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Source for GitHub Pages site using Jekyll.

New Post


  1. Start Jekyll
  2. Create new branche and file
  3. Add content
  4. Preview a post
  5. Publish a post
  6. Stop Jekyll

1. Start Jekyll

$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec ruby bash

2. Create new branche and file

# git checkout -b new-branche
# touch /jekyll/docs/_posts/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')

e.g. docs/_posts/

3. Add content

layout: post
title: "Awesome article title!"
date:  2022-03-14 13:10:27 +0900

:+1: Awesome content!

4. Preview a post


5. Publish a post

# git add docs/_posts/
# git commit
# git push -u origin new-branche
  • Check items before publication
  • Merge changes from pull request
    • NOTE: After pull request is merged, the branch is automatically deleted.
  • Sync the base branch
# git switch main
# git pull origin main

6. Stop Jekyll

# exit
$ docker-compose down


See: textlint