SSH and SSHFS over the Hyperswarm DHT!
npm install -g hyperssh // ssh / fuse client stubs
npm install -g hypertele // hyperswarm server proxy
npm install -g hyper-cmd-utils // keygen utils
On a server
hyper-cmd-util-keygen --gen_seed
hypertele-server --seed SEED -l 22
This will start announcing the server on the DHT.
On the client
hyperssh -s ab01f... -u maf
hyperssh -s ab01f... -u maf -i keypair.json
Read more about using identities here:
SSHFS (mount a remove fs/folder via ssh)
hyperssh-fuse -s ab01f... -u maf -m ~/mnt
Hyperswarm will do UDP holepunching under the hood, so even if your server is located on a home network it should be accessible.
You can also use hyperssh with Windows RDP to remotely log in to your windows machines.
On the server
hypertele-server --seed SEED -l 3389
On the client
hyperssh --rdp -s ...
hyperssh supports the hyper-cmd system!
Identity management:
Host resolution: