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Core classes and utilities for the com.magadanski JS framework.

Use npm or bower to install the package to your project by typing:

npm install com.magadanski.core


bower install com.magadanski.core

The framework's purpose is to provide a highly extensible core functionality for JavaScript web applications.

Apart from internal structure helper functions, the core.js file is the first file you should load as part of the framework, as it extends the Function built-in JS class with an inherits method.

The utils.js file contains some globl helper functions used in development.


One of the core classes that lays the foundation of the framework is the EventDispatcher class that adds custom developed filler methods that share the same syntax as common JS functions:

  • addEventListener(eventType, callback)

  • removeEventListener(eventType, callback)

  • dispatchEvent(eventType, eventObject)


The App class extends EventDispatcher, adding two main events:

  • init, which is essentially an alias for the document's DOMContentLoaded event

  • load, which is an alias for window.load

It also includes a title attribute being set to whatever the HTML document's <title> tag is.

Creating a new web application you are encouraged to extend this class.


Address is a helper class providing easy-to-use APIs for deep linking.


DOMCollection is a wrapper allowing you to easily perform selection of DOM elements.

It only provides methods for manipulating those, including looping through all elements from the set and applying a callback function to each, assigning and removing event listeners, triggering events, assigning and removing classes to the nodes, applying CSS properties, filtering a subset of the selection and removing the elements from the DOM.

Exception and TypeException

The framework includes a generic wrapper class for usage of exceptions -- Exception.

This is also extended as TypeException, which is triggered by some framework classes when argument type mismatch occurs.

Language Reference

For more information on this and other packages of the JS framework please refer to the com.magadanski JS Framework Language Reference