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Releases: maelstrom-software/maelstrom


03 Jul 19:24
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This release contains three big new things. The new Python test runner, the new --tty mode for
maelstrom-run, and big upgrades to the container image handling code.


  • The test configuration language now supports a single template argument in
    paths. When <build-dir> is found in a path, it will be replaced with a path to
    the build output directory for the current profile.
  • cargo-maelstrom.toml is now the default place for test configuration. maelstrom-test.toml is
    still checked and used if cargo-maelstrom.toml doesn't exist, though it's use is deprecated.
  • Fixed issue where test binary name was being printed even when it was the same as the package name
    on newer versions of cargo.


First release of new test runner for Python tests. See the book for more details around its usage.

Client Job Specification

These changes affect the job specification used by all the test runners and maelstrom-run.

  • Deprecated devices and added_devices fields. Added new devices mount type.
  • Changed format of container image names to be more standardized and support new features. See the
    book for details of new format.
  • Added devpts and mqueue mount types.

cargo-maelstrom, maelstrom-pytest and maelstrom-run

  • Added the --accept-invalid-remote-container-tls-certs flag.
  • Changed meaning of the sha256 hashes in the container lock-file to better match other tools. The
    version of the file was bumped to reflect this change. Users will be forced to regenerate their
    lock-file to get the new hashes thanks to the new version number.
  • When generating manifests, if a file is under a certain size (< 200KiB) the data is included
    as part of the manifest instead of uploaded as a separate artifact.
  • Fixed issue where we were running out of file descriptors contending with ourselves on the
    contianer tags lock. [291]
  • Support for docker images with a / in the name as added.
  • Support for docker images from other public container image providers was added.
  • Now search PATH environment variable when looking for a program to execute when running a job.


  • Add new --file argument to pass a job specification via path.
  • Add new --one argument which allows extra functionality when running only one job.
  • Add new --tty flag which attaches a TTY to a job being run.

maelstrom-worker and Standalone Mode for Clients

  • Added a "graceful shutdown" which waits for jobs to be canceled when exiting. Also catch most
    signals and ensure we go through "graceful shutdown" in response. This should remove the vast
    majority of leaked broken FUSE mounts.

Client Internals

  • Replaced enable_writable_file_system with new JobRootOverlay type.
  • Added new JobRootOverlay::Local variant which allows for providing the overlay directory on
    local jobs.


22 May 02:21
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Major Changes

There are two major changes in this release, plus a lot of smaller changes and
bug fixes.

LPT Scheduling

The first big change is that Maelstrom now uses Longest-processing-time-first

scheduling. This brings narrows the theoretical upper bound on the difference
between our schedules and optimal schedules (which are NP-hard to compute). In
practice, this greatly helps situations where there are a few long-running
tests mixed in with a bunch of faster ones.

cargo-maelstrom now remembers how long the last few runs of each test took.
It uses that information to predict how long the next run will take. Those
tests that are predicted to run the longest are run first.

Local Jobs

The second big change is that Maelstrom now has an "escape hatch" that one can
use to force a job to be run on the local machine, with access to the local
file system and/or network.

There is now a "local" network option, which means that a job will run on the
local machine, without being put in its own network namespace. In other words,
it will have all the same network access as any program on the local machine.

There is also now a "bind" mount type, which allows one to expose parts of the
local file system to the job. For example, the ./target directory could be
provided to a job, mounted at /target inside of the job's container.

Jobs that use either of these features are forced to run on the local worker,
even if all other jobs are going to a remote cluster.


  • Added a new container-image-depot-root configuration value. The default is
    $XDG_CACHE_HOME/maelstrom/container, which is what was hard-coded before.
  • Cleaned up where various thing go in the Cargo target directory. Before, we
    had a number of files and directories directly in the target directory. Now,
    there are target/maelstrom/cache and target/maelstrom/state, which are
    the equivalents to the "cache" and "state" directories in the XDG Base
    Directories Specification.
  • Remove the following short command-line option aliases:
    • -s (--cache-size)
    • -I (--inline-limit)
    • -S (--slots)
  • Fixed a few race conditions in the outputting of tests results.
  • Fixed a bug with tar files with / entries (as demonstrated by the busybox
  • Fixed two bugs related to cargo-maelstrom hanging instead of exiting when
    there is a remote error.
  • Improved error messages when a container image or tag doesn't exist.
  • Restored container image download progress bars.
  • Swap order of "side" progress bars (artifact upload and container download)
    so that they align on the right.
  • The format for mounts has now changed. The fs_type field has been renamed
    type, and a new "bind" type has been added.
  • The enable_loopback field has been replaced with a new network field that
    can have one of the three values: "disabled", "local", or "loopback".
    The new "local" option is used to give a job unfettered access to the local
    machine's network.
  • Clarified that when running --list-binaries, the provided filters match
    against the package and the binary. Previously, we would only match against
    the package in these scenarios, which was confusing.
  • Added the shm device type.


