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Configuration importers
Configuration importers

A configuration importer provides consistent configurations across multiple systems (such as development, staging, and production). This is useful for deployment strategies such as [pipeline deployment]({{ page.baseurl }}/config-guide/deployment/pipeline/).

Magento uses configuration importers to import configuration data from the shared configuration file, config.php, to the appropriate storage, such as a database.

Use the [magento app:config:import command]({{ page.baseurl }}/config-guide/cli/config-cli-subcommands-config-mgmt-import.html) to import the configuration from the command line.

Currently Magento has the following importers:

  • Magento\Config\Model\Config\Importer
  • Magento\Store\Model\Config\Importer
  • Magento\Theme\Model\Config\Importer


All Magento importers implement the interface [Magento\Framework\App\DeploymentConfig\ImporterInterface][importer-interface] and define the following methods:

  • import(array $data) - The argument $data is the configuration array from config.php.

    This method should return the array of messages generated during the import process.

  • getWarningMessages(array $data) - Generates and returns the array of warning messages that contain information about what will be changed in the system.

    The $data argument is the same as for the method import.

    If this method returns an empty array, the import proceeds without interaction.

    You can also provide a message such as Do you want to continue [yes/no]?

    If the user enters no, import is canceled; otherwise, if the user enters yes, the import is processed.

Implement your own importer

  1. Create an Importer class that implements [Magento\Framework\App\DeploymentConfig\ImporterInterface][importer-interface].

  2. Register your importer in your module's [di.xml]({{ page.baseurl }}/extension-dev-guide/depend-inj.html):

    <type name="Magento\Deploy\Model\DeploymentConfig\ImporterPool">
            <argument name="importers" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="i18n" xsi:type="array">
                    <item name="class" xsi:type="string">Vendor\Module\Model\Config\Importer</item>
                    <item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="number">110</item>

The sample code in the preceding example registers the importer Vendor\Module\Model\Config\Importer for the i18n array in config.php.

The i18n array has a queue order of 110, which means this importer runs after importers that have value of sort order less than 110 has and if values in the section i18n were changed.

{} An array cannot be imported by more than one importer.

More information

  • [Sensitive and system-specific settings]({{ page.baseurl }}/extension-dev-guide/configuration/sensitive-and-environment-settings.html)
  • [config.php reference]({{ page.baseurl }}/config-guide/prod/config-reference-configphp.html)
  • [env.php reference]({{ page.baseurl }}/config-guide/prod/config-reference-envphp.html)

[importer-interface]:{{ site.mage2bloburl }}/{{ page.guide_version }}/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/App/DeploymentConfig/ImporterInterface.php