "description": "string"

Dynamic registration custom attributes

CRUD Operations

Internationalization for Client metadata

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