  • Added a new container-image-depot-root configuration value. The default is
    $XDG_CACHE_HOME/maelstrom/container, which is what was hard-coded before.
  • Added a new cache-root configuration value. The default is
    $XDG_CACHE_HOME/maelstrom/run, which is what was hard-coded before.
  • Added a new state-root configuration value. The default is
  • Moved the client-process.log file into the state-root directory. It used
    to live in the cache directory, which was incorrect according to the XDG Base
    Directory Specification.
  • Remove the following short command-line option aliases:
    • -s (--cache-size)
    • -i (--inline-limit)
    • -S (--slots)
  • Fixed a bug where we weren't properly waiting for job callbacks.
  • Improved error messages when a container image or tag doesn't exist.
  • The mounts and enable_loopback fields have been changed as in
  • The environment field now support multiple layers of substitution, just
    like in cargo-maelstrom.
  • Added the shm device type.

Client Internals

  • Changed the gRPC protobuf to remove cruft and make it easier to use.
  • The client process now does environment variable substitution, so it's now
    available to all clients, not just Rust.


  • Remove the following short command-line option aliases:
    • -r (--cache-root)
    • -s (--cache-size)
    • -i (--inline-limit)
    • -S (--slots)


  • Remove the following short command-line option aliases:
    • -r (--cache-root)
    • -s (--cache-size)


01 May 16:40
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  • Add default test configuration when there is no maelstrom-test.toml file present.
  • Add --init flag that writes default configuration if no maelstrom-test.toml file is present.
  • Add experimental path templating to paths in test configuration. Existing paths with < or >
    present may now need to escape these characters.
  • When a test fails, print stdout in addition to stderr for that test.
  • When a test times out, print stdout and stderr for that test.
  • Add printing of the time each test took.
  • Use the target directory cargo metadata says instead of always using
    target/, also create the target directory if it doesn't exist.
  • Changed --inline-limit's short option to -I so it doesn't conflict with
    --include. [220]
  • Cleaned up error messages so that it's more clear what went wrong when things go wrong.
  • Fixed a bug where hostnames weren't supported for the broker configuration
    value, but only in configuration files.
  • Clarified error message when cargo-maelstrom is run outside of a Rust workspace.


  • Implemented support for white-out entries and opaque directories. The manifest format has been
    updated to add support, and OCI whiteout / opaque directory entries in tar
    files are interpreted.
  • Added test duration to JobEffects.


  • Fixed bug where we weren't creating cache directory if it didn't exist.
  • Cleaned up error messages so that it's more clear what went wrong when things go wrong.


  • Fixed issue where we weren't accepting certain OCI images from dockerhub that had the
    vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json manifest type.

All Binaries

  • Removed -v short option for version.


  • Updated and documentation substantially.


19 Apr 23:25
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This release was focused on two things: fixing performance regressions and
adding a new standalone mode.

In the last release, we introduced a FUSE file system. It gave us a lot of
functionality that we wanted, but it's performance wasn't great. In this
release, we've returned performance back to where it was before we added the
FUSE file system!

Standalone mode allows one to use cargo-maelstrom or maelstrom-run (or any
other maelstrom client) without connecting to a broker or worker. This is
achieved by running a local copy of the worker inside the client. At this
point, it's an either-or proposition: all the jobs are either run locally, or
they are all run on the cluster. In future releases we'll ease this so that the
local worker can be used alongside the cluster.

There were also some other bug fixes and performance improvements.

cargo-maelstrom and maelstrom-run


  • Standalone mode. This mode is entered when no broker address is specified.
    The broker configuration value is now optional.
  • cache-size, inline-limit, and slots configuration values. These affect
    the local worker.


  • A bug where output from cargo failures could get eaten by the status bar.
  • A bug where multiple versions of a package would cause errors. (We discovered
    this running cargo-maelstrom in the clap repository).



  • Re-architected the worker so that it now runs as pid 2 in its own namespace
    instead of pid 1. This allowed us to simplify the implementation, as a task
    can spawn a subprocess and then wait for that subprocess independently of what
    the rest of the system is doing.
  • Jobs are now spawned in the background on their own tasks, removing a
    performance bottleneck. Before, one job couldn't be spawned until the
    previous one had completed its exec. This became a big performance blocker
    with the introduction of FUSE, though it was never ideal. This was enabled by
    the previous change.
  • All jobs are now started with clone(CLONE_VM). This yielded a moderate, but
    measurable, performance improvement.
  • We now use splice in the FUSE file system, so that no file data ever goes
    through user-space. This yielded an appreciable performance improvement.
  • The child process now creates the FUSE file system and passes a file
    descriptor back to the worker to manage. This eliminates the possibility of
    accidentally leaving around mounted children file systems, as the child is
    always in its own mount namespace.



  • A bug in how we were waiting for end-of-file. We were accidentally
    busy-waiting on the open file descriptor, resulting in a big performance


29 Mar 21:10
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There were a lot of large changes in this release. At a high level:

  • Three synthetic layer types were added. This allows one to easily create
    container file systems with exactly the files and directories that are
    necessary. These are: glob, stubs, and symlinks. Additionally, the
    canonicalize and follow-symlinks options have been added to the glob
    and paths layer types.

