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Security: maex0/SoftwareQualityWithCats

Security Policy

Supported Versions

I am committed to providing security updates for all versions of my project.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability within my project, please create a pull request or contact me on my socials. I will promptly review and respond to all reports.

When reporting a vulnerability, please include the following details:

  • Description of the vulnerability
  • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability
  • Any additional information that could help me understand and address the issue

I acknowledge receipt of vulnerability reports within 48 hours and will provide an initial assessment of the report's validity and potential impact. I will strive to keep you informed about the progress of your report and notify you of any developments or fixes.

If your vulnerability report is accepted:

  • I will work diligently to address the issue promptly and release a fix as soon as possible.
  • Once a fix is released, I will notify you and provide guidance on how to apply the fix to your installation.

If your vulnerability report is declined:

  • I will provide a detailed explanation of why the report was not accepted.
  • If you believe the report was incorrectly declined, you may appeal the decision, and I will review the report again.

I appreciate your help in keeping my project secure. Thank you for your responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities.

There aren’t any published security advisories