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Rehearsal Player

Mark Millard edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 6 revisions

This page provides information on the Magic Lantern Rehearsal Player.

The Magic Lantern Rehearsal Player is a tool used to rehearse a Digital Workprint. The user can exercise a Magic Lantern title using the Rehearsal Player without mastering the title to a specific target. The player currently runs on the Microsoft Windows 7 platforms.


The Rehearsal Player has the following dependencies:

  1. Kongsberg SIM's Coin library, version 1.3.1. You can download the library from Coin3D.
  2. Kongsberg SIM's SoWin library, version 1.5.0. You can download the library from Coin3D-SoWin.
  3. Kongsberg SIM's simage library, version 1.7.0. You can download the library from Coin3D-simage.
  4. FreeImage, version 3.15.0. You can download the library from FreeImage.
  5. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Note that project workspaces are available for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 6; however, Wizzer Works will no longer support the VC6 tool chain and support for VS 2005 is limited.

Build Instructions

The Rehearsal Player is built upon Silicon Graphics Open Inventor technology. It currently uses Kongsberg SIM's Coin library, an independent implementation of the API.

Coin Build Environment

Wizzer Works has made some minor modifications to the Coin implementation to facilitate new UI components, SoTransformer2Dragger and SoTransformer2Manip. A patch identifying these modifications for version 3.1.3 of the Coin library will soon be available. For now, the modifications can be tracked here:

Microsoft Windows Platform

Instructions for building the Rehearsal Player for the Microsoft Windows platform can be found on the Rehearsal Player Build Environment using Microsoft Visual Studio wiki page.

Linux Platform

TBD - Coming Soon