  • The execution model for the client has changed to support languages other
    than Rust. Before this release, there was a client library that was
    instantiated inside of cargo-maelstrom and maelstrom-client-cli
    (which we renamed maelstrom-run in this release). The library would connect
    directly to the broker. That client library had a lot of very useful
    functionality that we wanted to make available to languages other than Rust.

    So, we changed the client to be a program instead of a library. The client
    program uses gRPC to make it easy to use from other languages.
    cargo-maelstrom and maelstrom-run now start the client and communicate
    with it over Unix-domain sockets. We also have a proof-of-concept Python

  • We implemented our own overlay file system using FUSE instead of using
    overlayfs on the worker. This unlocks some future features and fixes. In the
    short-term, it has resulted in a bit of a performance regression, but we're
    confident we'll regain the performance in the upcoming releases.

  • We re-implemented the configuration value system. We moved away from a
    pre-existing create and impemented our own behavior. As a result, we have
    much better command-line help messages, support multiple configuration files,
    and fully support XDG. A side-effect of this is that some configuration
    values have changed their names or formats.



  • Support for job timeouts. When a job times out, the stdout and stderr
    are still returned to the client.
  • The fuse device (/dev/fuse).
  • cargo xtask for various tasks related to buiding and publishing.


  • The XDG Base Directories spec is now used for locating config files.
    Binaries now also supports multiple config files.
  • The default value for cache directories now is based on the XDG Base
    Directories spec.
  • Config value names now use '-'s instead of '_'s.
  • Renamed the --cache-target-bytes-used flag to --cache-size.



  • The following layers types:
    • glob layers are like paths layers, except you use glob patterns to specify the files to include.
    • stubs layers create empty files and directories. These are very useful
      for ensuring mount points and device files exist.
    • symlinks layers create symlinks.
  • The following options to the glob and paths layers:
    • follow-symlinks will cause the generated layer to contain the target
      value of symlinks instead of the symlinks themselves.
    • canonicalize will take the absolute paths on the generating system the
      same as for the container.
  • The timeout directive field to specify a timeout in seconds. A value
    of 0 indicates no timeout.
  • The --timeout command-line option to override the timeout for the test
    specified. A value of 0 indicates no timeout.
  • Support for the fuse device in directives.
  • Progress bars for uploads of artifacts to the broker.
  • The following cargo pass-through options:
    • --features (-F)
    • --all-features
    • --no-default-features
    • --profile
    • --target
    • --target-dir
    • --manifest-path
    • --frozen
    • --locked
    • --offline


  • Tweaked spinner text to provide more information.
  • Switched around some of the short flag option assignments.



  • Renamed maelstrom-client-cli to maelstrom-run.


  • The new layer types and layer options from cargo-maelstrom.
  • The timeout field from cargo-maelstrom.


09 Feb 17:21
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  • publishing for Maelstrom. cargo install cargo-maelstrom now
    works. See: cargo-maelstrom,
    maelstrom-broker, etc.
  • Internal documentation for how to cut a release and
    for how to set up a development environment.
  • A community Discord server.
  • Support for Aarch64. The whole project can run on Arm or Intel/AMD processors
  • Support for specifying layers using "manifests". A manifest is like a tar
    file except that it only contains metadata. File contents are represented as
    SHA-256 digests. The consumer of a manifest must request the individual file
    contents separately, based on their SHA-256 digests. Manifests offer a number
    of advantages over tar files:
    • When generating a manifest, the client only needs to compute checksums for
      those files that have actually changed.
    • Individual files can be cached on the broker, reducing the amount of data
      that needs to be transferred from the client to the broker.
    • It is a lot easier for the client to generate a manifest without first
      copying all of the contents.
  • Scripts for doing CI steps locally. Now, a developer should be
    able to test CI scripts locally on their own machines. These scripts use nix develop under the hood.



  • The way layers are submitted to take advantage of manifests. The new way is a
    lot faster and also more space-efficient. Before, the whole layer was
    constructed into a separate tar file, then checksummed. This resulted in a
    lot of extra disk usage and wasted time. Now, files are checksummed in place,
    and the checksum is cached.
  • The syntax for specifying layers. A layer now is a table/dictionary, and it
    must be of one of two types.
    • Tar layers have a tar string attribute.
    • Paths layers have a paths string vector attribute, which is a list of
      files to include from the client. Optional strip_prefix or
      prepend_prefix attributes can be specified to determine the paths of the
      specified files that the job sees.



  • The layer syntax has been changed in the same was as for cargo-maelstrom.



  • A bug where duplicate layers would cause the broker to crash.



  • The way syscalls are done. We created a new package &mdash maelstrom-linux &mdash to
    encapsulate all of the syscalls we use. This crate directly uses libc
    instead of depending on nix and nc. This was motivated by adding Aarch64


19 Jan 22:27
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Version 0.4.0.


09 Jan 21:30
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Update versions to 0.3.0.


15 Dec 22:38
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Release v0.2.0.


07 Dec 16:43
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First release.

This includes a minimal, but functional job runner cluster as well as a Rust test runner.